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30 LCA-Tejas Single Seater handed over to IAF: HAL

Master stroke

Counts with your best military manoeuvres. This is what you are best at. :-)

Deccan chronical lol

I prefer the CIA and Kaiser Tufail, as well John Fricker and Praveen Swahmi

Edit - those figures you listed are PURELY INDIAN Claims. Nothing more nothing less. They mean nothing
Have you heard of Lt. Gen. Mahmud Ahmed? Consult his book, then come and offer your brilliant expert insights.
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Pawain 1000 F-22 le ao, kuch nahi hone wala jani. The only shot you Indians got is buying up Pakistans Parliament wholesale. I'm amazed that you're still talking planes and bombs and soldiers lol.
That works. It works so well that we have now expanded the purchases. We won't need to talk planes, and bombs and soldiers much longer.

PAF didn't even have the balls to fight during Kargil. Easy to not lose any planes when you're too scared to fight. :lol:
This is where they suddenly stop quoting Kaisar Tufail, who told the whole world why the PAF didn't turn up during the Kargil conflict. But we will never hear that story, though everything else that that excellent analyst wrote is dredged up and recycled.
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Take a full bucket of self fellatio bhaktoras..
Then use smart water to dilute and mix to dry.

What hasn’t evaporated is dumb as shit bhaktoras..

Then take a sieve of common sense..
Use it to clear out the rest..

That will leave you dumb as shit self fellatio Bhaktoras

Then use a 0.1 micron filter of any self respect powered truth on this sample..

What remains after that is Avenuepark
What kind of lalaland cow dung does this guy snort which he regurgitates on every thread?

Qtia call center reject
Indians have added one plane to their arsenal and they are all here to tell us that it's all over for Pakistan....

First 29 did not matter it's 30th that's the key lol
Yes, 65, and 71. It is amusing to see that one air battle, with two initiatives, one on each side, is now the current straw that fanboys cling to.

Think it through, and you will get it. You cannot go war-fighting with nothing in the bank. Every element used is expensive, and even as hostilities continue, sustainability is an issue.

India, China, the US and Russia, all have a certain amount in the kitty to start and fight a war for at least a limited duration.

A good point.

A sharp contrast to what you and your friends bring to the discussion, personal knowledge of each and every bullet that was fired.

Yes, it does.


Write in Urdu, but read in whatever languages you can discover the facts, Both will be improvements. When you know nothing, don't get involved.
Yes, and all the knowledge belong to mighty India??
India is perfect example Once a loser is always a loser
Indians have added one plane to their arsenal and they are all here to tell us that it's all over for Pakistan....

First 29 did not matter it's 30th that's the key lol
Indians did not start this thread. Oops?
Oo bhai ... You still thinks India is a bigger threat than ISI and PA for Pakistan... Bangladesh got independence from this establishment they are in peace with everyone... we the western wing of remaining Pakistan is still under this manhoos establishment... we are doomed anyway... India kia laita kia kerta wouldn't matter... dushman ghar kai andaar hi hai...

How many people who think like you exist in pakistan ? (seriously)
How many people who think like you exist in pakistan ? (seriously)
lately so many now... they have backstabbed our own governments to forward their own agenda... we knew it but we were of the view that it's the politician who are corrupt and hurting our country so our establishment has to intervene...lately we're waking up to the fact that it's not politicians... it's corrupt establishment which has actually played rouge... they have created political class which serves as their stooges...who are stupid enough to take blames for them... so they create monsters for us and then they come to save us from those monsters... kinda Homelander stuff going on here in Pakistan with it's all powerful establishment.
Oo bhai ... You still thinks India is a bigger threat than ISI and PA for Pakistan... Bangladesh got independence from this establishment they are in peace with everyone... we the western wing of remaining Pakistan is still under this manhoos establishment... we are doomed anyway... India kia laita kia kerta wouldn't matter... dushman ghar kai andaar hi hai...

What do you think India is okay ? Let me then refresh you with 100,000 dead Kashmiris thousands rapes IOK? By then, imagine now what they would do to you mate if PAK Army let them into your family Pakistani village! And What’s with this utter west Pakistan none sense. Bangladeshis were never physical part of Pakistan so why you taking badly for. Rest of us in Pakistanis did not rebel or join india to fight Pakistan. Good riddance to them. They’ve made their bed let them lay in it it’s not as rosy as your types always make it out to be. They got huge issues with Myanmar with mad woman in charge Dhaka
Well that's something that our super fictitious army told us... they also told us Sharifs and Zardaries have lotted this country... So much so that Sharif was a security risk... they told us Fatima Jinnah was a bitch... So i don't know which of it is actually true now... are balochies really agitating bkz of indian funding or it's us who have done wrong to them.. i don't know... What agencies are doing in our main cities in broad day light... imagine what kinda havoc they have been causing in areas where there is no access to roads or internet... Sadly Our army is a rouge institution.... there is a reason that every corrupt politician, every lotta has it's roots in Army's political nursery...

So you think India is not a threat but a made up one by our establishment?

I m not favoring establishment in current scene before you also declare me a national security threat for areas without roads
I thought India did win all wars with Pakistan. Oh well.

Testicular swelling can be a serious medical condition if unchecked. Recommend you speak to your physician instead of posting concerns here on a defence forum.

Good luck.
then stop licking our balls.
Since you creatures come crawling here to learn so pay attention.
All the fighting took place on the Indian side of LOC.
PA and other combatants intruded into indian side and slaughtered hundreds of Indian soldiers.
What stopped the Agni Pankh Patils from attacking PA positions on Pakistani side.
All they did was carried out strikes on their own territory with the help of both America and Israel.
All the fourth largest airforce in the world could pride itself on was allegedly locking on a PAF aircraft from within own airspace.
But when it comes to actual combat, your weekend warriors can do is wave a piece of AMRAAM and cry to America.
An action that would embarrass a subsaharan air force.
Please tell me you're not trying to claim amount of Indian casualties as some sort of victory. Of course IAF bombed it's own territory. That's where Pakistani troops were located, in Indian territory. There was a real need for air cover for Pakistani troops during Kargil and PAF didn't rise to the occasion. You can thump your chest as much as you want about the 2019 skirmish but the fact is that it was a limited skirmish where neither side wanted to escalate hostilities. Like I said before, the last major IND-PAK conflict was Kargil and PAF didn't show up.
Please tell me you're not trying to claim amount of Indian casualties as some sort of victory. Of course IAF bombed it's own territory. That's where Pakistani troops were located, in Indian territory. There was a real need for air cover for Pakistani troops during Kargil and PAF didn't rise to the occasion. You can thump your chest as much as you want about the 2019 skirmish but the fact is that it was a limited skirmish where neither side wanted to escalate hostilities. Like I said before, the last major IND-PAK conflict was Kargil and PAF didn't show up.
Compared to Kargil, 2019 was indeed limited skirmish, however, it also proved the point that when India or IAF attempted to be the Aggressor, the PAF immediately retaliated and did so in broad daylight. If you recall, India and Pakistan eas ngaged in artillery duels on regular basis but when aircraft cross the LOC, its considered an act of war.
This is the main reason the IAF never attempted to attack PA positions on the Pakistani side as such actions would have invited retaliation from the PAF.
Why are Pakistanis having their panties in a bunch over “ TEJAS “ ?

I thought they can run over India after 2019 like they did that time by closing their airspace for months to come.:rofl:

Anyone heard gafoora telling about doosra Banda yet ? :lol:
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