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5,000-year Harappan stepwell found in Kutch, bigger than Mohenjo Daro's

As per Source's 7.2Million People from India Migrated to Pakistan(Both east and west).As per various source's less than 3Million Migrated from India to Pakistan.Today tthey still are hardly 10Million of 180Million Pakistanis.

So Pakistan which did not even exist before 1947 also owns parts of India because those parts came under IVC and Pakistan owns IVC because parts of IVC are in Pakistan? Do you see a flaw in this logic??

We don't care whether you believe or not But we don't consider anything that fall under ancient IVC map as indian territory but rather our.

Now be it after a decade or centuries,we will once again claim our land back

India name is derived from a Pakistani River also known as Indus.We have our history associated with indus river followed by our people composing our Book rig veda under IVC.

Rig veda belong to Pakistanis as it was composed by our ancestors though because of some generation of our foolish ancestors.it ended up being merged with a religion which is infact alien to our Rig veda.[/quote]

ooo my god!!!! where did you learn the history bro!!! do you know even single phrase of rig veda???? ever heard of rudra astakam.... It was the heart of rig veda and it praises Hindu god shiva!!! dont start sayin rig veda was edited and shiva later converted to Allah! !! omg never thought Pakistanis are this foolish!!! you guys will put the best historians ti Shame!!!
Since you forgot let me remind you that india was created on 1947 too

India earned its freedom in 1947, Indian civilization existed for thousands of years, you can find references of India in ancient texts of many old civilizations. Today's Pakistan was also a part of the Indian civilization, which broke away from it in 1947. You cannot claim exclusive ownership of our history before 1947.
India name is derived from a Pakistani River also known as Indus.We have our history associated with indus river followed by our people composing our Book rig veda under IVC.

Pakistani river??? lol. Look even the start of your argument seems silly. There was nothing called Pakistan before a few decade but these natrural resources did exist before pakistan came into existence and you cant change the fact that it was all part of india when the land you live today was a part of current India. The indus river was never a pakistani asset and the name India was derived even before there was something called Pakistan...so please stop claiming that India stole some Pakistani name from some Pakistani rive. and what you call your history associated with river indus is nothing but India's history. And am glad that finally you accept its your history as well..now you may add more chapters in your text book which is beyond qasim, this reveal much more to give your future generations a cultural shock when they come to knwo about their 'real ancestors'.

Rig veda belong to Pakistanis as it was composed by our ancestors though because of some generation of our foolish ancestors.it ended up being merged with a religion which is infact alien to our Rig veda.

Rig Veda belongs to Pakistanis ??? o_O okay..I agree..... now will you start practicing Rig Veda in your country..that will make us really glad...in fact you may start accepting all the vedas and upanishads as well.... trust me that will change your life and give you enough knowledge to understand many more things that you have been deprived of, which you have been missing. I would love to see you pakistanis following it. :-)
India earned its freedom in 1947, Indian civilization existed for thousands of years, you can find references of India in ancient texts of many old civilizations. Today's Pakistan was also a part of the Indian civilization, which broke away from it in 1947. You cannot claim exclusive ownership of our history before 1947.
Wrong assumption! Before 1947 the area which is now India was ruled by different empires and there was no such thing as india in past, the name india was introduced by British.
tell me one thing Pakistanis didn't Allah abandoned idol worship??? so by claiming an idol worshiping civilization.... you are clearly violating Allah laws... right????
tell me one thing Pakistanis didn't Allah abandoned idol worship??? so by claiming an idol worshiping civilization.... you are clearly violating Allah laws... right????
Plz don't drag religion in this discussion, islam arrived in Pakistan in 711AD. And no one is violating Islamic laws we are just discussing about our ancestors.
Can you trace yours?

The only parameters of tracing it is testing your DNA, color, language, areas where civilization is composed of , culture and the extension of the civilization.
And by all means one can say that we Pakistanis are originated from IVC.
are you sure your grand father or god father didn't migrated from india in 1947!!!
are you sure your grand father or god father didn't migrated from india in 1947!!!
Nope I'm purely Pakistani from inside out, my parents and my fore fathers are all from Pakistan.:smitten::pakistan:
In short we are descendants of IVC.:D
Plz don't drag religion in this discussion, islam arrived in Pakistan in 711AD. And no one is violating Islamic laws we are just discussing about our ancestors.
you really think Pakistan existed in 711AD??? plz dontstart sayin India never exited before 1947.... cuz it did... it was called "bharata varsha" back then.... simple googling can tell you every thing!!!

Wrong assumption! Before 1947 the area which is now India was ruled by different empires and there was no such thing as india in past, the name india was introduced by British.
son, India was called Bharata varsha back then!!!

omg after seeing Pakistani version of history.... im losing my mind already!!!! im outta here let the nukes settle all the disputes!!!!
you really think Pakistan existed in 711AD??? plz dontstart sayin India never exited before 1947.... cuz it did... it was called "bharata varsha" back then.... simple googling can tell you every thing!!!
You guys should stop making false claims. India never existed before 1947 and that's the fact. You can read the history about it or browse it on net.
Many empires came before the india and got perished. And their name was not india.

What Columbus ventured out to discover?
Wrong assumption! Before 1947 the area which is now India was ruled by different empires and there was no such thing as india in past, the name india was introduced by British.

All land East of Indus river was India or Bharatavarsha.
If you see the date of beginning of existence of Pakistan or even Islam and the existence of Indus valley civilization , then your claim of credit for IVC just proves that you are the one who is putting cart before the cow. As the poster above mentioned, you may at max have materialistic claim on IVC since you fortunately were allowed the piece of land that has the first findings of the IVC. In fact the excavations are still on as we're finding more and more such sites, and the way more and more and the bigger findings are coming in this part of the IVC ( for example this well that has been found), we shouldn't be surprised if in future we see a larger site found in this part of IVC that dwarfs the size of the site found in Pakistani part of of IVC then you wouldnt have this argument of this site being an extension of the lager sindh civilisation left as well.

it doesn't matter what the reglion is

It doesn't matter where the borders are

What matters is where the indus valley is.

Hope you get it this time.
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