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30 LCA-Tejas Single Seater handed over to IAF: HAL

China takes a product and improves it. This is the reason why Chinese products are superior to the original product that they are based on.

Bhai Sahab, the seller always says that it is world's best......... it is a simple fundamental of selling the product..
Was seeing a documentary on Battle of Britain and how the RAF shot down 72 German planes in 1 day. 1 day. And they lost 36 on the same day. Makes you think these current numbers are very conservative considering on another day the Luftwaffe sent in over 700 planes to bomb England.
Your russian junk will be decimated. Pak military with all its short comings would decimate indian military in a conventional war. Your hot air baloon would burst. Id give it 3-5 weeks max.

From mumbai to delhi to bangalore. All will be struck :)
This has never happened. It's just something you tell yourself to feel better just like saying Indian IT workers are useless when your country's IT industry is a joke compared to the India's.

OT: How many J10C's will PAF induct in the near future?
This has never happened. It's just something you tell yourself to feel better just like saying Indian IT workers are useless when your country's IT industry is a joke compared to the India's.

OT: How many J10C's will PAF induct in the near future?

Our J10Cs are superior to your Rafales.
Pak’s current financial mess
So you are basing Pakistans ability to fight back physically based purely on Pakistans finances?

You do realise, that Pakistans finances are for FUTURE procurements? Pakistans inability to procure weaponry en masse in the future does not mean it does not have the weaponry or means to fight back, especially when considering the stock piles of weaponry Pakistan has been mass producing for decades now.....

I mean come on, how would finances actually dictate a war other than the aftermath of the war? In the initial combat phase, economy will be the last thing on everyones mind. Be it Pakistan, India, China, USA, Russia or any one else for that matter, they won't be thinking about the economy during war time. Rather they will be thinking about, say idk, how to use the current weaponry they have to their advantage to win the war?
So you are basing Pakistans ability to fight back physically based purely on Pakistans finances?
I would’ve not cared about it if you had healthy forex reserves.
You do realise, that Pakistans finances are for FUTURE procurements? Pakistans inability to procure weaponry en masse in the future does not mean it does not have the weaponry or means to fight back, especially when considering the stock piles of weaponry Pakistan has been mass producing for decades now.....
War needs financial resources to fight long, and as long as Pak lacks in forex reserves, it will only make your economy collapse if a war breaks out. As bullets, shells etc won’t be churned out for free.
I mean come on, how would finances actually dictate a war other than the aftermath of the war? In the initial combat phase, economy will be the last thing on everyones mind. Be it Pakistan, India, China, USA, Russia or any one else for that matter, they won't be thinking about the economy during war time. Rather they will be thinking about, say idk, how to use the current weaponry they have to their advantage to win the war?
True to some extent, but had it been unimportant, west would’nt have put sanctions on Russia, the sanctions failed are a different thing, but the sanctions were put to hurt “Russian economy”, because as long as Russia is having money, it can sustain the war for longer periods of time.
This has never happened. It's just something you tell yourself to feel better just like saying Indian IT workers are useless when your country's IT industry is a joke compared to the India's.

OT: How many J10C's will PAF induct in the near future?
What we have or not,that's not your problem. In last 74.8 years your country try each and every way to destroy Pakistan. But we are still here, so go to anywhere else to sell your third class IT workers. low life people of india

Pak’s current financial mess
We had fight a war in 1948 and won,a and gave bloody nose.your pm nehru run to UN for ceasefire not us. so sell this finance manjan somewhere else.
Holy fucking shit this dude for real?


You seeing this?
I was speaking to Indian guys here in Canada
the first thing they mentioned how Abhi became victorious in 2019 balakot with Vir Chakra award that Indians gave to Indians themselves. I was being very polite with them as I didn't want to start a argument as to WHAT ACTUALLY happened with PAF that day shot down 2 IA aircrafts. So I didn't continue the facts of 2019 just ignored them. The learning education from this meeting with Indian felles is ANYTHING Indian media throws at them the mass public falls for it, simple.
What we have or not,that's not your problem. In last 74.8 years your country try each and every way to destroy Pakistan. But we are still here, so go to anywhere else to sell your third class IT workers. low life people of india

We had fight a war in 1948 and won,a and gave bloody nose.your pm nehru run to UN for ceasefire not us. so sell this finance mahan somewhere else.

I was speaking to Indian guys here in Canada
the first thing they mentioned how Abhi became victorious in 2019 balakot with Vir Chakra award that Indians gave to Indians themselves. I was being very polite with them as I didn't want to start a argument as to WHAT ACTUALLY happened with PAF that day shot down 2 IA aircrafts. So I didn't continue the facts of 2019 just ignored them. The learning education from this meeting with Indian felles is ANYTHING Indian media throws at them the mass public falls for it, simple.
Because you have nothing to argue 😁
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