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50 Pakistani Zainebiyoun Brigade fighters killed in Turkish strikes in Syria


A screengrab taken from a video released by the Turkish Defence Ministry on March 1, 2020 shows an airstrike by the Turkish military on Syrian regime positions. (Handout/Turkish Defence Ministry via AFP)

KARACHI: Up to 50 Pakistani fighters have been killed in military action by the Turkish army and Syrian regime forces in Syria’s last major rebel stronghold in the northwest of the country, officials told Arab News this week.

Fighting has escalated dramatically in recent days in Idlib in northwest Syria, where Turkey has sent thousands of troops and military vehicles in the last month to counter Syrian government forces’ advances in the last remaining bastion held by rebels. On the opposite side in Syria’s nine-year conflict is Russia, which supports President Bashar Assad and has also carried out airstrikes in recent days.

On Thursday, Turkey and Russia agreed to a cease-fire deal after talks in Moscow to contain a conflict that has displaced nearly a million people in three months.

“The number of those [Pakistanis] killed is more than 50,” an official told Arab News on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to speak to the media about the issue.
Another government official confirmed that 50 Pakistanis had been killed.


A poster showing 47 Pakistani militiamen associated with Zainebiyoun Brigade is being shared by Zainebiyoun on its Facebook page on March 1, 2020 with an Urdu caption that reads “today is Shabb-e-Jumma (Night of Juma) Surah Fateh for the martyrs of Zainebiyoun). (Photo courtesy: Zainebiyoun/Facebook)

Pakistan’s foreign office did not respond to Arab News queries when contacted to comment on this news.

The deceased likely belong to Zainebiyoun Brigade, a militant group that was placed on the US Treasury’s financial blacklist in January 2019 and comprises Pakistani Shias fighting in Syria and Iran.

According to media reports, Zainebiyoun Brigade has over 800 Pakistanis fighting in Syria. The group’s fighters are allegedly trained by Iran’s Quds Force, the military unit responsible for projecting Iran’s influence via proxies across the Middle East.

“Following the clashes in Syria’s Idlib [region], 21 members of Fatemiyoun and Zainebiyoun brigades were martyred,” Iran’s Hawzah News Agency reported on Sunday, adding that 18 of the deceased belonged to the Zainebiyoun Brigade.

“This is not the first incident where Pakistanis have been killed in Syria,” Pakistani security analyst Muhammad Amir Rana said, adding that Pakistani militants fighting for both Daesh and Assad’s forces, had been killed in Syria in the past. He said many Pakistanis had also been arrested upon their return from Syria but could not provide an exact number of fatalities.


Coffin of Naver Khan, a Pakistani militiaman of Zainebiyoun Brigade, is being taken for funeral at Qom city of Iran on March 1, 2020. (Photo courtesy: IRIB News)

Defense analyst Brig. (R) Mahmood Shah said a small number of Sunni militants had also gone to Syria to join Daesh.

“People from the Shia community have religious affinity with Iran, Iraq and Syria and sacred places over there, so their number may be high,” Shah told Arab News. “With war intensifying in the coming days, more deaths [of Pakistanis] are expected.

Last month, Pakistani police claimed to have arrested an important member of the Zainebiyoun brigade from the port city of Karachi.

link: https://www.arabnews.pk/node/1637736/pakistan
Pak security forces should catch these shia terrorists going abroad to murder innocents and causing the largest sectarian cleansing in recent history. Shia communities that are supporting and harboring such terror needs to be taken account of.
Pak security forces should catch these shia terrorists going abroad to murder innocents and causing the largest sectarian cleansing in recent history. Shia communities that are supporting and harboring such terror needs to be taken account of.
I was warning about that since I became a member here... The worst is yet to come, if things don't go well.

He was pretty sad, probably crying and beating himself up because that is how they do it.:D
He is an interesting character.
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Yes becuase a) around half of Pakistan population share blood with them, b) more importantly, it was/is our greater national interest with backing of the state.

Here its neither our national interests, nor our blood, worst , we see our men fighting under forigen nation's banner against our top ally and partner.

Pashtun pakistanis are like 15 % of the total population not half.

