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5000 Ukrainen soldiers were part of iraq invasion.

They act like blue cheese, thinking they are all white with imaginary blue eyes.

I’m starting to see Pakistanis as someone with no identity. Westernization has ruined so many people including the white culture and societies but we have retarded folks in Pakistan who shill for this ideology.

I’ve noticed more and more Americans waking up to this reality whereas Pakistanis are in a spellbind over it.

Throw that fat toady Karachi Nizam over the edge of the tallest building in Karachi and including all the ones in power supporting this. If any nation that needs cleansing, it’s our beloved Pakistan. Need to save 240m people
Present one prophecy that has come true.

7. St. Seraphim of Sarov (+1833):

"There will one day be a Tsar who will glorify me [Nicholas II glorified St. Seraphim in 1903], after which there will be a great disturbance in Russia, much blood will flow because they will rise up against this Tsar and autocracy, but God will magnify the Tsar."

"More than half a century will pass. Then evildoers will raise their heads high. This will happen without fail: the Lord, seeing the impenitent evil of their hearts, will allow their enterprises for a short time. But their sickness will rebound upon their own heads, and the unrighteousness of their destructive plots will fall upon them. The Russian land will become red with rivers of blood...

9. Elder Porphyrius of Glinsk (+1868):

"In due course, faith will collapse in Russia. The brilliance of earthly glory will blind the mind. The word of truth will be defiled, but with regard to the Faith, some from among the people, unknown to the world, will come forward and restore what was scorned."[5]

10. Archimandrite Jonah (Miroshnichenko) (+1902):

"You will see what will happen in fifty years' time: everyone will forsake the Law of God and will fall away from the faith, but then they will again come to their senses and turn back and live in a Christian manner."[6]

11. Elder Barnabas of Gethsemane Skete (+1906):

"Persecutions against the faith will constantly increase. There will be unheard-of grief and darkness, and almost all the churches will be closed. But when it will seem that it is impossible to endure any longer, then deliverance will come. There will be a flowering. Churches will even begin to be built. But this will be a flowering before the end."[7]

13. Elder Aristocles of Moscow (+1918):

"An evil will shortly take Russia, and wherever this evil goes, rivers of blood will flow. It is not the Russian soul, but an imposition on the Russian soul. It is not an ideology, nor a philosophy, but a spirit from hell.

There will be much suffering, much torture. The whole of Russia will become a prison, and one must greatly entreat the Lord for forgiveness. One must repent of one's sins and fear to do even the least sin, but strive to do good, even the smallest. For even the wing of a fly has weight, and God's scales are exact. And when even the smallest of good in the cup tips the balance, then will God reveal His mercy upon Russia."

"God will remove all leaders, so that Russian people should look only at Him. Everyone will reject Russia, other states will renounce her, delivering her to herself.“ This is so that Russian people should hope on the help of the Lord. You will hear that in other countries disorders have begun similar to those in Russia. You will hear of war, and there will be wars. But wait until the Germans take up arms, for they are chosen as God's weapon to punish Russia - but also as a weapon of deliverance later. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world and our Homeland will be magnified and will become as a lighthouse in the darkness for all."

14. Martyr-Eldress Duniushka of Siberia (+1918):

"Brother will rise up against brother! They will destroy everything acquired by their ancestors. They will sweep away religion, and -- most importantly -- there will be no master in the land!" The master in the land, of course, is the Tsar, God's Anointed One! He cannot go anywhere. This trouble will come upon everyone and grind them up, as though in a meat-grinder. The war will end, and its end will turn the whole country upside-down. Insurgents will appear, leaders, who will incite the people against the Tsar. It will be terrible!

"And later, they will seize upon religion. They will sweep away that which has been gathered through the ages and assiduously preserved by our ancestors. But it will be impossible for them to root it out; the roots will remain - and, after many years, they'll give forth a most-beautiful bloom and fruit.

"The Tsar will leave the nation, which shouldn't be, but this has been foretold to him from Above. This is His destiny. There is no way that He can evade it. For this, He will receive a martyr's crown on earth, for which He'll receive, subsequently, an eternal crown, a Heavenly one. He will be a prayerful Intercessor for the nation and the people, when the chastisement fallen upon dozens of generations for the harm done to God's Anointed One will reach an end. The generations to come will bear the responsibility for this act on the part of their ancestors.

