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5 Things Americans Need to Know About Pakistan

It works both ways mates . if they have no love for you at the moment . i do not see you guys extending a lot of love either.

The article is a good one .
What I'm most surprised at is the fact that an Indian posted this.

None the less, the question of weather we can successfully reverse all of that damage: I believe yes. But it's no ride in the park, because currently 2 things are eating Pakistan away - corrupt politicians and the mass ignorance/lack of education of the people. If the plague called ignorance is not taken care of, somehow, then the jahil awam will keep voting PPP, PMLN and even MQM back and back...

Most Indians dont hate Pakistan as most of you thought. I actually have both Pakistani and Indian friends back in US. Here in the island of Antigua, in the Indian restaurant that I frequent, the cook is Pakistani
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