Your top ally is a zionist friend who has Israeli embassy in its heart. Erdogan can fool you good but he cant fool Iranians, Arabs or other Turkic in west asia or anyone. Turkey is a secular NATO member with deep ties to Israel. They are ethno nationalist state who think rest are below them because of ethnicity. If they deem Arabs, Israelis, other Turkics, Iranics below them and you can guess what they would feel like towards you.
Pashtun pakistanis are like 15 % of the total population not half.

Your top ally is a zionist friend who has Israeli embassy in its heart. Erdogan can fool you good but he cant fool Iranians, Arabs or other Turkic in west asia or anyone. Turkey is a secular NATO member with deep ties to Israel. They are ethno nationalist state who think rest are below them because of ethnicity. If they deem Arabs, Israelis, other Turkics, Iranics below them and you can guess what they would feel like towards you.

Dont Turks tend to view the other Turkics and Azeribaijanis are real "brothers" over the rest most hardcore Turkish nationalists online are like that
Pashtun pakistanis are like 15 % of the total population not half.

You know more about my country then me you fool?

Your top ally is a zionist friend

Our top ally is communist China. Every one knows this, America feel jealous of our strategic relations with china and that's why she act like a ex girlfriend.

Erdogan can fool you good but he cant fool Iranians

Let's call spade a spade, both Arabs and Persians are useless from Pakistani perspective, you both dont add any value to Pakistan however Turks have developed their country very well and their economy is pretty impressive. Also their defence sector is pretty advance. That's why Pakistan is doing lot of cooperation with Turkey in defence sector for mutual win win situation.
FIGHTERS in shalwar qameez, will bring fresh corona virus to Pakistan.

Thank you brother.

Zinda Bashi Biydar jaana gul. InshAllah Milat Afghanistan ma azad mayshawad, Kheli ziyad vakht shod.

Good luck... with that.
I will be happy to see a free and developed Afghanistan, where i can come for holidays and share love.

MAJOR: Videos of the Alleged Destruction of the Syrian Military by Turkish Air Force Turn Out to be Fake

By Drago Bosnic on March 6, 2020
Information war has always been an important frontline. However, in recent decades, it has become a major domain of warfare, as war itself has become a public domain, available to billions around the world. The amount of available information is so massive that it’s extremely hard to discern what’s true. Knowing this, sides in a conflict will use this to their advantage, spreading propaganda in order to further their goals.

Recent developments over Turkish aggression in Syria, backed by Turkish-supported head-chopping terrorists (ever so lovingly known as the “moderate opposition” in the so-called “free world”), saw chest-thumping and self-delusions of grandeur by the Turks. Allegedly, Turkish drones laid waste to the SAA, killing thousands and destroying countless tanks, APCs and air defense systems. However, here’s the truth.

Drago Bosnic

Turkey lost more military forces in Syria than the SAA

The videos published by the Ministry of Defense of Turkey were used to show the alleged destruction of Syrian forces in the Idlib, Aleppo and Hama provinces. However, a significant amount of traces of video editing and CGI were discovered in the vast majority of these videos.

The reason behind the study of video materials, published by the Turkish Ministry of Defence, was verifying the accounts of alleged destruction of the Pantsir-S1 air defense system. As it turned out, the video was not only cobbled together from multiple other videos, but also added special effects.

Analogous elements of computer graphics and video editing were also revealed, where Turkish drones allegedly strike a column of Syrian soldiers. As noted by specialists, in almost all of the video materials it is possible to see evidence that the materials have been tampered with. The video editing is obvious due to the missing video fragments, which indicate that more than one video was used to create fake ones.

In addition, some video materials used to depict the Syrian army and their related military tech were obviously created with the use of CGI (computer-generated images). In particular, specialists noticed the uncharacteristic and unnatural movement of tanks and soldiers.


“Turkey’s MOD continues to publish self-serving fairytales and delusions of grandeur, even though we’re yet to see a single shred of evidence of the alleged destruction of Syrian military equipment. Obviously, everything Ankara has shown thus far exists only in their minds when it comes to Turkish military operations in Syria,” one of the specialist notes.


MAJOR: Videos of the Alleged Destruction of the Syrian Military by Turkish Air Force Turn Out to be Fake

By Drago Bosnic on March 6, 2020
Information war has always been an important frontline. However, in recent decades, it has become a major domain of warfare, as war itself has become a public domain, available to billions around the world. The amount of available information is so massive that it’s extremely hard to discern what’s true. Knowing this, sides in a conflict will use this to their advantage, spreading propaganda in order to further their goals.

