10/10. This guy needs credit for saying it "as it is". This guy actually is doing Pakistan a favour by being honest. I detect a element of frustration that a country with such fantastic history, a country full of talent could and should be doing far better than it is.
As it is the ruling class and that includes all of them. The political, military, civil elite in conjunction with landed and rentier industrial class (often this overlaps as they get married into each other) are running a racket in Pakistan. You may ask how does 5% manage to subjugate and enslave the other 95%. Simple. 35% are beholden to the racketeers by being given few breadcrumbs in a dog eat dog system - the bourgeois. The other 60% live hand to mouth with empty stomaches but head full of Islamic brain dopamine.
Religion keeps them busy stopping any chance of collective action because they are too submerged in petty divisions along sect or other religious time occupancy. Above this conflicted, divided mass of poverty of thought and wealth the racketeers get on with living it like rich do everywhere.
Animal Farm anybody?