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5 common myths about Islam Propagated by Media

What are you trying to prove and how is that related to my post? :confused:
you do not see the connection but you do question as to some people are gone mad and do what they are doing, you are questioning integrity of Muslims and of Islam but fail to see what could cause people to act in a inhuman and inconsiderate way, as a claimant of smart person you fail to see the truth of the matter. or just choose to see what you want to see.
I give you a perfect sword as a gift to be able to defend yourself, and instead you use it to scare your neighbors, and kill people you do not like. It that the fault of the sword?

Ah yes, the old "swords (guns) don't kill people, people kill people" is not the same as "Islam doesn't kill people, Muslims who believe in Islam kill people", is it?
What is reality doesn't matter, it is the myth that counts. Myths have been established, and they are everlasting and far more powerful than realities. Realities can be distorted but myths can never be destroyed. Long live the power of myths.
One can do nothing about the mythological mind frame of the Western society, it claims the debut of it civilization to be in the Greek period. And we all know that Greek mythology was their religion.
The western Judeo-Christian Mythology and false beliefs about Islam are nothing new either, they are rooted in history itself, with more than 12 crusades against Muslims in their own lands
I give you a perfect sword as a gift to be able to defend yourself, and instead you use it to scare your neighbors, and kill people you do not like. It that the fault of the sword?

No but if someone keeps arguing that the sword is perfect and needs no change, we might be tempted to point out that the sword has a sharp edge and is doing a lot of damage. By the way, trying to convince the neighbor that the sword means him no harm while he's watching his loved ones lose life and limb provides him with little comfort. Also, the neighbors and the people he's killing would hate you for giving him the sword. Things haven't gotten that bad in real life yet so you need to find a way to take back the sword or take care of him yourself. That essentially summarizes most people's stance here.
You should check the original post by asq that I was replying to where he claimed that hellfire awaits for kafirs. I am one, so I had to respond. I was not commenting on the religion, I have very limited knowledge of that.
as ASQ i did not say helfire awaits for Kafirs, i said that those who deliberately do killings, are merciless, mock others, mock their beliefs, try to talk down to people, will have to pay for their own deeds, Allah is all mercy, it is your deeds that makes you worthy or trouble maker.
Ah yes, the old "swords (guns) don't kill people, people kill people" is not the same as "Islam doesn't kill people, Muslims who believe in Islam kill people", is it?
So does the Americans who believe in Christianity, the Jews who believe in Judaism, and the Hindous who believe in Hinduism, but the funniest part is about the atheists who kill too, giving you a clue that religion is here to correct the flawed human behavior.
You can have it against Islam if you want to single it out, but it won't be right after reading what I have just wrote.
except that islam is not just a dead sword but a complete code of how to use it, when to use it, where to use it and answers to all other questions ever thought of or ever will be.

and this code is supposed to be PERFECT.

(only issue is, it appears PERFECT to every religious muslim inside his head only)
You throw a stone at a tree but you miss the whole forest. Islam. Does not ask Muslims to go on rampage and kill anyone on their path . It rather gives a code of conduct in case of war or aggression against Muslims. And we all know how passive your likes would have liked them to be.
For every human being self-defense seems to be a given right, but when it comes to Muslims it does not apply? It is inside your heads that you should look for the truth, since you own brains and minds are lying to you. Or to use The PDF expression are trolling you.
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No but if someone keeps arguing that the sword is perfect and needs no change, we might be tempted to point out that the sword has a sharp edge and is doing a lot of damage. By the way, trying to convince the neighbor that the sword means him no harm while he's watching his loved ones lose life and limb provides him with little comfort. Also, the neighbors and the people he's killing would hate you for giving him the sword. Things haven't gotten that bad in real life yet so you need to find a way to take back the sword or take care of him yourself. That essentially summarizes most people's stance here.
The Sword was more of a metaphor than anything else, we all know that anyone can go out and buy a knife or a sword on his own. What one does with it is another thing, the knife, or sword won't kill on its own. Aggression needs the hands, the thoughts, the motivations and the reasons concocted in a Human brain to become an aggression in both senses, attack or self-defense.

