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50 Pakistani Zainebiyoun Brigade fighters killed in Turkish strikes in Syria

So you would have no problem if we recruited Iranian sunnis to fight our wars?

You are using a sectarian card & Pakistani blood for your proxy wars.

First of all. If some shia terrorirst would proclaim themselves as the caliphate and rise in any country, but since you mentioned "Pakistans wars" lets use Paksitan as an example. And Pakistan would recruit Iranian sunnis to fight these terrorists, would I have a problem with it? Absolutely not. Why should I have a problem with it?

Second of all. This was not Irans war. In case you haven't noticed, they fought in Syria, not Iran. So it's not Irans war. The only one using sectarian card here is people like you not me. We see day in and day out how Pakistanis view their Shia population. Your'e playing the sectarian card when you masturbate over Jihadist terrorists led by Turkey killing your countrymen who only sin is being a shia.

Let me also add that Assad isnt even a shia, so stop playing the sectarian card here. Ex ISIS Jihadist terrorist are still in Syria, this time they are led by Turkey who is not fighting a sectarian war. But fighting over influence in Syria because of Erdogans dream of reviving the Ottoman Empire by stealing Arab land.

You see Israelis are rooting and cheering for Turkey and the ex ISIS jihadist. The same party in Syria that you support. And the only reason you are cheering for Turkey, even though they are killing your countrymen, is because of your deep sectarian hatred for Shias, even your own Pakistani Shias.

And before you start accusing me for being sectarian. I am not Shia. I am technically Sunni and part of the tablighi jamaat, but I distance myself from any sect. I view myself as Muslim. I dont care who was the right appointed Caliph after our prophets death, I dont follow any Sunni Imam or Shia Imam. If I see a sunni imam that has good points, I want to learn more about his teachings, Same if he is a Shia. It doesnt matter to me. There was one Iranian Shia Imam talking on TV. I liked and agreed with his teachings. And there is a Pakistani sunni imam on youtube, I like his teaching too. And I hate both extremist Shias and Sunnis.
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"Khamenei is not part of Idlib offensive" @Hack-Hook
Violence is sole domain of state and its authorized "affiliates" serving the national interests. No issue what so ever, if Shias want to go to ME and protect their religious sites but it has be under the approval and authorization of the state, and completely under the guidance/control of Islamic republic of Pakistan. No foreign entity should have any control over our citizens.
great idea but I don't think its possible, btw I genuinely believe that Makkah and Madina and surrounding territories should also be controlled by government of Pakistan cuz we are the only most powerful Islamic nation in the world, its our right as muslims of Pakistan to protect and control our sacred places. But its just my opinion.
I thanks Turkey for ridding us of these scums who sold themselves for money. They were terrorists and I hope they died painfully and miserably in a pool of their own piss and $hit.

This just shows Turkey did beat this living crap of these Asadi Terrorists. This also might have been a deliberate attempt by Iranians to use these ex Pakistanis against turkish soldiers.
Terrorism bounds no limit of borders. It is not important whether they are from Pakistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Iran or KSA...etc It is good to see Brainwashed sectarian terrorists were wasted in this conflict but I just think about it. How type an ill minded guy from other countries can leave their family alone with call of “duty” to fight against Turkiye ? These people are certainly hired terrorists with money to serve Iran’s regional sectarian agenda. Whenever Iran calls them, They will run to fight. It is not important who is the threat. After Idlib retaliation of Turkey, I have started to comprehend why US and West accuse Iran for “exporting religious terrorism” to the region. I think Turkish policy should be drastically changed to confront about this threat. I feel just sorry for their families but not for them.
These 50 “fighters” are actually traitors for Pakistan
If an order was given to them to fight Pakistan make no mistake they would do it
This is textbook first class state betrayal
I hope that Pakistan enforces tougher laws to counter sectarian exploitation by foreign countries
I curse them for going to syria to kill syrians yet at the same time I pitty their mothers/families for the pain they feel now
In very unfortunate way young lives are lost
Rohat shod brave warriors !

These men choose their own destiny which is Jannah.

I expect trolls here to foam from mouth the same way when next time Afghan Talibans use pakistani children to blow some bomb in a suicide attack. Thousands of pakistanis have fought for Afghan Talibs before. If some hundreds have fought for their faith under Shia flag then whats the difference ?

Terrorism bounds no limit of borders. It is not important whether they are from Pakistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Iran or KSA...etc It is good to see Brainwashed sectarian terrorists were wasted in this conflict but I just think about it. How type an ill minded guy from other countries can leave their family alone with call of “duty” to fight against Turkiye ? These people are certainly hired terrorists with money to serve Iran’s regional sectarian agenda. Whenever Iran calls them, They will run to fight. It is not important who is the threat. After Idlib retaliation of Turkey, I have started to comprehend why US and West accuse Iran for “exporting religious terrorism” to the region. I think Turkish policy should be drastically changed to confront about this threat. I feel just sorry for their families but not for them.

So anyone who tries to defend their faith, country against Invader Zio NATO pet army of Anatolia becomes terrorist ? have shame please.

your country has open relations with zionists and you just recently tried to invade (and failed) Arab Muslims. Dont try to come across as moral king here please. Anatolians have a massive history of being western proxy in MENA/WA be it romans, byzantine or Zionist NATO. Trend seems to continue.
I never came across such aerial bullshit ever in my life before. This is what the propaganda machine feeds an ordinary Iranian Joe everyday. What are they scared of? that the people stay aloof from their immediate surroundings? Consider everything different their enemy? Pakistan sent volunteers and trains loaded with arms to help out Iran as we all considered saddam to be the bad guy. This act of kindness had official Sanction!
yaar Paaa g everyone here is jumping up and down and calling these 50 dead ppl terrorists, can you or someone sane here guide me to the official statement issued by Syrian Arab Republic aka the govt of Syria where the govt of Syria declared them terrorists? Doesn't Pakistan recognize Syrian Arab republic and Bashar Al Assad as legitimate president of Syria? If not then okay call whoever terrorists you like but if Pakistan recognizes Syrian Arab republic then who are we to declare them terrorists? Its the job of Syrian govt... Or do we have another definition of terrorist in Pakistan,,, for example terrorist of India could be a freedom fighter of Kashmir in the eyes of Pakistan, isn't it?
there are lot of shia Pakistanis who were recruited by iran in the past and now they are fighting their proxy wars .it all started during iran iraq war .a banned organizations like sipah e muhammad were behind the recruitment in 1990s
Too bad there were no Liwa Fatimyoun fighters among them. When peace comes, let’s make a deal Pakistani brothers we will take care of all TTP inside Afghanistan, and in return we request that you give us Intel and training training to go after the Liwa Fatimyoun fighters inside Afghanistan.

Don't despair brother. They dozens of them were killed.

Pakistan and Afghanistan should pay Turkey for each of these terrorists they kill.
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