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44,000 sign petition for France to take control of Lebanon

im sure most of these Lebanese are overseas ones..i have personally found some of them cracks..they think they as Levantian people are the best product of God..and call themselves European and white..

Yes whenever I see such cracks I think wow the European just flows through you....Sarcasm meter off. They look like any other Middle Eastern folks, actually very similar to Syrians.
Yes whenever I see such cracks I think wow the European just flows through you....Sarcasm meter off. They look like any other Middle Eastern folks, actually very similar to Syrians.

Some of these people, like Syrian government and Lebanese intellectuals, have tried to convince them that they are Phoenicians and not Arabs. Although Phoenicians were based in North Africa mainly.

It is a way to proclaim some kind of similarity with Europeans and to distance themselves from other Arabs.

We all know how Europeans treated Syrian refugees. Syrians actually believed that Europeans would welcome them, partly based on this kind of historical revisionism.
44,000 sign petition for France to take control of Lebanon


Over 44,000 people have signed an online petition to "place Lebanon under a French mandate for the next 10 years" as of Thursday afternoon.

The petition on the community petition website Avaaz was reportedly set up by Lebanese citizens on Wednesday following the explosion that rocked Beirut on Tuesday, killing over 140 people and injuring more than 5,000.

"Lebanon’s officials have clearly shown a total inability to secure and manage the country," the petition reads. "With a failing system, corruption, terrorism and militia the country has just reached its last breath."

"We believe Lebanon should go back under the French mandate in order to establish a clean and durable governance."

'Lebanese are desperate'

Dima Tarhini, from DW's Arabic department, said the petition had been circulating widely on Lebanese social media.

"That's how desperate some Lebanese are," she said. "So much has been lost from where there was already so little. They lost their homes, they lost their properties, they cannot save their children. They don't know what to do."

France controlled the Middle Eastern country from 1920 to 1945 under a mandate set up after World War I.

Macron visits Beirut

The petition was directed at French President Emmanuel Macron, who on Thursday became the first foreign leader to arrive in Beirut since the tragedy struck.

Macron warned that Lebanon will "continue to sink" without reforms as he arrived in Beirut. He promised that France will help mobilize aid for the city, which has seen billions of dollars worth of damage and destruction.

Macron told angry crowds in downtown Beirut that he would seek a new deal with political authorities.

"I guarantee you this — aid will not go to corrupt hands," Macron told protesters.

"I will talk to all political forces to ask them for a new pact. I am here today to propose a new political pact to them," he said.

Crowds protesting on Beirut’s street called for Macron to help oust the country’s leadership. Shock has quickly turned to anger in the city, with many commentators and protesters saying that corruption and incompetence among the political classes were responsible for the deadly explosion.

Prosecutors in France have opened an investigation into the explosion. At least 21 French citizens were injured and one killed in the blast.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, Lebanon was rocked by protests with people angry with the government and economy. A recent devaluation of the currency saw many Lebanese people lose thousands of dollars in savings.


Imagine if 44,000 Pakistanis asked for Britain to rule over Pakistan again in the form of the British Raj .............:disagree:
Join France ..???
Or join turkey ..??

the answer is simple, France is 100 times better than erdogans Tutkey..!!

Join Turkey? No thanks. You can have them all. Take it away from our sight
im sure most of these Lebanese are overseas ones..i have personally found some of them cracks..they think they as Levantian people are the best product of God..and call themselves European and white..

I have met a few Lebanese that are exactly as you described. A Lebanese guy once told me that the White European races originate from the Lebanese.
I have met a few Lebanese that are exactly as you described. A Lebanese guy once told me that the White European races originate from the Lebanese.

Lol. Wow, whites came out of them. Yet they themselves turned into peasants and ruled by them. Should’ve told him great progression.
A considerable part of the Christian population regard themselves as Europeans living among Arab 'natives'. Francophile, they basically want to think of themselves as french.

