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30 LCA-Tejas Single Seater handed over to IAF: HAL

Yes hopefully next time your own air defences dont shoot down your own aircrafts :D

IAF biggest victims have been your poor pilots, your poor officers, and biggest casualty so far for the IAF was your very own first CDS

Other than that in every single war since 1947 IAF has lost 3-4x more jets to the PAF. In the last 2 conflicts (Kargil and 2019) IAF lost 2-3 in each and PAF lost 000 :D

Here are the pics of your poor mig pilots

PAF didn't even have the balls to fight during Kargil. Easy to not lose any planes when you're too scared to fight. :lol:
PAF didn't even have the balls to fight during Kargil. Easy to not lose any planes when you're too scared to fight. :lol:

Why risk a 30 million F16 when the job was done with a 10k manpad :D its called jugaad beta
Sounds like a poor excuse. Fact: Kargil was the last major conflict between India-Pak and PAF didn't even show up. :pakistan:

Speaks for the IAF that the PAF did not have to show up and it still lost 2 aircrafts out of maybe a dozen or so used :D

2019 when PAF finally did show up 3 aircrafts lost in a 30 minute timeframe including your much vaulted SU30 blown to smitherines
Speaks for the IAF that the PAF did not have to show up and it still lost 2 aircrafts out of maybe a dozen or so used :D

2019 when PAF finally did show up 3 aircrafts lost in a 30 minute timeframe including your much vaulted SU30 blown to smitherines
There is absolutely no evidence that a SU30 was shot down. Just your own mental gymnastics. So when IAF bombed your troops during Kargil, PAF left them to fend for themselves. Forcing them to employ MANPADS for self defence. Mighty PAF indeed.
There is absolutely no evidence that a SU30 was shot down. Just your own mental gymnastics. So when IAF bombed your troops during Kargil, PAF left them to fend for themselves. Forcing them to employ MANPADS for self defence. Mighty PAF indeed.
Since you creatures come crawling here to learn so pay attention.
All the fighting took place on the Indian side of LOC.
PA and other combatants intruded into indian side and slaughtered hundreds of Indian soldiers.
What stopped the Agni Pankh Patils from attacking PA positions on Pakistani side.
All they did was carried out strikes on their own territory with the help of both America and Israel.
All the fourth largest airforce in the world could pride itself on was allegedly locking on a PAF aircraft from within own airspace.
But when it comes to actual combat, your weekend warriors can do is wave a piece of AMRAAM and cry to America.
An action that would embarrass a subsaharan air force.
There is absolutely no evidence that a SU30 was shot down. Just your own mental gymnastics. So when IAF bombed your troops during Kargil, PAF left them to fend for themselves. Forcing them to employ MANPADS for self defence. Mighty PAF indeed.
Look 2 IAF aircrafts were shot down
+ IAF Helicopter with 8 Army personal on own Indian territory
1 aircraft Mig 21
1 SU30
Now obviously the Mig 21 crashed & result was Abhin with Vir Chakra I ask why did he deserve Vir Chakra for survival crash?
So don't change the topic of 2019 to KArgil where bunch Pak army 150 soldiers held off 10,000 Indian army at bay !!!
Since you creatures come crawling here to learn so pay attention.
All the fighting took place on the Indian side of LOC.
PA and other combatants intruded into indian side and slaughtered hundreds of Indian soldiers.
What stopped the Agni Pankh Patils from attacking PA positions on Pakistani side.
All they did was carried out strikes on their own territory with the help of both America and Israel.
All the fourth largest airforce in the world could pride itself on was allegedly locking on a PAF aircraft from within own airspace.
But when it comes to actual combat, your weekend warriors can do is wave a piece of AMRAAM and cry to America.
An action that would embarrass a subsaharan air force.

Exactly, during Kargil PAF took the decision to only operate on its side of the LOC and not engage IAF jets unless they intruded into Pakistani air space, this was because PAF did not have any BVR capable fighters back then. Even then the Pak army invaded into indian land butchered hundreds of their soldiers, took over multiple posts (many of which are held to this day). To this day Pak army holds point 5353 which overlooks the national highway which connects kargil with kashmir. Infact the whole kargil operation was to take post where artillery could be positioned in range of this highway.

