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5% people hold 64% of Pakistan’s farmland

@LoveIcon @jaibi baatein karna band karo. Start a socialist revolution and liquidate the zamindars.

Expecting land reforms is like living in fools paradise - IMHO, better step will be bring agriculture "Income" not "Land" in tax net, Enforce & ensure minimum wage for workers and strict measures for education in rural areas.

I know, what a shame! As I said earlier, labor and tax reforms, nothing else. What you guys are proposing is preposterous and unworkable. It's like instead of controlling 90% electricity theft by all the industries in Punjab, you go ahead and increase the tariffs of normal citizens to make up for it. What a bunch of losers.

I am not proposing any land reforms, just saying that it's impossible, so start working on alternate plans to cater this.
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The last time we tried that the same zamindars became our CMs/Governors and Ministers the party that started that then turned on the same mazdoor and keesan, happily. The Left in Pakistan is dead. We've far-right and right. The only true leftist parties, in terms of ideology and some political action are perhaps ANP and MQM; they're never coming into the big picture especially if Altaf Bahi does not stop having Mohajir wet dreams.

@LoveIcon @jaibi baatein karna band karo. Start a socialist revolution and liquidate the zamindars.
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Kid you are an idealist! Cemeteries and mental institutes are full of them. If you think something is ever going to change, you must be seriously high! The system is rigged in a way that for you to even apply for something, you'd need to fill-in 100 forms.

go hang yourself then, you are waste of life on earth and burden on your family !!

Further the nation is from truth, more it hates it. :pop:

okay historian online :lol:
It's not actually the feudal system that affects the voting behaviour in Pakistan's Punjab. It effects the outcome in Sindh more than Punjab, in Punjab it is the biradari that effects votes more than feudal power. That's why Nawaz and Shabaz Sharif are Mians because Lahore's greatest biradari, in terms of numbers, are the Arains.

You evil feudals :D ,playing with emotions of 95% Pakistanies. :pissed:
Actually it's your kind that's hanging itself, every other day. Think about it, is it going to change? I don't think so! :lol:

You are just infatuated with ideals of people you have no idea about. Go plant trees! :D

go hang yourself then, you are waste of life on earth and burden on your family !!

okay historian online :lol:
Actually it's your kind that's hanging itself, every other day. Think about it, is it going to change? I don't think so! :lol:

You are just infatuated with ideals of people you have no idea about. Go plant trees! :D

One thing is definitely not going to change,and its none other than your inherited stupidity.
I am what I am, the arrogance, the tenacity and the anger, they are all part of my being and I own them with pride. Let's not forget genetic superiority as well! :D

Now go cry me a river. We can continue this line of argument for eternity, if you wish so? :P

One thing is definitely not going to change,and its none other than your inherited stupidity.
It's not actually the feudal system that affects the voting behaviour in Pakistan's Punjab. It effects the outcome in Sindh more than Punjab, in Punjab it is the biradari that effects votes more than feudal power. That's why Nawaz and Shabaz Sharif are Mians because Lahore's greatest biradari, in terms of numbers, are the Arains.

Oo Bhai - Sharif Biradaran are not Arains they belongs to @Armstrong.
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I am what I am, the arrogance, the tenacity and the anger, they are all part of my being and I own them with pride. Let's not forget genetic superiority as well! :D

Now go cry me a river. We can continue this line of argument for eternity, if you wish so? :P

hang yourself, you are waste of life and burden on your family, let alone black spot on humanity ! :lol:
Is that all what you got? It's not about dying for ideals, it's always about making the other son of a **** die for his! :D

Anyhow, as maulvi Zarvan would say, hanging oneself is haram... :lol:

hang yourself, you are waste of life and burden on your family, let alone black spot on humanity ! :lol:
Government does not compensate for rising water table in all of the provinces, and rightly so.

Expecting land reforms is like living in fools paradise - IMHO, better step will be bring agriculture "Income" not "Land" in tax net, Enforce & ensure minimum wage for workers and strict measures for education in rural areas.
Agricultural Income Tax :astagh:

Non-Taxation on agricultural income is the best way to park your money into banks...fill a form and declare that the money is from agricultural income :victory:
The last time we tried that the same zamindars became our CMs/Governors and Ministers the party that started that then turned on the same mazdoor and keesan, happily. The Left in Pakistan is dead. We've far-right and right. The only true leftist parties, in terms of ideology and some political action are perhaps ANP and MQM; they're never coming into the big picture especially if Altaf Bahi does not stop having Mohajir wet dreams.

Quoted for truth to prevail.
I know, love, they're Kashmiris yet add 'Mian' in front of their names. That's a tactic to play on Biradari loyalties.

Oo Bhai - Sharif Biradaran are not Arains they belongs to @Armstrong.
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