Is it an accident that Macron has turned up at this time at this time and offered a new 'political partnership'? The American/Israelis would love a French owned Lebanon.
Incorrect completely, Phonecia had colonies in North Africa (Carthage) and was based out of modern day Levant. Mainly is an unfair statement.

Also Phoenicians spoke a Semitic (= Afro-Asiatic) language so claiming to be Phoenician rather than Arab is not really an ideal way of trying to pass oneself off as more European.
You can't blame Lebanese seeking extreme alternatives when you see what their country has become. A failed nation,with a fully corrupted political class and a country destroyed by foreign influences in a game of chess.

I wouldn't be against my country providing asylum and refuge to the Lebanese.

Makes no sense. You can't blame them for fucking up their own country? Their president and ruling class are scum to the core. The leadership reflects the people. It's not like they have dictatorship.
44,000 sign petition for France to take control of Lebanon


Over 44,000 people have signed an online petition to "place Lebanon under a French mandate for the next 10 years" as of Thursday afternoon.

The petition on the community petition website Avaaz was reportedly set up by Lebanese citizens on Wednesday following the explosion that rocked Beirut on Tuesday, killing over 140 people and injuring more than 5,000.

"Lebanon’s officials have clearly shown a total inability to secure and manage the country," the petition reads. "With a failing system, corruption, terrorism and militia the country has just reached its last breath."

"We believe Lebanon should go back under the French mandate in order to establish a clean and durable governance."

'Lebanese are desperate'

Dima Tarhini, from DW's Arabic department, said the petition had been circulating widely on Lebanese social media.

"That's how desperate some Lebanese are," she said. "So much has been lost from where there was already so little. They lost their homes, they lost their properties, they cannot save their children. They don't know what to do."

France controlled the Middle Eastern country from 1920 to 1945 under a mandate set up after World War I.

Macron visits Beirut

The petition was directed at French President Emmanuel Macron, who on Thursday became the first foreign leader to arrive in Beirut since the tragedy struck.

Macron warned that Lebanon will "continue to sink" without reforms as he arrived in Beirut. He promised that France will help mobilize aid for the city, which has seen billions of dollars worth of damage and destruction.

Macron told angry crowds in downtown Beirut that he would seek a new deal with political authorities.

"I guarantee you this — aid will not go to corrupt hands," Macron told protesters.

"I will talk to all political forces to ask them for a new pact. I am here today to propose a new political pact to them," he said.

Crowds protesting on Beirut’s street called for Macron to help oust the country’s leadership. Shock has quickly turned to anger in the city, with many commentators and protesters saying that corruption and incompetence among the political classes were responsible for the deadly explosion.

Prosecutors in France have opened an investigation into the explosion. At least 21 French citizens were injured and one killed in the blast.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, Lebanon was rocked by protests with people angry with the government and economy. A recent devaluation of the currency saw many Lebanese people lose thousands of dollars in savings.

I have seen many bairuts people interview. The situation is even worse then what it is in pakistan during 2006 to 2013. Bomb blast, loadshedding, we still have no proper garbage and sewage cleaning but atleast terrorism is gone, things are moving on.
Even during the worst pakistanis have not loose faith in their country.
People leave, people curse, people suffer but they never loose love of their country.
Somehow people of bairut lost it. The love for their country.
Well Pakistanis are built of hard stuff. Love of country is too much in their hearts above all.
Turks are better suited to take control of lebonan inmy opinion. Or arabs even like jordanians . Keep it safe from french oro israeliz

no one should take control of anyone just because some 40k Christians in a country signed petition. Even some 100k Christians can do the same here in Pakistan asking Americans to take control because of our fucked up economy and Internal insurgency.

Idk why people start taking such troll partitions as serious.
Funny how we Pakistanis are deciding whether Jordan should take control of Lebanon or Turks.

Lmfao get a life guys seriously.
Let rich Saudis or Emiratis take control of Lebanon rather than the French.

The significantly large Christian population will have to compromise or emigrate somewhere else.
The significantly large Christian population was there way before Muslims appeared so maybe someone else should emigrate...
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