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300,000 plus @ PTI Lahore Jalsa - Live Forum Coverage

200,000!!!!!!! please that is the height of exageration!!! no one not even the ghost of bhutto can bring a crowd of 200,000!!!! please be realistic!

oh you have mistaken this time for sure bro, see pictures or video...the ground was filled which itself can hold 2-3 lac people.
oh you have mistaken this time for sure bro, see pictures or video...the ground was filled which itself can hold 2-3 lac people.

I second Leader, there were more then 2 lac people present today!
Anyone have any figures on the total area of Iqbal Park Lahore?

I tried basic google searches, but nothing came up.

If we have an idea of the total area of the park, and we know that it was filled to capacity with thousands outside the park, we can probably come up with a rough estimate of the attendance ...
Sir jee the number was much more than that, i would reckon more than 350 000 people. Anyone whom has been to Minar e Pakistan would know how spacious the place is, to fill that would require much more than 150K people. Not only was the entire ground filled, there were thousands of people on the street trying to get in.

What world are you living in; buses filled with students from elite schools like LUMS, NUST, UET etc were present at the rally. Majority of my old class mates from Aitchison were at the rally cheering Imran on. He has a massive following among the educated youth and you can be sure that they will support him till the end.

Yes true, but 'Educated Youth' make up a small proportion of Pakistani public.......Imran has to go into the Punjab, Sindh, Baloch heartlands, the deserts, the villages and the small towns to gain more support......Frontier Region should be easy for him....
Yes true, but 'Educated Youth' make up a small proportion of Pakistani public.......Imran has to go into the Punjab, Sindh, Baloch heartlands, the deserts, the villages and the small towns to gain more support......Frontier Region should be easy for him....
The youth are 'idealistic', of course they would gravitate towards IK first.

The skeptical and cynical 'non-youth' voting public may start gravitating towards IK once they realize that he has in fact built up a strong support base and will make an impact in the next elections.
this is what it is.....the park which was completely filled with people..and not only the park people were standing outside as well uptil Badshahi masjid...


there you go front crowd:


and side crowd

But the speech was not up to the mark... I wish he had hired a writer to write his speech.... Chalo beeter luck next time
I wish IK well he cant be any worse than what we have now, But we dont have a presidential system. how is this going to translate into seats in NA has he got people who are standing in each constituency etc What kind of party machinery? he seems from tv news to be 1 man party.
Anyone have any figures on the total area of Iqbal Park Lahore?

I tried basic google searches, but nothing came up.

If we have an idea of the total area of the park, and we know that it was filled to capacity with thousands outside the park, we can probably come up with a rough estimate of the attendance ...

According to a friend of mine who is very close to PTI and has played a good part in promoting PTI told me yesterday that the number of chairs that are being laid on for sitting is around 100000-150000 , considering the fact that many people were standing too and there was too much of suffocation , plus the people on and around stage and not to forget many people outside it again makes something around 300000

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