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5,000-year Harappan stepwell found in Kutch, bigger than Mohenjo Daro's

Wait wait whatttttttt..
Pardon my reaction but that is completely absurd? Who do you think Indians descended from? The chinese? Or africans taking boats to India?
Just study the pattern of the movement of the IVC over centuries and you will see that they moved more towards south and east (that is towards and within India) as the time passed by. Just once, check it out.
Most of the Indians are the descendants of the people who were inhabited in Madhya Pradesh during Mesolithic period.
I know ..... you provided me the link to Vishnu Purana ...... remember .

Here what Megasthenes had to say about our India, :dirol::dirol:

"India then being four-sided in plan, the side which looks to the Orient and that to the South, the Great Sea compasseth; that towards the Arctic is divided by the mountain chain of Hēmōdus from Scythia, inhabited by that tribe of Scythians who are called Sakai; and on the fourth side, turned towards the West, the Indus marks the boundary, the biggest or nearly so of all rivers after the Nile."
I wonder, why they couldn't make the same type of planned cities in the Ganges plain. Would have solved majority of todays Swacch Bharat mission.:whistle:

Compared to the heaven created by you guys in Pakistan and Bangladesh!! Right!
We keep on finding idols in these ruins, now its for Pakistanis to choose what they want to believe

1) part of idolator family (Indian valley civilization) who got converted (raped) by hoards of Ghazni etc. or

2) or they never belonged to this soil and migrated with Ghazni and folks from middle east.
Each of the scenario makes your claim to IVC even more thread bare. Personally I go with reason 1) explains so much about your country.
When Indus sites were abandoned and population moved east, how they it became ancestors of Pakistan, your ancestors came from other side of Khyber Pass and others with Mahmud Ghaznavi, Ghauri, Muhammad Bin Qasim etc. ;)
This don't make any sense mate!
People of Indus Valley civilization didn't abandoned the areas completely they moved in other parts of Pakistan. If they had abandoned this area and went to east then again question arises from where the Pakistanis came from? And who were all those people who were inhabited in the Pakistan in past?
Muhammad bin qasim, ghuri and others introduced islam in Pakistani areas, they did not brought civilization with them. Indus Valley civilization were there in that time and is even here in form of Pakistanis.
Here what Megasthenes had to say about our India, :dirol::dirol:

"India then being four-sided in plan, the side which looks to the Orient and that to the South, the Great Sea compasseth; that towards the Arctic is divided by the mountain chain of Hēmōdus from Scythia, inhabited by that tribe of Scythians who are called Sakai; and on the fourth side, turned towards the West, the Indus marks the boundary, the biggest or nearly so of all rivers after the Nile."
But what about Pataliputra?

Compared to the heaven created by you guys in Pakistan and Bangladesh!! Right!
We keep on finding idols in these ruins, now its for Pakistanis to choose what they want to believe

1) part of idolator family (Indian valley civilization) who got converted (raped) by hoards of Ghazni etc. or

2) or they never belonged to this soil and migrated with Ghazni and folks from middle east.
Each of the scenario makes your claim to IVC even more thread bare. Personally I go with reason 1) explains so much about your country.
WTF dude.
This don't make any sense mate!
People of Indus Valley civilization didn't abandoned the areas completely they moved in other parts of Pakistan. If they had abandoned this area and went to east then again question arises from where the Pakistanis came from? And who were all those people who were inhabited in the Pakistan in past?
Muhammad bin qasim, ghuri and others introduced islam in Pakistani areas, they did not brought civilization with them. Indus Valley civilization were there in that time and is even here in form of Pakistanis.

They didn't move to other part they moved to Ganges valley as land was more fertile there.

But what about Pataliputra?

He said Patliputra is a grand city.
They didn't move to other part they moved to Ganges valley as land was more fertile there.

He said Patliputra is a grand city.
That's it - grand city?
Found it myself after another brief search using google.:P
According to Megasthenes the mean breadth (of the Ganges) is 100 stadia, and its least depth 20 fathoms. At the meeting of this river and another is situated Palibothra, a city eighty stadia in length and fifteen in breadth. It is of the shape of a parallelogram, and is girded with a wooden wall, pierced with loopholes for the discharge of arrows. It has a ditch in front for defence and for receiving the sewage of the city. The people in whose country this city is situated is the most distinguished in all India, and is called the Prasii. The king, in addition to his family name, must adopt the surname of Palibothros, as Sandrakottos, for instance, did, to whom Megasthenes was sent on an embassy. [This custom also prevails among the Parthians, for all are called Arsakai, though each has his own peculiar name, as Orodes, Phraates, or some other.]
But nothing to suggest it had the same advanced systems like irrigation, sewers etc.

He's not an Indian. Another pakistani ashamed from where he came from. Nothing suprising about that.
I doubt it. Posts seem rabidly anti-Pakistans. Maybe confused me for someone else.
Sindhu flows in India before it enters Pakistan. ;)

And this is the reason i said in the past,Anything that fall under the ancient Indus Valley civilization map by default belong to Pakistan including the People.

Even though i don't like saying this but even modi by default is a Pakistani consideringthat he's from gujarat

The natives of America are called Red Indians. Does that mean USA belong to us Indians?

Ab itni bongiya bhi matt maro.

Red indians is a completely different race
And this is the reason i said in the past,Anything that fall under the ancient Indus Valley civilization map by default belong to Pakistan including the People.

Even though i don't like saying this but even modi by default is a Pakistani consideringthat he's from gujarat

you mean material claim, not cultural claim. :sarcastic:
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