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40 female cadets joining PMA from Oct: VCOAS


Sep 21, 2006
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40 female cadets joining PMA from Oct: VCOAS

ISLAMABAD: An impressive passing-out parade of 114 PMA, 28th Graduate and 33rd Integrated Course was held at the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) Kakul on Saturday.

Vice Chief of Army Staff (VCAS) General Ahsan Saleem Hayat was the reviewing officer.

Addressing the parade General Hayat congratulated the passing out cadets on successful completion of their training and Commission in the Pakistan Army. He said that the exuberant faces of the cadets, their soldierly turnout and smart movements reflected the hard work of the PMA staff.

Gen Hayat said that the training at the PMA was only a basis for a strong foundation before joining a challenging profession of defending the motherland. He pointed out: "The Army is a cutting edge of our defence capability, which had to be honed on the concept of fighting out numbered."

He said: "Our efforts will have to reside in quality of leadership, indomitable will and faith in Allah." He stressed upon the cadets to work hard as it was only a beginning of their career.

Gen Hayat said the next PMA Course, which would commence in October, also includes 40 female cadets, who are joining Army for the first time in branches other than Medical Corps.

"These female cadets will be commissioned after completion of their training at the PMA in various branches of the Army, including Army education, Signals, electrical and mechanical engineering, Judge Advocate General Branch and Inter- Services Public Relations (ISPR).

He said that females, alongside men, are playing equal role in all spheres of the society and it is very heartening that they have been provided an opportunity now to join the Army and defend the motherland.


Earlier, the VCAS was received on arrival at the Parade venue by Commandant of the Academy, Major-General Nadeem Taj.

He was presented the General Salute and also reviewed the parade and awarded Quaid-e-Azam banner to the Salahuddin Company - the Champion Company - for being the best Company of the session. Cadets

also marched past in front of the dais.

Later Gen Hayat awarded trophies and medals to the cadets who distinguished themselves during the course of training.

The Coveted Sword of Honour was awarded to the Academy’s Senior Under- Officer Umair Hasan for being the overall best cadet of 114 PMA Long Course. Muhammad Aftab Sadiq was awarded President’s medal; Chief of Army Staff Overseas Gold Medal was awarded to Allied Under Officer Nemer AH Banishamsha of Palestine; the Chief of Army Staff Cane was awarded to Company Junior Under Officer Sheraz Yusuf of 28 Graduate Course; the Commandants cane was awarded to Company Under Officer Mubashir Iqbal of 33 Integrated Course.

The senior division, which comprised the Cadets of 114 PMA, 28 Graduate and 33 Integrated Course, passed out at the marshal tunes of Army’s Brass Band.

A large number of diplomats, senior serving and retired Armed Forces officers and relatives the passing-out cadets witnessed the parade.

This is great news, the Pakistani military was always a punjabi male dominated sector in the eye's of many westerners and hindu's, when in truth its a force where people of pakistan come together muslims, christians, hindu's, males, females to fight the common enemy.
This is great news, the Pakistani military was always a punjabi male dominated sector in the eye's of many westerners and hindu's, when in truth its a force where people of pakistan come together muslims, christians, hindu's, males, females to fight the common enemy.

The common enemy would be .............

I support the anti-women military platform, but my rasons are not because women are inferior to us, but more so because I'm a tradionalist and believe that the dirty work should be left up to men. But you'd be surprised how many women can beat you PMA_LC120, and many other men in athletic pursuits!
We have so many male volunteers that may be one applicant in a thousand is selected as the PMA cadet. Sargodha has a PAF public school and if one can make the grade all the education is paid for by the PAF. We were 6 brothers, all of us tried but only the youngest got selected as a cadet in the PAF. ( He later got commissioned in as ground weapon systems officer). In Pakistan society male is the bread earner, surely some deserving males could have been selected if there were less women.

You may call me old fashioned, but IMO most women who join as cadets are from affluent families whereas many male cadets are from humble background; by replacing the same with females we may be hampering the efforts of a family to improve their lot. Think we are carrying this gender thing too far. I find it hard to believe that the criteria for selection is exactly the same for men as for women.
I thought i posted in this thread? Was it deleted or did i forget or something :S ??
Check the announcements. Your post will be on the old server. ;)

Go there and post it here.
We have so many male volunteers that may be one applicant in a thousand is selected as the PMA cadet. Sargodha has a PAF public school and if one can make the grade all the education is paid for by the PAF. We were 6 brothers, all of us tried but only the youngest got selected as a cadet in the PAF. ( He later got commissioned in as ground weapon systems officer). In Pakistan society male is the bread earner, surely some deserving males could have been selected if there were less women.

You may call me old fashioned, but IMO most women who join as cadets are from affluent families whereas many male cadets are from humble background; by replacing the same with females we may be hampering the efforts of a family to improve their lot. Think we are carrying this gender thing too far. I find it hard to believe that the criteria for selection is exactly the same for men as for women.

This is interesting,Niaz. But modern military force relies much more on brainwork. a woman can easily bump off a troop of Jungle Rambos if she operates well her attack helo. Don't you think so?:lol:
This is interesting,Niaz. But modern military force relies much more on brainwork. a woman can easily bump off a troop of Jungle Rambos if she operates well her attack helo. Don't you think so?:lol:

My point was social rather than Brawn verses Brain. True woman can fly a helo as well as a man. But in a country where there is huge number of unemployed males, are we assuming than a women is better than man in brain power? If not than why is it necessary to chose women over men.
well, National custom is another thing. besides,male and female are equally capable in mentality with respective vantages. I believe more women will join PMA as time pass by,but eventually keep in relative minority like all armies in the world. after all, women have inbred limitations in military career while men have to take it all,if there's not supermen.
I am agree with Major Niaz. If we have unemployed males so first we can atleast use them .
My point was social rather than Brawn verses Brain. True woman can fly a helo as well as a man. But in a country where there is huge number of unemployed males, are we assuming than a women is better than man in brain power? If not than why is it necessary to chose women over men.

Its neccessary to chase "quality" women over "average" men. I'd rather have a driven woman who does her job well than just an average guy on my team. We need to wake up and realize that our country Pakistan has not used up half (that is 50%) of our potential as of yet because they happen to be women. If you want an educated society then educate your women, let them particpate in the country's welfare. When you do this then the subsequent generations will be educated and driven.

Pakistani unemployment is not just because of lack of jobs. Its due to lack of applying oneself which in turn can be attributed to lack of education.

In any case, these women are no joke either. I know how tough things are at the Pakistan Military Academy. Since the induction of women, one has passed out as ASUO (Academy Senior Under Officer) which is no mean feat!!!!!!

Appointments in the PMA are given purely on merit. That a girl passed out at the top of the academy and also got a medal for her academic performance is a testament about the quality of women we have in our midst.

I just wish that we let the merit take precedence instead of gender, ethnicity etc.
I love to see them flying Fighter Plans and serving Pakistan :sniper: :victory:

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just and uneducated comment and I would be happy if elders/wise people here can correct me. My Doc who is British but of Pakistani origin said that his wife who is doctor also never had male patients because its un Islamic for a male to undress infront of a lady doctor. Is that right ? If it is then will it be un islamic for the men to take orders from woman officers ?

Just curious !


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