Even when PAF had 0 BVR capable fighter and only 30 4th generation F16s (those to sanctioned), IAF nor the gangedeshi army could take back the most important post that we took from them :D

Look 2 IAF aircrafts were shot down
+ IAF Helicopter with 8 Army personal on own Indian territory
1 aircraft Mig 21
1 SU30
Now obviously the Mig 21 crashed & result was Abhin with Vir Chakra I ask why did he deserve Vir Chakra for survival crash?
So don't change the topic of 2019 to KArgil where bunch Pak army 150 soldiers held off 10,000 Indian army at bay !!!

Its actually 3 aircrafts the IAF lost. The MI17 was operated by the IAF :D if you wanna include total losses then they lost 2 pilots on the su-30mki+ 11 killed in the MI17 crash + 1 pilot captured from mig21 loss.

It only cost the PAF 2 AMRAAMS :D :toast_sign: :pakistan: :sniper:
How many warheads did Soviet Union had ?

Economic destruction is worse than nuclear winter.
Agreed - but that also meant that it took economics to take the USSR down. All the other conventional or nuclear threats became irrelevant and until economics took it down the USSR was still a military and political power to be reckoned with for its foes.

The same will remain for Pakistan - surgical strikes are useless, brash “teach a lesson” statements are useless.

What it took wasn’t Rafale’s or Submarines but lobbying within the FATF and controlling members of the IMF
Holy fucking shit this dude for real?


You seeing this?
Let's not go that far into the past when certain individuals weren't even conceived.

A lot has changed since.

As for the 2019 remark, all I can ask of you is try having a soft corner for retards.

I personally don't know what Indians have to boast about Feb., 2019.

They lost 2 Jets - We lost NiL.
They had 0 PoWs - We got one for the price of a Tea Cup.
They claim to have killed somewhere between 350 to 150 Terrorist, and yet not a single Camera Footage from Masala Spice2000 has ever been made public. Atleast we showed to the World by inviting them in for an event & displayed how a Sow weapon works with a Made in China camera.

Did I forget to mention that their own Battery Commander shot down one of their own Mi-17's - while killing all 7 Jawans on board.

Makes you wonder how Gen. Bipin Rawat met his demise.

So, let 'em have their moment. Some of these brilliant Indian minds on [PDF] are from *** - the hell hole of the Forum Universe where they all get together on a round table & jerk-off one another.
Let's not go that far into the past when certain individuals weren't even conceived.

A lot has changed since.

As for the 2019 remark, all I can ask of you is try having a soft corner for retards.

I personally don't know what Indians have to boast about Feb., 2019.

They lost 2 Jets - We lost NiL.
They had 0 PoWs - We got one for the price of a Tea Cup.
They claim to have killed somewhere between 350 to 150 Terrorist, and yet not a single Camera Footage from Masala Spice2000 has ever been made public. Atleast we showed to the World by inviting them in for an event & displayed how a Sow weapon works with a Made in China camera.

Did I forget to mention that their own Battery Commander shot down one of their own Mi-17's - while killing all 7 Jawans on board.

Makes you wonder how Gen. Bipin Rawat met his demise.

So, let 'em have their moment. Some of these brilliant Indian minds on [PDF] are from *** - the hell hole of the Forum Universe where they all get together on a round table & jerk-off one another.

The lack of video footage from the spice bomb is a tell tale sign of their deceptive lies. The whole point of its video guidance footage is to let central command know for certain that the target was struck. The fact that the IAF never released their footage whereby the PAF released their footage the next day shows which force a full of incompetent leaders.

I expect a repeat of this in the future as well. Had IAF learned from its lesson, dismissed officials, conducted a neautral after action report and took action to remedy any short comings id say other wise. Hell just a year after they managed to kill their first and only CDS. It actually benefits us that they are able to lie and not learn from their mistakes. What an incompetent bikari air force.

Infact I have more respect for the Russians. Atleast they do what they say ruthlessly against their enemies even though they are incompetent. The indians are incompetent while they bark threats all day and do NOTHING 🐩
Indian leadership was lacking b@lls in the last major war.
Spoiler - It didn't play to Pakistan's advantage
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Similar to what is going on in the present day with east Ukrainian traitors welcoming Russians .

To that in effect, is what happened with us in east Pakistanis traitors refused to fight or Joined and swapped armies. On the other hand, Pakistan itself you have zero answer to it with all your men material you harp on about here daily.