I am not talking about ISIS or the likes, since I have no Idea about them , the only reason I could imagine for their existence is the daily bombings going on in Iraq, since the withdrawal of the US forces, not that it was better during their presence, but the intensification was/is appalling, there is not one day where we do not hear about 40, 50 deaths in a bombing in Iraq, mostly in Baghdad. Note that the leader of ISIS's name is Al Baghdadi !?. So this ISIS group might just be a group of Baghdadi people going after and looking for those behind the bombings and the whole Iraqi mess.
Notice too, that when their attacks were weakened by the areal bombings in Iraq, the bombings in Baghdad have intensified yet again!!!
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Syed Ali, you are trying to be smart but it does not work very well .

Sir, you are the smart one here, please answer the question:

Is "swords (guns) don't kill people, people kill people" the same as "Islam doesn't kill people, Muslims who believe in Islam kill people", or not?
a letter is not "nipping in the bud". It has to be something "other than letter". so either some action has to taken on it OR it has to be "once in a blue moon event" OR "an event quite old".
Writing a letter, countering that they are doing anything Islamic (WHICH invited soo many people to "help" them) is more than doing something...But rest of the world is just like you...Never read the letter and already think its worthless

As for once in a blue moon event:
List of wars involving the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How often does your blue moon appear? MIND YOU this is only USA...havent started on other European countries!

As for old event...So are alot of events but that seems irrelevant when Indians cry a river about Mughuls!

yes boko haram will become a part of forgotten past if nothing else keeps people reminding of them. like "terrorist activities", "advocating marrying off underage girls", "holding people at ransom" etc. all under one specific "banner".
Or simply the media coz all that was already happening in Africa....Its just that a new group is doing and claiming affiliations with a religion that is bashed the most...

the "ending bit" is what most of your "brothers" believe in
Or just you who claims so and want it to be true...cheap attacks are what they are..cheap!
Writing a letter, countering that they are doing anything Islamic (WHICH invited soo many people to "help" them) is more than doing something...But rest of the world is just like you...Never read the letter and already think its worthless

As for once in a blue moon event:
List of wars involving the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How often does your blue moon appear? MIND YOU this is only USA...havent started on other European countries!

As for old event...So are alot of events but that seems irrelevant when Indians cry a river about Mughuls!

Or simply the media coz all that was already happening in Africa....Its just that a new group is doing and claiming affiliations with a religion that is bashed the most...

Or just you who claims so and want it to be true...cheap attacks are what they are..cheap!
Akheilos I need your help in debunking some myths like these but not in this thread because its infested by trolls
I did read the letter by islamic "SCHOLARS". While each of the points was open to 'interpretation' & 'context', I will raise one:
"10. It is forbidden in Islam to harm or mistreat—in any way—Christians or any ‘People of the Scripture’."
What a noble thought that was! Except that it clearly says that "islam permits to harm and mistreat the people not of the scripture".

Do not use others' flaws as "crutches". The others do not claim to be perfect. What you are trying to defend, does.

Yes, it was already happening in africa (which is considered "backward" for those reasons). But when it happens under the banner of "islam", fingers will be pointed at it and it will be considered "backward".

And when all arguments fail, "conspiracy of kufr" works. Cheap or expensive, mine or yours, does not matter.

What is your problem with the letter specially #10? It is beautifully written and full of correct and noble words, just don't look at how it is being translated into reality.
The "self-defense" defense you provided is so-oft repeated that it has become a big bore. But still let us continue. Being in canada, you are likley an educated person with a broad outlook. Let us see how long can you keep on deflecting. Be on track and lets see how it goes. No intelligent mumbo-jumbo please.

Self-defence is right of every individual. But it is an individual right.

As an individual when a muslim retaliates in defence, its fine. But he should not do it because "islam is under attack". And if & when he does it, other muslims (like you) should not advocate his act by saying that "he is only retaliating against oppression".

The best possible next argument you can give is: "any real muslim will take insult/attack of/on islam personally".

To take the debate further, either give a better argument or agree to the above.
You have nothing to counter the logical arguments with, so you fabricate questions that fit your own pre-established answers that you hold in your mind. I am thus convinced and pretty sure that no amount of arguments will change that, and it will only be a waste of time to continue the discussion.
You only bring in the evident.
Sir, you are the smart one here, please answer the question:

Is "swords (guns) don't kill people, people kill people" the same as "Islam doesn't kill people, Muslims who believe in Islam kill people", or not?
Smart is a big word, my friend, actually you missed the point, let me put it this way:
"swords (guns) don't kill people, people kill people" the same as "Islam doesn't kill people, people kill people"
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