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5000 Ukrainen soldiers were part of iraq invasion.

Approximately 5000 Ukrainian soldiers, in total, served in Iraq in the wake of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent Occupation of Iraq (2003–2011). Ukraine provided the seventh-largest number of forces in Iraq with about 1,700 soldiers from 2003-2005 – 18 of them were killed. In 2004, Ukraine was recognized as providing "excellent support" in the American administration's campaign against Iraqi population.
This is why I tell Pakistanis on the war thread, do not be so Pro-Ukraine, etc., let them die because today it was Iraq; tomorrow it could be you. All Islamic nations should try to keep provoking the conflict in Europe into a multi-year conflict.

The russians, ukrainians and americans are all goreh that are Islamaphobic to the core. It's great that these 3 are fighting amongst themselves and slaughtering eachother. Long may it continue INSHALLAH. If these 3 weren't killing each other, they would be invading brown/olive-skinned Muslim nations, massacring millions of innocent Muslim people. F**K all of them. It is in the interest of brown/olive-skinned Muslim nations that the ukraine war continues and the goreh continue killing one another. The longer the better.
Support for Ukraine = Support for the Zionist World Order enslaving the world for over 100 years. So if you're a pro zionist or a cucked brown sahib shouting slava Ukraine, then be warned that you're supporting the enemies of Islam.

Support for Russia = Supporting the underdog against the Zionists. Supporting the last bastion of true Christianity (orthodox) which Allah has stated in Surah-Al-Rum, will be the closest in friendship and alliance with the Muslim world. Those stating that the USSR and Russia are the same are mis-guided. Russia is the result of the rebellion to the USSR which was a formation of the Zionists, which is why after it's collapse, the Jews fled en-mass to Israel.

So take your pick. Do you continue Supporting oppression through the guise of "freedom and democracy" or do you Support the underdog looking to take a stand against the globalist agenda?

I stand with Russia.
Simple and short answer:
1. I hate Russia because of Soviet Union , their support to India in form of weapons and veto, 1971 aircraft carrier thingy, Afghan Soviet war and their ambition to reach warm waters.
Times change. The third world stands to benefit from a mutlipolar world order. It's safe to say we've seen what the unipolar US world order looks like. A few regime changes here, a few generations destroying wars there.

Not to mention, we've already paid the russians back big time in the 80s. So, let's move on.

2. I personally dislike Russians as I found them to be extreme anti Pak compared to Ukranians during my stay in Europe.
You could be right. but this is circumstantial at best. It's good if foreign policy and people-to-people sentiments align but not required.

3. Big mouthed Pakistanis giving Phul Sapport Sar to Mother Russia here on PDF(especially one particular political party supporters) forced me to get out of closet and tilt my little support to Ukraine. Otherwise, I'd have simply ignored it.
Wait? I have no clue what party is that?

4. What Maula Jatt said.
I've replied to his comment below.

Anyone fighting to protect their homeland is worthy of respect and honor
The question then being, do you think everyone we support for this reason would reciprocate that support back to us? Do blue eyed and blonde haired Ukrainians care or even know that 80k Pakistanis got blown up to pieces. Does that inform their views of us or change how their govt would support us diplomatically?

Also, it's not as simple. The north vietnamese were fighting the US invaders to free their homeland, right? But then who were the south vietnamese and does their opinion matter?

Although my support or lack their off means nothing, pakistan is not as powerful as it should be

So our leanings means nothing
Ofcourse, but we can all have our opinions and discuss their merits.

and lastly THIS
The russians, ukrainians and americans are all goreh that are Islamaphobic to the core. It's great that these 3 are fighting amongst themselves and slaughtering eachother. Long may it continue INSHALLAH. If these 3 weren't killing each other, they would be invading brown/olive-skinned Muslim nations, massacring millions of innocent Muslim people. F**K all of them. It is in the interest of brown/olive-skinned Muslim nations that the ukraine war continues and the goreh continue killing one another. The longer the better.
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Simple and short answer:
1. I hate Russia because of Soviet Union , their support to India in form of weapons and veto, 1971 aircraft carrier thingy, Afghan Soviet war and their ambition to reach warm waters.
2. I personally dislike Russians as I found them to be extreme anti Pak compared to Ukranians during my stay in Europe.
3. Big mouthed Pakistanis giving Phul Sapport Sar to Mother Russia here on PDF(especially one particular political party supporters) forced me to get out of closet and tilt my little support to Ukraine. Otherwise, I'd have simply ignored it.
4. What Maula Jatt said.

What is "Afghan Soviet war" ?
Yup, there’s this ph0got @doorstar, slimy cringey who has a flag of Ukraine and a crusader cross in his avi. What a cuck!

I know ton of Ukrainians where I am and they are deeply biased towards Islam and Muslims. Even saw few of their Thots on Bumble telling folks they’re not interested in Arabs or Russians. This was when I was in Dubai lmao. Stupid thots.

I find Serbians to be more soulful
Ukriane has long proud history of fighting Muslims
This is why I tell Pakistanis on the war thread, do not be so Pro-Ukraine, etc., let them die because today it was Iraq; tomorrow it could be you. All Islamic nations should try to keep provoking the conflict in Europe into a multi-year conflict.
The last line I agree 110%.
Anything that makes USA, Nato and allies weak will be welcomed, otherwise soon they will again invade and spread mischievous in Muslim lands.
The last line I agree 110%.
Anything that makes USA, Nato and allies weak will be welcomed, otherwise soon they will again invade and spread mischievous in Muslim lands.

This is exactly why they pushed for Saud to make peace with Iran. They can only
handle one crisis at a time and Ukraine is a big deal because it’s making money for their corrupt politicians/warmongers. It seems only country they can influence is our beghairet of a nation with so self respect or identity. Idgaf if I get a negative rating, but I hope an icbm lands in the middle of GHQ as that’s where the perversion is being pushed through by the west
Didn’t they get wiped out?
There's theories that one daughter survived. Anastasia

But no evidence

As long as it's a ceremonial position. I don't see why not. If UK can have a monarchy to celebrate their past empire, Russia can too
No,no. I want the return of a real,strong Orthodox monarchy. Not a ceremonial role. Monarchy and Christianity (Orthodox and Catholic as well) go hand to hand. Or at least,should go. I would c/p something,but I don't want to derail the thread.
No,no. I want the return of a real,strong Orthodox monarchy. Not a ceremonial role. Monarchy and Christianity (Orthodox and Catholic as well) go hand to hand. Or at least,should go. I would c/p something,but I don't want to derail the thread.
I understand what you are saying but I don't think that practical or remotely possible today.
Even with some level of democracy in Russia right now, they are being destabilized
Absolute monarchy is not possible unless you are an oil rich kingdom with the blessings of USA.
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