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51 per cent of Pakistanis sad over Osama's death: survey

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Polls are irrelevant. Questions are phrased by people who know the people and what questions to ask to give a particular response.

It doesn't matter if Gallup Pakistan did the poll. It's who commissioned it that will be one indicator of the poll's bias.

the poll is indicative of what is seen coming out of Pakistan and its populous, worldwide. It is as they say - what it is...

IT is simple question - GO here to see Question asked http://www.gallup.com.pk/Polls/16-05-11.pdf

Question: Recently Osama Bin Laden, head of Al-Qaeda was killed in an
operation by American soldiers in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. Some
people say they are happy to hear of this news. Others say they are sad, still
others say they are indifferent. What is your view?
Percent of Respondents
Happy 11%
Sad 51%
Unconcerned/Uncommitted 30%
Don’t know/No Response 8%
the poll is indicative of what you think is coming out of Pakistan and what you think other people think. Nothing more.

All polls have biases. This one is no exception. There is probably some Indian or western media connection to this poll in the commissioning.
the poll is indicative of what you think is coming out of Pakistan and what you think other people think. Nothing more.

All polls have biases. This one is no exception. There is probably some Indian or western media connection to this poll in the commissioning.

maybe as a think tank you should go visit the Gallup poll and read up on the precise poll before posting your latest conspiracy theory of Indian and western media plan? Kinda embarrassing they made a conspiracy theorist into a think thank here, honestly.

IT is simple question - GO here to read up on the question asked http://www.gallup.com.pk/Polls/16-05-11.pdf

Question: Recently Osama Bin Laden, head of Al-Qaeda was killed in an operation by American soldiers in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. Some people say they are happy to hear of this news. Others say they are sad, still others say they are indifferent. What is your view?Percent of Respondents

Happy 11%
Sad 51%
Unconcerned/Uncommitted 30%
Don’t know/No Response 8%
People in different countries read different media and will form their opinions of incidents by what others say to them.

For example, if the media is sad or angry over the event (because of Pakistan's soverignty being violated), then quite a few civlians will say they are sad and angry also. Those are the sheep.

So when they think of the operation, some people will associate the operation as a bad thing because of the soverignty violation. OBL is irrelevant.

There's many more ways to fix polling.
Right.. so if all the conspiracy theorists decided to vote.. and the rest stayed out.. it represents the population.
And rofl on the poll..
49% consider the death staged.. yet 51% are sad..
Right.. so if all the conspiracy theorists decided to vote.. and the rest stayed out.. it represents the population.And rofl on the poll..
49% consider the death staged.. yet 51% are sad..

thats not how reputable polls work.. perhaps you should visit that link and read up on how it is conducted. If I get made a think tank- I would happily post it here:D

the first step to fixing an problem is acknowledging it vs blind faith allegiance.

Follow me on this example for a moment please- We saw the reaction during the blasphemy laws on these boards. you had moderators who were forced to un ban folks because the extremist voices got too strong here... so this poll is not far fetched for those of us looking at it from the outside in. i.e. IF they are so strong on the INTERNET to force a reversal , imagine how strong they are in your streets to change and influence the 51% of your populous who they see face to face. Wait a minute! we don't have to imagine - they got your govt to back off the blasphemy laws!
the poll is indicative of what you think is coming out of Pakistan and what you think other people think. Nothing more.

All polls have biases. This one is no exception. There is probably some Indian or western media connection to this poll in the commissioning.
AT least behave like a think tank..:rolleyes:
indeed very .. scary ..... situation inside Pakistan.....
had the news come out as a collaborative mission, 99% of the people wouldve been happy
rejoice over anyone's death is wrong...
I'm not saying it was a bad thing, sure it was good for us.

celebrating death is just low and disrespectful.

not to mention that this was a serious threat to our sovereignty, had it had been a joint mission then the Pakistani prospective would be different.
had the news come out as a collaborative mission, 99% of the people wouldve been happy

agree with you. Along with a trial being organized. Identifying him in court with his new ears might be difficult though.
Question: Recently Osama Bin Laden, head of Al-Qaeda was killed in an operation by American soldiers in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. Some people say they are happy to hear of this news. Others say they are sad, still others say they are indifferent. What is your view?Percent of Respondents

Happy 11%
Sad 51%
Unconcerned/Uncommitted 30%
Don’t know/No Response 8%

I would agree this question is worded to get a misleading response from the respondents


if I was sad about OBL's death deep down inside!
Right.. so if all the conspiracy theorists decided to vote.. and the rest stayed out.. it represents the population.
And rofl on the poll..
49% consider the death staged.. yet 51% are sad..

:D :D there are many plaws opps i mean flaws in the figures they are saying hehehehe anyway good for desperadoes to bash Pakistan
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