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4 more Army Brigades being deployed in Ladakh to effectively counter China

Run away? we just walked in and walked out without any resistance and not after we destroy Indian's bunker and demolish indian infrastructure there :lol:. you spineless army just hopelessly watch with consternation ...lmao

The usual propaganda by CCP ... nothing else .

The only thing you removed was a tin shelter on the disputed place ..... :lol:

One has to wonder why the superior PLA still runs away from the area they claim rather than having a permanent stay and occupy the place .

You got AP but depend on us for water....your gorvernment is crying at daily basis begging China to share the hydro data of the Brahmaputra....as for Aksai Chi, we're not only there for good but install the ealier warning radar to monitor northen part of India include New Delhi

We are getting all the water we want .

Your coward CCP does not have the ball$ to stop the flow of Brahmaputra .
India should increase the defense budget to 5 percent of the GDP, this allow India to compete with China in an arm race.

Without a true capacity, India only bark without bite against China force. Buy more weapons from the west and the US to secure the border with China.
Well we are spending too less still China has not got balls to fire a single bullet?? Enough said. We dont need more money for pu$$ies.
no country spends 10% or 50% of its GDP (except N. Korea:25% :P)

There you provided exception to your own statement...

There are few other countries which spend around 10 % or more ...

But then point is that it is just 2.5 % ... for economy of India's size even 1 % increase in spending is stupendous ....!

and hence can meet needs of our military modernization ....
India don't need to waste money on toilets, save money to buy more weapons to defend your nation.
true, BD should do same, we spend only 1.5% of our GDP :cray:

BD does not face the kinds of threats India faces ...
whenever possible countries should spend more on social uplifting ...

we still have largest share of world's poor in subcontinent ...

Money spent on education is the best money spent !!!

India don't need to waste money on toilets, save money to buy more weapons to defend your nation.

off course we can use your mouth instead for that purpose !
BD does not face the kinds of threats India faces ...
whenever possible countries should spend more on social uplifting ...

we still have largest share of world's poor in subcontinent ...

Money spent on education is the best money spent !!!

off course we can use your mouth instead for that purpose !

How can India compete with China for regional power? India lack the power projection to fight against China in the South China sea, can't attack China through the Hamaylia region. India just all bark without bite against China force.
The usual propaganda by CCP ... nothing else .

The only thing you removed was a tin shelter on the disputed place ..... :lol:

One has to wonder why the superior PLA still runs away from the area they claim rather than having a permanent stay and occupy the place .

We are getting all the water we want .

Your coward CCP does not have the ball$ to stop the flow of Brahmaputra .

CCP propaganda?Indian like to self proclaim victory over the tent pitching issue. we didn't leave until your spineless back down and comply to our demande. :lol:

Stop the flow will only anger India once, playing with the water politic will anger India when ever want, you tell me which it the most interesitng?
India don't need to waste money on toilets, save money to buy more weapons to defend your nation.

Why waste money on a toilet when average Indians do not know how to use it. They would just defecate outside of a public toilet.

India should spend all the money on TOT just like what happen with TOT of PAKFA.

How can India compete with China for regional power? India lack the power projection to fight against China in the South China sea, can't attack China through the Hamaylia region. India just all bark without bite against China force.

But every country will certainly lose to India when it comes to bragging and excuses though. Indians are expert at that.
How can India compete with China for regional power? India lack the power projection to fight against China in the South China sea, can't attack China through the Hamaylia region. India just all bark without bite against China force.
Same with China. They have no capacity to project power in Indian ocean and Bay of bengal.
CCP propaganda?Indian like to self proclaim victory over the tent pitching issue. we didn't leave until your spineless back down and comply to our demande. :lol:

India also tented on the same area which you claim as your territory .

And IA only left after your superrr duperrr PLA ran back from the area .

Makes more sense than your argument .... :lol:

Stop the flow will only anger India once, playing with the water politic will anger India when ever want, you tell me which it the most interesitng?

None because the spineless CCP does not have the courage for both .

How can India compete with China for regional power? India lack the power projection to fight against China in the South China sea, can't attack China through the Hamaylia region. India just all bark without bite against China force.

How can China compete with India for regional power? China lack the power projection to fight against India in the Indian Ocean, can't attack India through the Hamaylia region. China just all bark without bite against India force
Same with China. They have no capacity to project power in Indian ocean and Bay of bengal and.

History already proved China don't need naval projection to defeat India, China fought and land war with India and the result of over 10 thousands Indian soldier surrender in the 1 weeks of the war.
But every country will certainly lose to India when it comes to bragging and excuses though. Indians are expert at that.

Nah , nobody can beat the chinese when it comes to bragging not even the Indians after all the chinese only require a grainy picture to open their big mouth and start bragging .

History already proved China don't need naval projection to defeat India, China fought and land war with India and the result of over 10 thousands Indian soldier surrender in the 1 weeks of the war.

History also shows that the chinese also fought against India in 67 and 87 and chinese got their @ss kicked and ran back .
Here comes again the 'convertable cannon'

as an indegenous stop gap super-advanced technology
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