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5 favorite personalities from your "enemy" country

After reading many posts. I forced to changed my List. ;) These are my list of respected people of Pakistan :cheers:

Abdul Hamid Khan

Nawab Akbar Bugti

Altaf Hussain

Najam Sethi

Saleem Shahzad

Salman Tasser

Mukhtaran Mai

Veena Malik
1. Hoodbhoy
2.Najam sethi
3.Inzamam ul huq
4.Veena malik
5. Dalai lama
I don't have any enemy countries. So since this is a Pakistani forum, although my knowledge of Pakistan personalities are very very limited.. i'll try to include a Pakistani list.

1. Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Highly respected here. Enough said)

2. The city of Lahore ( The only Pakistani city I have been and i find it fascinating :D)

3. Salman Taseer (Fought for the rights of a minority. Humanity means alot to me)

4. Imran Khan (Heard alot of good stuff about him on this forum, and grew up with mum telling me how handsome he was. No homo :P)

5. Mehreen Baloch (Love at first sight :smitten:)
We have more freindly rivalrys then enemys.

So ill just go on them.

Britian:Emma watson baby!

New Zealand:None all your actors are now ours:)


South Africa:Uhhhh sorry none.

Japan:(Football rivalry)....yeah sorry none.

Heres are video use might like:)

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sorry i forgot to add
shakeel : This man is a treat to watch
Zaid hamid: This man is a treat to watch
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