Recent developments over Turkish aggression in Syria, backed by Turkish-supported head-chopping terrorists (ever so lovingly known as the “moderate opposition” in the so-called “free world”), saw chest-thumping and self-delusions of grandeur by the Turks. Allegedly, Turkish drones laid waste to the SAA, killing thousands and destroying countless tanks, APCs and air defense systems. However, here’s the truth.

Drago Bosnic

Turkey lost more military forces in Syria than the SAA

The videos published by the Ministry of Defense of Turkey were used to show the alleged destruction of Syrian forces in the Idlib, Aleppo and Hama provinces. However, a significant amount of traces of video editing and CGI were discovered in the vast majority of these videos.

The reason behind the study of video materials, published by the Turkish Ministry of Defence, was verifying the accounts of alleged destruction of the Pantsir-S1 air defense system. As it turned out, the video was not only cobbled together from multiple other videos, but also added special effects.

Analogous elements of computer graphics and video editing were also revealed, where Turkish drones allegedly strike a column of Syrian soldiers. As noted by specialists, in almost all of the video materials it is possible to see evidence that the materials have been tampered with. The video editing is obvious due to the missing video fragments, which indicate that more than one video was used to create fake ones.

In addition, some video materials used to depict the Syrian army and their related military tech were obviously created with the use of CGI (computer-generated images). In particular, specialists noticed the uncharacteristic and unnatural movement of tanks and soldiers.


“Turkey’s MOD continues to publish self-serving fairytales and delusions of grandeur, even though we’re yet to see a single shred of evidence of the alleged destruction of Syrian military equipment. Obviously, everything Ankara has shown thus far exists only in their minds when it comes to Turkish military operations in Syria,” one of the specialist notes.

Yes all those coffins are empty as well. Source:RUEXPERT
Someone must have been very angry that they started trolling the title. Of course, again, the Israeli charges, so we cannot discuss about the IRGC's bigoted holy jihad, maybe ...

First of all, Turkey argues that a two-state solution. No one deny that. Israel was institutionalized in the region as a reality because other Arab states in the past dealt with the situation incorrectly. Because this problem was tried to be solved by a kind of Pan Arabist wind, past. Considering that there was a colonial pressure in the region before these arab states, this issue is actually very complicated and no one can be directly charged. Then some "other" countries believed that they could solve the situation by radicalizing the people of the region, but it made everything more difficult. Turkey did not take part in this conflict as a state, but some islamist and far-left movements.

However, the situation after 2006 is different. Because the blocking of NGOs working in the region was considered as a problem and responded this with state policy. And with the Mavi Marmara attack, it turned into an insurmountable crisis. Turkey is world's second largest country in humanitarian aid and Palestine's always second on its list. TR building hospitals, schools, charity, roads, or provided scholarships to those who could not go to school. While TR supports both on the political level and with our media, on the other hand, our aid activities continue.

For this reason, both Palestinian and Israeli consulates are operating in Turkey. However, due to the unfair blockade and embargo on Gaza, both commercial and aid activities with this region are unfortunately carried out under Israeli control.

Turkey does not have any gainings from Palestine other than the Palestinian brotherhood . On the contrary, TR increasingly under pressure because of this support. The Eastern Mediterranean problem is one of the most obvious examples of this. We can discuss this issue in more detail and without any sloganist discourse in its title if you want.

However, when we talk about Russia's Israel relations, which has become the protection shield of your "holy jihad" in Syria, you always invisible... If the issue is to banish Muslims from their lands, if the issue is how many Muslims were killed; Who has the courage to compare Russia and Israel?

Please do not disperse the subject. And open separate titles for your diseased delusions so that we can write our answer before you run away.

Returning to the topic, Young people brought to Syria as a fresh meat, from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, by cargo planes or by cargo trucks from Lebanon; under the illusion of the holy jihad(which is actually one state's regianol hegamony war), they caused more destruction than Daesh today. 11 million Syrians were died or disabled or left their homes. Area demographics have changed or even worse gets unpopulated...

But but ... Turkey Israel Zionism , our jihad only way... Please...

There is no better example to explain the point that an this socalled Islamic revolution has reached in 40 years.
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