"The disaster in the land will disperse the people; they will be scattered to various countries, losing touch with one another. But, wherever Russians go, they will bring their culture and their religion.

15. Hieromartyr Andronicus, Archbishop of Perm (+1918):

For its oath-breaking God has for the time being taken reason and will from the whole people, until they repent. It will be slow, but they will repent, at first gradually, but then they will completely recover their spiritual sight, they will feel strength and, like Ilya Muromets, will cast off this horror which has wrapped round the whole of our country. Perhaps I will not be alive, but I do not abandon my hope and confidence that Russia will be resurrected and return to God.[13]

20. Martyr-Eldress Agatha of Belorussia (+1939):

"The atheist Soviet power will vanish, and all its servants will perish. The True Orthodox Faith will triumph, and people will be baptised as at one time they were baptized under St. Vladimir."[17]
Well,it has been foretold that it will be happen,supposedly after a big war.

6. Monk Abel the Prophet (+1831).
In a conversation with Tsar Paul I (+1801), after prophesying the destinies of all the Tsars from Paul I to Nicholas II:

"What is impossible for man is possible for God. God delays with His help, but it is said that He will give it soon and will raise the horn of Russian salvation. And there will arise a great prince from your race in exile, who stands for the sons of his people. He will be a chosen one of God, and on his head will be blessing. He will be the only one comprehensible to all, the very heart of Russia will sense him. His appearance will be sovereign and radiant, and nobody will say: 'The Tsar is here or there', but all will say: 'That’s him'. The will of the people will submit to the mercy of God, and he himself will confirm his calling. His name has occurred three times in Russian history. Two of the same name have already been on the throne, but not on the Tsar's throne. But he will sit on the Tsar's throne as the third. In him will be the salvation and happiness of the Russian realm."

"Russian hopes will be realized upon [the cathedral of Hagia] Sophia in Tsargrad [Constantinople]; the Orthodox Cross will gleam again; Holy Rus will be filled with the smoke of incense and prayer, and will blossom like a heavenly lily."

12. St. John of Kronstadt (+1908):

"I foresee the restoration of a powerful Russia, still stronger and mightier than before. On the bones of these martyrs, remember, as on a strong foundation, will the new Russia we built - according to the old model; strong in her faith in Christ God and in the Holy Trinity! And there will be, in accordance with the covenant of the holy Prince Vladimir, a single Church! Russian people have ceased to understand what Rus is: it is the footstool of the Lord's Throne! The Russian person must understand this and thank God that he is Russian."[8]

"The Church will remain unshaken to the end of the age, and a Monarch of Russia, if he remains faithful to the Orthodox Church, will be established on the Throne of Russia until the end of the age."[9]

14. Martyr-Eldress Duniushka of Siberia (+1918):
"Russia will be supreme in the world. Her name will be 'Holy Rus'. All sects and religions will pour into Orthodoxy . But Orthodoxy, and -- essentially speaking -- religion, will draw closer to what it was in Apostolic times. . . . In those centuries to come, there will no longer be any tsars or kings. In 'Holy Rus' a Prince will reign, who will come from the nation that gave us our religion [i.e., Byzantium]. He will be a supremely spiritual person, who will provide the opportunity for uplifting the moral fibre and the spiritual principles of the nation.

21. Archbishop Theophan of Poltava (+1940):

"The coming of the Antichrist draws nigh and is very near. But before the coming of the Antichrist Russia must yet be restored - to be sure, for a short time. And in Russia there must be a Tsar forechosen by the Lord Himself. He will be a man of burning faith, great mind and iron will. This much has been revealed about him....[18]

"He will not be a Romanov, but he will be of the Romanovs according to the maternal line."[19]