And regarding your pm claim she had balls ?

Then that would make her a trans woman Yuck !!
Your russian junk will be decimated. Pak military with all its short comings would decimate indian military in a conventional war. Your hot air baloon would burst. Id give it 3-5 weeks max.

From mumbai to delhi to bangalore. All will be struck :)
This is seventy-five years old. Take a break and get a life.

Indian Army and Navy have their own aviation wings because you Army, Navy and Airforce do not trust each other. In 1962 war with China, your Airforce gave a slip to your Army.
The Air Force was never called into action, in spite of their making urgent proposals. I suggest you stay out of historical references before you have done some elementary reading.

If money could win wars, India would have won all wars against Pakistan. What you are lacking and what we have is b@lls.
Ah, yes, but no victories, only window-dressing aimed at convincing your own constituency at home.

India will never ever start a war with Pak it knows whats coming.
India HAS never started a war with Pakistan. It is safe to make predictions of your sort, knowing that one country has always, each and every time, been the aggressor.

Let's wait and see where No18 moves out to. Currently at Sulur, it's basically a training/OCU unit. No45 will remain OCU imo. And when in Sulur, it doesn't really concern either Pakistan or PRC.
Eastern India. Already decided.

And you based this on?
Why ask him? Ask your own military and civilian planners. The paucity of resources, the shortage of funds. It's as brutal as that.

The good news, for you, is that we are following, but one step behind. There is more of a positive legacy to be wasted, it will take longer.
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65,71 and 2019 🤨
Yes, 65, and 71. It is amusing to see that one air battle, with two initiatives, one on each side, is now the current straw that fanboys cling to.

So you are basing Pakistans ability to fight back physically based purely on Pakistans finances?

You do realise, that Pakistans finances are for FUTURE procurements? Pakistans inability to procure weaponry en masse in the future does not mean it does not have the weaponry or means to fight back, especially when considering the stock piles of weaponry Pakistan has been mass producing for decades now.....

I mean come on, how would finances actually dictate a war other than the aftermath of the war? In the initial combat phase, economy will be the last thing on everyones mind. Be it Pakistan, India, China, USA, Russia or any one else for that matter, they won't be thinking about the economy during war time. Rather they will be thinking about, say idk, how to use the current weaponry they have to their advantage to win the war?
Think it through, and you will get it. You cannot go war-fighting with nothing in the bank. Every element used is expensive, and even as hostilities continue, sustainability is an issue.

So you are basing Pakistans ability to fight back physically based purely on Pakistans finances?

You do realise, that Pakistans finances are for FUTURE procurements? Pakistans inability to procure weaponry en masse in the future does not mean it does not have the weaponry or means to fight back, especially when considering the stock piles of weaponry Pakistan has been mass producing for decades now.....

I mean come on, how would finances actually dictate a war other than the aftermath of the war? In the initial combat phase, economy will be the last thing on everyones mind. Be it Pakistan, India, China, USA, Russia or any one else for that matter, they won't be thinking about the economy during war time. Rather they will be thinking about, say idk, how to use the current weaponry they have to their advantage to win the war?
India, China, the US and Russia, all have a certain amount in the kitty to start and fight a war for at least a limited duration.

I was speaking to Indian guys here in Canada
the first thing they mentioned how Abhi became victorious in 2019 balakot with Vir Chakra award that Indians gave to Indians themselves. I was being very polite with them as I didn't want to start a argument as to WHAT ACTUALLY happened with PAF that day shot down 2 IA aircrafts. So I didn't continue the facts of 2019 just ignored them. The learning education from this meeting with Indian felles is ANYTHING Indian media throws at them the mass public falls for it, simple.
A good point.

A sharp contrast to what you and your friends bring to the discussion, personal knowledge of each and every bullet that was fired.

Well, everyone missing the main question to ask, so I will take the liberty of doing it.

Does it come with a trolley cart mate?
Yes, it does.


Indian Loser nation,
you lost your air force in 65, even in kargil your two jets were shoot down who try to enter Pakistani air space. In 2019 you lost your jets and pilots not us.
Write in Urdu, but read in whatever languages you can discover the facts, Both will be improvements. When you know nothing, don't get involved.
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