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30 LCA-Tejas Single Seater handed over to IAF: HAL

The learning education from this meeting with Indian felles is ANYTHING Indian media throws at them the mass public falls for it, simple.
Same can be said about you guys too.. whatever your dg ispr vomits you guys just swallow it 😄
By the way where is the 2nd pilot who was admitted in CMH hospital?
If money could win wars, India would have won all wars against Pakistan. What you are lacking and what we have is b@lls.
I thought India did win all wars with Pakistan. Oh well.

Testicular swelling can be a serious medical condition if unchecked. Recommend you speak to your physician instead of posting concerns here on a defence forum.

Good luck.

Because you have nothing to argue 😁
Are you kidding me,
2 IAF aircrafts shot down
1 helicopter IAF shot down by OWN indain air defences killing 8 personal
PAF misslile lock on target to IAF admin in head quarter bases
IAF targets 4 trees destroyed instead of 300 Pakistani citizens killed in strike(Indian media lies about this )
IAF claims is shot down PAF F16 which never did (all F16s accounted for in bases verified by USA)
Abhinanaded gets a Vir Chakra for what
& list of failures goes on behalf of IAF.
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Are you kidding me,
2 IAF aircrafts shot down
1 helicopter IAF shot down by OWN indain air defences killing 8 personal
PAF misslile lock on target to IAF admin in head quarter bases
IAF targets 4 trees destroyed instead of 300 Pakistani citizens killed in strike(Indian media lies about this )
& list of failures goes on behalf of IAF.


Because you have nothing to argue 😁
We have nehru in UN begging for ceasefire, we have lal Bahadur shastari begging for ceasefire . We have wajpai begging for peace in Lahore in 1999. And many more things to remind your national humiliation in front of Pakistan. But I know low life people never accept the reality.
Indian Loser nation,
you lost your air force in 65, even in kargil your two jets were shoot down who try to enter Pakistani air space. In 2019 you lost your jets and pilots not us.
Yes you are right that India lost more planes in 1965 war than Pakistan, Let's see why and how?

Air force battles can be classified as:

Air to air combats: when you are in direct dog fight with the enemy where your skills are directly challenged by his. In 1965 Pakistan had far far better planes than us but even then in this aspect India gave them a tough fight and numbers are even. So the fights which show real skill of pilots India came on top as we had poor quality planes vis-à-vis Pakistan.
Ground attacks : this is the attack where a pilot targets enemy radar stations, oil reserves and other important installation and these are defended by state of art missile system. So logic behind me saying this is the more number of sorties flown by pilots for ground attacks the more is the chance that it will be shot down by enemy air defense.
If you clearly check the records India flew 5 times more sorties than Pakistan so the more losses.Pakistan made an air show of it's fleet after the war was completed to show that it had just lost 10–15 aircraft but the reality is many of them were borrowed planes from Saudi and other gulf nations to hide the beating in front of Pakistani people.
I would’ve not cared about it if you had healthy forex reserves.

War needs financial resources to fight long, and as long as Pak lacks in forex reserves, it will only make your economy collapse if a war breaks out. As bullets, shells etc won’t be churned out for free.

True to some extent, but had it been unimportant, west would’nt have put sanctions on Russia, the sanctions failed are a different thing, but the sanctions were put to hurt “Russian economy”, because as long as Russia is having money, it can sustain the war for longer periods of time.
That still doesnt make any sense in the pak indo war scenario.

India only has lets say any where from 10-20 days worth of equipment (ammo, fuel etc) to fight a war where as Pakistan has anywhere upto a months worth of Equipment if not similar amount. How would finances play into affect? If India tries to fight Pakistan economically during the war Pakistan will fight India economically as well. I.E bye bye indias cash cows and ability to turn said money into physcial assets (bye bye factories).

Finances playing apart in the war is moot. Example, soviet union during ww2.

Bullets and shells not being churned out for free? Again, massive stock piles have been made in Pakistan for said situation.

Boar hitting story is 6+ years old
Friendly fire accidents happen all the time but this number of killed is mis-reported.
This story of 43 days is from Indian source so hence uncredible, falsified report full of lies.
No access to schools is another falsified report to promote propuganda in favor of Abhi Vir Chakra award ceromony on behalf of giving the award by Indian govt to justifiy everything.
We have nehru in UN begging for ceasefire, we have lal Bahadur shastari begging for ceasefire . We have wajpai begging for peace in Lahore in 1999. And many more things to remind your national humiliation in front of Pakistan. But I know low life people never accept the reality.
The PAF was blown out of the subcontinent's skies within the first week of the 1971 war.Those PAF aircraft that survived took refuge at Iranian air bases or in concrete bunkers, refusing to offer a fight.

India flew 1,978 sorties in the East and about 4,000 in Pakistan, while the PAF flew about 30 and 2,840 at the respective fronts. More than 80 percent of IAF sorties were close-support and interdiction and about 45 IAF aircraft were lost.

Pakistan lost 60 to 75 aircraft,not including any F-6s, Mirage IIIs, or the six Jordanian F-104s which failed to return to their donors.The imbalance in air losses was explained by the IAF's considerably higher sortie rate and its emphasis on ground-attack missions
By Indians own admission, in response to Pakistan acquiring 40 F-16s in the 80s. India had to end up purchasing over 200 aircraft from various countries.
India ammased over 250 SU-30s.... A very formidable force by itself.... Did PAF show any concern but the mere mention of 8 new Vipers sent shock waves in New Delhi. Ironically one skirmish ended the myth of so called Raptor of Asia.
Money may allow you to buy weapons in quantity but one thing you can never purchase is quality of training and self confidence.
Boar hitting story is 6+ years old
Friendly fire accidents happen all the time but this number of killed is mis-reported.
This story of 43 days is from Indian source so hence uncredible, falsified report full of lies.
No access to schools is another falsified report to promote propuganda in favor of Abhi Vir Chakra award ceromony on behalf of giving the award by Indian govt to justifiy everything.

By Indians own admission, in response to Pakistan acquiring 40 F-16s in the 80s. India had to end up purchasing over 200 aircraft from various countries.
India ammased over 250 SU-30s.... A very formidable force by itself.... Did PAF show any concern but the mere mention of 8 new Vipers sent shock waves in New Delhi. Ironically one skirmish ended the myth of so called Raptor of Asia.
Money may allow you to buy weapons in quantity but one thing you can never purchase is quality of training and self confidence.
Sir raptor of East have been integrated with BrahMos ALCM and Astra BVR missiles to make your life miserable again. As for network centric warfare,HAL has already integrated the Software Defined Radios (SDR) supplied by Israeli Rafael company successfully 🤪

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Sir raptor of East have been integrated with BrahMos ALCM and Astra BVR missiles to make your life miserable again 🤪
Keep dreaming like your forefathers to conquer Pakistan. That dream is best solution of your nation's mental condition.good bye
Now the 2 trillion GDP country in crying for its poverty.😂😂😂
Indian losses in the 1947-48 war totalled 1,104 killed and 3,154 wounded; Pakistan, about 6,000 killed and 14,000 wounded. India gained control of about two-thirds of Kashmir; Pakistan, the remainder. Neutral assessments state India emerged victorious as it successfully defended most of the contested territory, including the Kashmir valley, Jammu, and Ladakh
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