"I do not speak from myself. But that which I have heard from the God-inspired elders, that I have passed on... The Lord will have mercy on Russia for the sake of the small remnant of true believers. In Russia, the elders said, in accordance with the will of the people, the Monarchy, Autocratic power, will be re-established. The Lord has forechosen the future Tsar. He will be a man of fiery faith, having the mind of a genius and a will of iron. First of all he will introduce order in the Orthodox Church, removing all the untrue, heretical and lukewarm hierarchs. And many, very many - with few exceptions, all - will be deposed, and new, true, unshakeable hierarchs will take their place. He will be of the family of the Romanovs according to the female line. Russia will be a powerful state, but only for 'a short time'... And then the Antichrist will come into the world, with all the horrors of the end as described in the Apocalypse."[20]

PROPHECY OF Saint Lavrenty of Chernigov

"The Russian people will repent of deadly sins: that they allowed Jewish impiety [to hold sway] in Russia; that they did not defend God's Anointed Tsar', the Orthodox churches and monasteries, and all that is holy and sacred in Russia. They despised piety and came to love demonic impiety. But there will be a spiritual upheaval! And Russia, together with all the Slavic nations and lands, will constitute a mighty Tsardom. She will be governed by an Orthodox Tsar', by God's Anointed One. Because of him, all schisms and heresies will vanish away in Russia. There will be no persecution of the Orthodox Church. The Lord will have mercy on Holy Rus' because the dreadful time preceding that of antichrist has already taken place in her. Even antichrist himself will fear the Russian Orthodox Tsar'-Samoderzhets [Tsar'-Autocrat].

"But all the other nations, save only Russia and the Slavic lands, will be ruled by antichrist and will undergo all the horrors and torments written of in Holy Scripture. In Russia, however, there will be rejoicing and a blossoming of faith - but only for a short while, for the Dread Judge will come to try both the living and the dead.
Let's hope for your sake and ours that there's isn't another great war. The world can survive without the Tsar but won't survive the next great war

I'm always amazed at how people like you do LOOOOOOOVE and admire Russia while they consider the lot of you as utter subhumans.
As opposed to Ukrainians consider us brothers? C'mon man. There's better arguments for opposing Russia.
13. Elder Aristocles of Moscow (+1918):

"An evil will shortly take Russia, and wherever this evil goes, rivers of blood will flow. It is not the Russian soul, but an imposition on the Russian soul. It is not an ideology, nor a philosophy, but a spirit from hell.

"Imposition on the Russian soul" ? Very vague of this "Elder" to describe Russians aborbing Communism. Was some Satan's agent imposing Communism on Lenin and the other Russians and Central Asians ?

20. Martyr-Eldress Agatha of Belorussia (+1939):

"The atheist Soviet power will vanish, and all its servants will perish. The True Orthodox Faith will triumph, and people will be baptised as at one time they were baptized under St. Vladimir."[17]

The atheist Soviet power put a human in space, the first of any nation, especially a theist one.

Foinikas, these are ramblings. Did any of these prophecies speak of COVID or the huge asteroid Apophis that some say will strike Earth ?
Those without "blue eyes" and "blonde hair"

Like these "the lot of you" ? :)



BTW, the chap with the mustache in the first pic is quite a good-looking fellow. But he has to trim the mustache more, will be even better. Return of the gentleman.
The atheist Soviet power put a human in space, the first of any nation, especially a theist one.

Foinikas, these are ramblings. Did any of these prophecies speak of COVID or the huge asteroid Apophis that some say will strike Earth ?
Ramblings? Ramblings? .....You asked me to give you one prophecy about the coming of communism,that came true. I gave you several. And yet,you continue to mock.

Let's hope for your sake and ours that there's isn't another great war. The world can survive without the Tsar but won't survive the next great war
The world can survive...but we don't know how much of the world will survive. Especially if it's nuclear.
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1. A person who is a believer in Nature rather than God is more likely to be humble and awed by the natural environment and wanting to explore it. All those priests you listed were arrogant and died as mortals despite their overt belief in God.

2. One of those priests spoke of "all servants of USSR will perish" presumbly meaning Communists across the world. Have they perished ? I am here, typing to you. :)
That means you are not a Muslim ?!?

1. Is Islam another way of prayer ?

2. Are there descriptions of rituals in the Quran ?

3. Is there priesthood in Islam ?

4. Is the mosque a "Khuda ka ghar" ( House of God i.e. a temple ) like is said by Indian and Pakistani Muslims ?
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