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4 killed, 20 injured in India blast

Whoever be the mastermind, Indian govt can not ignore its utter failure in NE states. We have failed to keep check on terror activities, mostly due to apathy. Everytime Assam police says they had intelligence. If true, they should be kicked out. They never acted on intelligence.

If Bangladesh is sponsoring, a case needs to be made. Something like a dossier which we created in 26/11. Make a case, send the info to the world. Secure our borders. AND...Act on intelligence.

True. For peace in NE states , govt needs to change. These are all results of ageold rule by the congress. There was no ULFA or any other millitants. They just didn't pop out for no reason. Reasons are well known but how much have the govt done ?

When the long pakistan border with india can be sealed, why can't the border with bangladesh be sealed completely ? We know the reasons, otherwise how will the congress get votes ?

Why is the IMDT act only applied to assam and none other states ? Why can't the congress govt scrap it even when Supreme court says it should be scrapped. We all know the reasons, how will the congress get votes if the immigrants are legally identified and forcefully deported ?

Congress is eating the nation since ages.
What the fkuc is this? What doesn't seem to be working? Explain your statement - India is on the edge of failure? Because to India & all the world, India is rising & well on the way towards progress.

And US, NATO all already closing in on the area which is problem for the region. It ain't Assam.

india is definatly struggling to deal with terrorism, just 3 months ago Pakistani flags were waved in Assam and when ur home minister was going to visit Assam two bombs exploded and again we see today ur prime minsiter was gonna visit Assam tomorrow and 4-5 bombs exploded. so i think india should deal with its problems seriously and if it doesn't know how to deal with it then take Pakistan on board and stop terrorism in Pakistan. Together we can help each other out.
india is definatly struggling to deal with terrorism, just 3 months ago Pakistani flags were waved in Assam and when ur home minister was going to visit Assam two bombs exploded and again we see today ur prime minsiter was gonna visit Assam tomorrow and 4-5 bombs exploded. so i think india should deal with its problems seriously and if it doesn't know how to deal with it then take Pakistan on board and stop terrorism in Pakistan. Together we can help each other out.

Now thats a much better language to use.

Yes, I completely agree that Indian govt has seriously failed the people of Assam & North East states. Two reasons - Apathy & Votebank politics. Congress & BJP - both just appointed special commissions for NE & assigned fixed funds. No effort has been done to reach out to those brothers & sisters of ours, and to tell them firmly that India stands with you.

Having said that, the threat of Terrorist elements from Pakistan is very real, should be dealt with iron hands. Yes, together we can help each other. Question is just one, TRUST. And right now, I can't imagine a situation which will boost mutual trust. Only a miracle.
True. For peace in NE states , govt needs to change. These are all results of ageold rule by the congress. There was no ULFA or any other millitants. They just didn't pop out for no reason. Reasons are well known but how much have the govt done ?

When the long pakistan border with india can be sealed, why can't the border with bangladesh be sealed completely ? We know the reasons, otherwise how will the congress get votes ?

Why is the IMDT act only applied to assam and none other states ? Why can't the congress govt scrap it even when Supreme court says it should be scrapped. We all know the reasons, how will the congress get votes if the immigrants are legally identified and forcefully deported ?

Congress is eating the nation since ages.

Congress should take a large part of the blame. But BJP did not do anything significant when they were in power. They just appointed a retired official specially for NE states. That person only engaged in talking to terrorist leaders in 5 star hotels round the world. And achieved nothing. In Assam, ULFA clearly declares that it has ties with politicians. And that is a shame. Hopefully the new government will have much more constructive NE policies.
Lets try to understand that we aren US in technology and Europe in social and economic development.These attacks will continue for at least another decade but to ask the govt to take some miracle out of their hat is not Ok.
They certainly can do better.And playing votebank politics on innocent people s blood is certainly not tolerable.particularly the immigration situation is very sad indeed.
Lets hope God gives strength to relatives of those who died.
I get sick of these people that have nothing else to do then kill others. But I do find it particular tht both Pakistan and India are the victim of this. Is someone trying to make it worser between them?
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