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5 soldiers embrace shadat in Baluchistan and ten in total in last 48 hours

You didn't answer my question. Explain to me the process by which the US targets terrorists around borders with Afghan-Pak? There is no "cock fighting here". Just explain and if you can't, kindly don't make up things and make your way into a discussion for some specific agenda. I am sure you'd know other things which will be valuable for all of us.
Army UAV Training School Nikodar Air Field Mangla Cantt is giving free courses if u r intrested just give a call to commandant,
Army UAV Training School Nikodar Air Field Mangla Cantt is giving free courses if u r intrested just give a call to commandant,
You are running away from the topic and my questions. Kindly address my questions.
Azam Swati and Shebaz Gill will be in for a tough night.
That’s the Indian art to say welcome to new Pakistani COAS after his visit at the LOC.
And what are we doing about it ? Nothing Ziltch Nada...

Pakistan and it's military is the perfect case study of how not to fight insurgency and terrorism in the country. Hopefully rest of the world learn from us
What are you saying, we have Number 1 ISI , and Number 1 SSG.
We have already spoken about this.

Don’t you dare desecrate the ability and sacrifices of our SSG. They are the best we have to offer
Consider their death ratio, I would rate them between Sindh and Punjab Police.

SSG is best we have sir when ISI failed SSG clean the mess at least SSG never let us down ever in history .
" Best " ? huh ? how so ? show me 5 operations they conducted without a single loss ? In almost every operation they took part in lose at least 1 soldier. Their gear/Training have flaws definitely, There are many SF's in the world and operated in much dangerous operations without a single loss.
Consider their death ratio, I would rate them between Sindh and Punjab Police.

" Best " ? huh ? how so ? show me 5 operations they conducted without a single loss ? In almost every operation they took part in lose at least 1 soldier. Their gear/Training have flaws definitely, There are many SF's in the world and operated in much dangerous operations without a single loss.
so its means they take the task while they know some will not be back alive ????? what else you want from them ??????????? wo janty hain jaan jaay gi phir bhi larty hain .
Consider their death ratio, I would rate them between Sindh and Punjab Police.

" Best " ? huh ? how so ? show me 5 operations they conducted without a single loss ? In almost every operation they took part in lose at least 1 soldier. Their gear/Training have flaws definitely, There are many SF's in the world and operated in much dangerous operations without a single loss.
Gori Toes kay dewany,

what they are saying is, this is the best we have, might not be up to your standards but this is what we have,
and we are proud of them.

The day ISI chief Nadeem Anjum did a press conferences / rant against a political party that day it was cystal clear that guy is a wrong man for the job. He has targeted a political party and his focus is Not on his REAL job.

The results are now clearer then ever before. The terrorism is going beyond control.
If ISI is done making audios / recording personal videos / making treason cases on patriotic Pakistanis then its high time they should focus again on their job what nations pays them to do.
so its means they take the task while they know some will not be back alive ????? what else you want from them ??????????? wo janty hain jaan jaay gi phir bhi larty hain .
Doesn't make them special then right? SF are called as last resort to minimize the loss and take out enemies, if SSG lose more men than Punjab police than why waste so much resources on them ? just create LCB's in every Army unit and let them conduct the operations, of course they also have will to fight ? Just check out the operation history of major SF's like Seal's or SAS or even Turkish SF SSG is nowhere close to them, they lose men to BLA/TTP I bet even Jiye Sindh mahaz will give them tough time. Don't think I like them dying, I am just saying that myth behind number 1 ISI and number 1 SSG is gone, so rather than boosting for their bravery we should focus on saving their lives by giving them better training, so they can live to fight another day.
dudes right, Israeli commandos went to freaking uganda on a rescue mission and lost less men. We're in our own territory and dropping like flies. Our training is not up to par.
so its means they take the task while they know some will not be back alive ????? what else you want from them ??????????? wo janty hain jaan jaay gi phir bhi larty hain .
Bhai, no one even thinking to judge their intentions or patriotism. They are best of the best in Pak armed forces and we respect them so much. I think he only means is that there are many other special forces in the world with much better training & tech.
The TTP was temporarily suppressed or pushed into Afghanistan by military operations, but here the phrase "we have broken the back of the terrorists" has been coined, even though the back was not broken. The real damage to TTP was done by American drones..

PHOTO of Captain Fahad: RIP


Baloch Liberation Army (#BLA) takes responsibility of #Kahan IED attack

They were travelling in order to dispose of landmines planted by #BLA #TTP militants in civilian areas.This is the sixth attack in the last 2 days

Where are Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle?

these toyota are sitting ducks ,




Congratulations on running on Toyota pickup trucks. What a failed military.
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