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5,000-year Harappan stepwell found in Kutch, bigger than Mohenjo Daro's

As per Source's 7.2Million People from India Migrated to Pakistan(Both east and west).As per various source's less than 3Million Migrated from India to Pakistan.Today tthey still are hardly 10Million of 180Million Pakistanis.

So Pakistan which did not even exist before 1947 also owns parts of India because those parts came under IVC and Pakistan owns IVC because parts of IVC are in Pakistan? Do you see a flaw in this logic??

We don't care whether you believe or not But we don't consider anything that fall under ancient IVC map as indian territory but rather our.

Now be it after a decade or centuries,we will once again claim our land back

India name is derived from a Pakistani River also known as Indus.We have our history associated with indus river followed by our people composing our Book rig veda under IVC.

Rig veda belong to Pakistanis as it was composed by our ancestors though because of some generation of our foolish ancestors.it ended up being merged with a religion which is infact alien to our Rig veda.]

Yeah, it is like the son who got his father's surname, now coming back and accusing his father of using his surname!! :D

Pakistan was born out of India in 1947, not the other way around.
ruins of ancient civilization found on mars..... Pakistanis claim it as ancient Pakistani civilization and says it has nothing to do with mars!!!
Martians should not fear Pakistanis, they should rather fear indians coz they are the one who claims every thing to be theirs. We Pakistanis only claims of things that is ours.
They might be part of IVC but as i have told you in this past.

All the region's falling under the ancient IVC map by default is a pakistani territory,They might be under indian govt now but it doesn't mean they belong to india(History india=Modern south india) even the Bangladesh region was a independent territory.

Sikh,Kashmiri and tamil people in india are also Pakistani by default.This is the reason the original forefather of tamil people live in Balochistan known under the original Bruhui name.

Tamil are called tamil because they lived for signifacant period in Tamil nadi otherwise they were known as Bruhue by historians

For God sake stop claiming our history and people as indian.

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just shows how unnatural their 'country' is. full moral support to people of tamil nidu state and oppressed mongoloid people in northeast (who are genetically and historically/culturally part of great chinese civilization).

tamil people have too advanced and proud of a history to be dragged down by bhaiyas. see the difference of infrastructure, cleanliness and per capita income between bihar and tamil state. they will get their freedom soon.
One question comes to everyone's mind that if IVC had migrated towards india, then who were those people living inside Pakistan by that time? and there was people who use to live in india before the Indus Valley civilization then who are those people?
You do realize that the scale of time we are talking about is in 1000s of years. That means hundreds of generations. It not like a couple deciding to move and so packing everything and just moving to another place. It is generations expanding into regions and people flourishing in some regions more than others and thus the civilization as a whole moving towards the region where the chances of survival are more.
AHMEDABAD: A 5,000-year-old stepwell has been found in one of the largest Harappan cities, Dholavira, in Kutch, which is three times bigger than the Great Bath at Mohenjo Daro.

Located in the eastern reservoir of Dholavira by experts from the Archaeological Survey of India working with IIT-Gandhinagar, the site represents the largest, grandest, and the best furnished ancient reservoir discovered so far in the country.

It's rectangular and 73.4m long, 29.3m wide, and 10m deep. Another site, the ornate Rani ki Vav in Patan, called the queen of stepwells, is already on Unesco list.

"This is almost three times bigger than the Great Bath of Mohenjo Daro that's 12m in length, 7m in width, and 2.4m in depth," said V N Prabhakar, visiting faculty at IIT and superintending archaeologist, ASI.

"We will conduct spot analysis in December as various surveys have indicated other reservoirs and stepwells may be buried in Dholavira," Prabhakar told TOI.

"We also suspect a huge lake and an ancient shoreline are buried in the archaeological site that's one of the five largest Harappan sites and the most prominent archaeological site in India belonging to the Indus Valley civilization," he added.

Experts will investigate the advanced hydraulic engineering used by Harappans for building the stepwell through 3D laser scanner, remote sensing technology and ground-penetrating radar system.

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"We will study how water flowed into the well and what was the idea behind water conservation," said Prabhakar. The IIT Gandhinagar team and ASI officials will also excavate various tanks, stoneware, finely furnished brick blocks, sanitation chambers and semi-precious stones hidden at the site.

Precious stones like carnelian were in great demand during the Harappan era. Gujarat was the hub of bead and craft manufacturing industries. "Agate carnelian beads were also coveted," Prabhakar said.

Siddharth Rai and V Vinod of IIT-Gn are working on characterization of internal structures of various forms of pottery unearthed from the site to identify the diet followed by Harappans. "Through pottery typology, we'll find out whether different communities lived in Dholavira," Rai said. The team will also analyze precious copper and bronze artefacts.
@INDIC @save_ghenda @Samandri

This shows how civilized we were 5000 years ago.
just shows how unnatural their 'country' is. full moral support to people of tamil nidu state and oppressed mongoloid people in northeast (who are genetically and historically/culturally part of great chinese civilization).

tamil people have too advanced and proud of a history to be dragged down by bhaiyas. see the difference of infrastructure, cleanliness and per capita income between bihar and tamil state. they will get their freedom soon.
we were missing u.(no seriously,trolling aside)
u shud help,,, :p:
Martians should not fear Pakistanis, they should rather fear indians coz they are the one who claims every thing to be theirs. We Pakistanis only claims of things that is ours.
wow!!! can you explain why do want a civilization that worshiped Hindu gods to be yours!!!
One question comes to everyone's mind that if IVC had migrated towards india, then who were those people living inside Pakistan by that time? and there was people who use to live in india before the Indus Valley civilization then who are those people?

Most Pakistanis here claim to have the bloodline of invaders, you guys are Arabs, Persians, Mughals, Pushtuns, Afghans, etc. etc. Please confirm this with your fellow countrymen here. :)
wow!!! can you explain why do want a civilization that worshiped Hindu gods to be yours!!!
Maybe they are not as convinced about their own Gods. Extent of extremism is normally proportional to the level of doubt in the practitioner's mind. And given the level of extremism seen in Pakistan, one can easily assess the level of doubt too :)
Since you forgot let me remind you that india was created on 1947 too
Correction. India as we know it was created in 1947.

wow!!! can you explain why do want a civilization that worshiped Hindu gods to be yours!!!
The root of a person is not based on religion rather it's based on civilization from which it was originated.
The root of a person is not based on religion rather it's based on civilization from which it was originated.
define it was originated? can you trace back your ancestors to IVC or trace back Indian ancestors and prove that they were not from IVC?
define it was originated? can you trace back your ancestors to IVC or trace back Indian ancestors and prove that they were not from IVC?
Can you trace yours?

The only parameters of tracing it is testing your DNA, color, language, areas where civilization is composed of , culture and the extension of the civilization.
And by all means one can say that we Pakistanis are originated from IVC.
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