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300 Taliban fighters from Afg attack Frontier Corps post

The timing is suspicious. When imran khan is protesting against drone attaks 200 paid people are sent over to pakistan to make a statement?

No, the timing of the attack was when Mike Mullen was here. I got to know about the attack and casualties 2 days back. The attack had in reality happening somewhere around 20th & 21st April.
^^ Since when donkey riding cave dwelling taliban had night vision goggles? Or probab.y they werent taliban at all.
taliban might have NVG of very basic functions....but if the swat chapter did it as taimi said...then there is a real problem!!!
^^ Since when donkey riding cave dwelling taliban had night vision goggles? Or probab.y they werent taliban at all.

I can assure you, they were not Talian, either the Afghan ones or the local ones.
I think you didn't get what i wanted to say

Pakistan check post were effected thats why they got attacked.... But from Afghan side... There is infiltration from both side and cannot water seal any border of the world....

So then its NATO Adn ANA responsibility to stop people coming in Afghanistan Isnt it??

It is.. And both NATO and Pakistan have been unable to block this cross border movement of Taliban and end up blaming each other. NATO more so I guess
I can assure you, they were not Talian, either the Afghan ones or the local ones.

This is too complicated.. Didnt know there was another force in the theater... Unless you are hinting at NATO having mounted this attack .. o_O
WHY did not FC call for air support?

@ mid night?? :what:

Its the same situation like when our security men were ambushed by Maoists in jungle which resulted in massive casualty.

Events like these are unforeseen and preventing it is a hard and tough job. Also the terrain factor has got to do a lot on the preparedness. maybe Taimi can explain a bit more on that.
@ mid night?? :what:

Its the same situation like when our security men were ambushed by Maoists in jungle which resulted in massive casualty.

Events like these are unforeseen and preventing it is a hard and tough job. Also the terrain factor has got to do a lot on the preparedness. maybe Taimi can explain a bit more on that.

F-16 & Predator are all weather air crafts.

Since there is a persistent militant problem in that area, so jet should have been standby for attack.

And in our Maoist case, our Air chief still skeptical and were told not to use air assets against Maoists.

IAF Chopper which went for rescue operations faced firing but did not retaliate...
This is too complicated.. Didnt know there was another force in the theater... Unless you are hinting at NATO having mounted this attack .. o_O

No, its not NATO. The are more into the habit of friendly fire mistake excuses, bombing our posts and then claiming its a friendly fire incident or other friendly fire incidents.
@ mid night?? :what:

Its the same situation like when our security men were ambushed by Maoists in jungle which resulted in massive casualty.

Events like these are unforeseen and preventing it is a hard and tough job. Also the terrain factor has got to do a lot on the preparedness. maybe Taimi can explain a bit more on that.

Well this is a mountainous region and the post which was attacked was close to the border and was manned by FC, Levis and not army. As it was close to the border, thus it was easy for the attackers to infiltrate without being noticed much earlier and they made an easy getaway back to Afghanistan.

And this is not the first time that such a large number of men have crossed over the border at night, attacked and then made clean getaway.

Plus, they had night fighting capability, which ours lacked, thus they made full use of it and killed so many of ours.
F-16 & Predator are all weather air crafts.

Since there is a persistent militant problem in that area, so jet should have been standby for attack.

And in our Maoist case, our Air chief still skeptical and were told not to use air assets against Maoists.

IAF Chopper which went for rescue operations faced firing but did not retaliate...

To make this airborne 24 x 7 is impractical due to the high costs. Even we wont be able to do that... They are only used for missions not for monitoring check posts
Well this is a mountainous region and the post which was attacked was close to the border and was manned by FC, Levis and not army. As it was close to the border, thus it was easy for the attackers to infiltrate without being noticed much earlier and they made an easy getaway back to Afghanistan.

And this is not the first time that such a large number of men have crossed over the border at night, attacked and then made clean getaway.

Plus, they had night fighting capability, which ours lacked, thus they made full use of it and killed so many of ours.

Then i guess equipping them with quality nigh vision , setting up high illumination night posts, fencing the guard post perimeters are the only option.

Calling of back up troops are time consuming and sadly these men guarding that place are all by themselves.

Authorities need to open their eyes and imagine themselves on these brave people's shoes and realise how vulnerable these people who are doing the job of guarding the security of nation are doing.

This is same for India too..
Someone is (indirectly and directly) trying to create friction between Afghan Taliban and Pakistan Army, especially as U.S/NATO/Karzai try to warm up with the Afghan Taliban.

These are some of the last desperate attempts by Nato.

Mangal Bagh the TTP al-qaeda ally terrorist and his group is in Afghanistan. they have fled when Pakistani forced conducted massive operation in Khyber Agency. They are indeed pressurising Pakistan by this attack with support from enemies of Pakistan.

US can not get away with such support to terrorist against Pakistan. US/NATO forces giving safe passage to these anti-Pakistan terrorist groups indeed are playing with dire
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