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4- Type 054 Frigates from China, Pakistan's next Goal

Haha, good discussion. It is good to delay all naval and airforce procurements until the ghadari government is thrown out, which it seems Inshallah in a few months time. Then our Naval and Air chiefs don't have to worry about Kick Backs and deal stoppers.

Remember its not just the surface combatants that are need by the PN but also the new SSKs.

Everything is quiet in Pakistan's defense industry. It's like calm before the storm.
news: HQ16 which for 054A, do the test of intercept attack supersonic speed target(missile) on 2008, and succeed.
The pictures showed on the first page were 054A+ (batch 2), not the basic 054 (batch 0), which were trial/transition platforms - apart from the displacements - are no better than the F-22P pakistan navy already received; nor they are 054As (batch 1) which had no inward-sloped upper portion of the bow. As many people mentioned before, there was no point of getting the basic version of 054, that would be waste of money.

I do not see much political/military/copyright obstacles to get the series production version of 054A+ for pakistan navy. Only problems will be financial and workload related, as it is going to cost at least $250-300 Milllion per ship even with uttermost discount, pakistan navy just don't have that kind of budget located for decent numbers (4~6+?) of ships this class (4000 tonnes+), in order to form a capable air defense network on the open seas.

Plus, all Chinese naval shipyards/factories capable of (which aren't many) producing 054A+ are fully geared to produce enough new FFGs to replace PLAN's aging 053H/053H1 (Jianghu-I & Jianghu-II) fleet, dated back in late 70s & early 80s, that task alone will be at least 15 frigates in the next 5~8 years, then if counting the support ships for the carrier groups, not to mention the carriers themselves. It will be very tight schedule/deadlines to meet for producing extra 054As.

I wish China could have more shipyards along the coastlines, and to raise the technical/quality control standards for those shipyards based at inland waterways (now the quality standards are low when compared with Shanghai/Guangzhou shipyards), so that the modular construction of building future combat ships can be fully utilised (e.g. build different section/portions at different inland factories, then transport and assemble them at the shipyard on the coast to reduce turn-around time.)
The pictures showed on the first page were 054A+ (batch 2), not the basic 054 (batch 0), which were trial/transition platforms - apart from the displacements - are no better than the F-22P pakistan navy already received; nor they are 054As (batch 1) which had no inward-sloped upper portion of the bow. As many people mentioned before, there was no point of getting the basic version of 054, that would be waste of money.

I think it is rediculous to distinguish 054A batch 1 and batch 2 solely on the basis of a slightly different bow arrangement at the level of the main deck. What counts are the main systems, and there doesn't apear to be any difference between the two batches in terms of those.
wel if they get ordor 4-6 ships from pakistan then one ship yard could work for pakistan and even a transfer of technology could be occoured in such case if all shipyards r busy to complete the chinese need first which is thier right to do so n three ships can be built in china n three in pakistan and thier is no hurdle to transfer the technology to pakistan
welll are you people sure that pakistan navy is interested in this frigate from china. if yes than why we are thinking why not just go and sign the deal.




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Azadpakistan yaar just cool down these type of thigs happen and we should support each other out anyway if navy is talking about the bigger ships than it must have to be Destroyer and desrtoyers are more deadly than Frigates our navy already short on surface ships and mainly on destroyers we need something like russian Sovremenny Class destroyer or chinese made Luyanh II Type 052C Destroyer
i dont think so that china will be ready to sell you Luyanh II Type 052C Destroyer because it will sell you when it can make a next generation destroyer and even pak cant afford it
i dont think so that china will be ready to sell you Luyanh II Type 052C Destroyer because it will sell you when it can make a next generation destroyer and even pak cant afford it

that wont be the case,
they have given us J-10 when it is there latest fighter plane,
the collaboration on Al-Khalid is another example.

Pakistan relationship with China is not effected by such things..
it getting stronger with passage of time..

:pakistan: :china:

and will continue to grow Inshallah...
J-XX, heavier frigats/destroyers, submarines SAM systems are still to come
Pakistan now is under severe natural disaster situation as well as economic hardship, I wonder how Pakistan affords to purchase all of those weapons, which are from not only China but also U.S., Germany, France and etc.
Pakistan now is under severe natural disaster situation as well as economic hardship, I wonder how Pakistan affords to purchase all of those weapons, which are from not only China but also U.S., Germany, France and etc.

The purchasing of Type 054 if planned is not so soon. Pakistan has already delayed several projects including the induction of the next generation subs.
i dont think so that china will be ready to sell you Luyanh II Type 052C Destroyer because it will sell you when it can make a next generation destroyer and even pak cant afford it

Indians in general worry too much about Pakistan's finances. Geez man, knock it off. One thing for sure is that Indians think that a country with a bigger economy will win a war. North Koreans fought the US, Vietnam fought the US, Pakistan fought India and did capture 31% of Kashmir in 1948 and 1965 (it is known as Azad Kashmir), we fought the mighty USSR, Argentina fought the UK over Falkland Islands, Japan fought China, US, Germany fought the entire world. Economy is not everything. War are not won on economic power otherwise US spent a $ trillion plus dollars and the Iraqi insurgents did not have any economy at all.

Come out of the nau daulty attitide that Indians have otherwise according to your formula the Kuwati Dinar and Kuwait should the super power. It does not work that way.
Pakistan now is under severe natural disaster situation as well as economic hardship, I wonder how Pakistan affords to purchase all of those weapons, which are from not only China but also U.S., Germany, France and etc.

Alhamdolillah. Just grace of Allah (sub hanaho-wata-alah) bro :woot::cheesy:
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