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30 countries walk out in the face of Iranian President at UN Summit on "Racism"

Mar 5, 2009
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Diplomats walk out of the summit and protesters heckle Iran's leader

Diplomats have walked out of a UN anti-racism conference during a speech by the Iranian president in which he described Israel as "totally racist".

Dozens of delegates got up and left, moments after two protesters wearing coloured wigs disrupted the start of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech.

Diplomats who remained applauded as Mr Ahmadinejad continued his address.

France said it was a "hate speech" and the US called it "vile". Some countries had boycotted the meeting altogether.

The walkout is a public relations disaster for the United Nations, which had hoped the conference would be a shining example of what the UN is supposed to do best - uniting to combat injustice in the world, says the BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva.

UN dismay

Paul Reynolds
World affairs correspondent, BBC News website

The one issue that never seems to go away when conferences of this kind are held is the Israeli-Palestinian one.

A document has been already been agreed among those governments attending and you have to read it quite closely to detect the tremors remaining from the earthquakes in discussions that went before.

But enough contentious issues remain and the result is a boycott by the US, Israel, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

The walkout by delegates from at least 30 countries happened within minutes of the start of the speech.

The officials planned to return later to participate in the rest of the conference.

One of the two protesters escorted out of the conference hall managed to throw a red clown's nose at the Iranian president, as they yelled "racist, racist" as he stood at the podium.

Mr Ahmadinejad, the only major leader to attend the conference, said Jewish migrants from Europe and the United States had been sent to the Middle East after World War II "in order to establish a racist government in the occupied Palestine".

He continued, through an interpreter: "And in fact, in compensation for the dire consequences of racism in Europe, they helped bring to power the most cruel and repressive racist regime in Palestine."

French Ambassador Jean-Baptiste Mattei said: "As soon as he started to address the question of the Jewish people and Israel, we had no reason to stay in the room," the Associated Press news agency reported.

British Ambassador Peter Gooderham, also among those who left, said "such inflammatory rhetoric has no place whatsoever in a United Nations conference addressing the whole issue of racism and how to address it."

The US, Israel, Canada, Australia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and New Zealand had all boycotted the conference being held in Geneva, in protest at Mr Ahmadinejad's appearance.

His comments were described as "an absolute disgrace" by Israeli President Shimon Peres, attending a Holocaust Remembrance Day event in Jerusalem.

Israel had earlier recalled its ambassador to Switzerland.

Mr Ahmadinejad told a press conference after his speech that the countries boycotting the forum were showing "arrogance and selfishness".

The US Deputy Ambassador to the UN, Alejandro Wolff, said the speech was "inaccurate", as well as showing disregard towards the UN, and "does a grave injustice to the Iranian nation and the Iranian people".

Speaking at UN headquarters in New York, he said: "We call on the Iranian leadership to show much measured, moderate, honest and constructive rhetoric when dealing with issues in the region, and not this type of vile, hateful, inciteful speech."

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner had warned that French delegates would walk out if the forum was used as a platform to attack Israel.

Speaking after the walkout, he said: "The defence of human rights and the fight against all types of racism are too important for the United Nations not to unite against all forms of hate speech, against all perversion of this message.

"Faced with attitudes like that which the Iranian president has just adopted, no compromise is possible."

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has expressed dismay at the boycotts and the speech, saying Mr Ahmadinejad had used his speech "to accuse, divide and even incite".
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United Nations is a joke anyway. There was no reason for all those morons to walk out just because a President thinks that Israel is a 'Totally Racist' regime.

If it wasn't a totally racist regime, they never would've been so dedicated to the systematic extermination and occupation of the Palestinian people and their land. In my opinion, Ahmadinejad didn't say anything offensive. The 'Drama Queens' on the other hand could've taken it a bit lightly.
The Iranian Pres is known to be making unacceptable speeches. It was completely irresponsible to use UN forum to lash out at Israel. Racism, is a big problem in the world. IT was a unique venture by UN to draft an anti-racism bill. Thanks to Mr. President, it became a reality show.
I think it's great that they walked out. However, I would rather they had all stood up and chanted "Death to Iran!" "Death to Iran!" "Death to Iran!" "Death to Iran!" until they were thrown out or Ahmedinejad had to stop. :chilli:
Islamic terrorism this, Muslim extremists that, Shariat is bad here, Madrassas are bad there, radical Sunnis on the top, Shiite death squads on the bottom, wahabism down low, militant Islamist up high, Islamism for the loss, drone strike on a family for the win....

Mr Ahmadinejad, the only major leader to attend the conference, said Jewish migrants from Europe and the United States had been sent to the Middle East after World War II "in order to establish a racist government in the occupied Palestine".....

And the UN stops functioning.
United Nations is a joke anyway. There was no reason for all those morons to walk out just because a President thinks that Israel is a 'Totally Racist' regime.

If it wasn't a totally racist regime, they never would've been so dedicated to the systematic extermination and occupation of the Palestinian people and their land. In my opinion, Ahmadinejad didn't say anything offensive. The 'Drama Queens' on the other hand could've taken it a bit lightly.

spot on i am with you on this one infact pres mehmoud ahmadinejad is the ideal pesident that the muslim countries needs today even though i am sunni the way he made the U.S bowed out of the iran nuclear issues with strengthening his stratagic alliance with Russia,China, hugu chavez i have nothing but respect & admiration for pres. mehmoud ahmadinejad he is a great man :tup:
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A big blunder. World leaders should be more careful in such forums. A moment of madness and rush of blood has caused irreparable damage to the image of Iran. That too at a time when the west and Israel are looking for a chance to pounce on them.

When will he learn that he is not going to gain any sympathy by making such statements.

And why the hell did he attend the forum personally when only diplomats of other countries were present. Diplomats walking out on the face of a leader of a country is very humiliating.

I wonder who manages his PR department?
The Iranian Pres is known to be making unacceptable speeches. It was completely irresponsible to use UN forum to lash out at Israel. Racism, is a big problem in the world. IT was a unique venture by UN to draft an anti-racism bill. Thanks to Mr. President, it became a reality show.

Thanks to your ignorance, You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Iranian 'President' has all the right to lash out on anyone he wants to when speaking to the UNITED Nations. He's not some college student at a forum trying to gain some publicity and attention. He's the PRESIDENT of 'The Islamic Republic of Iran'. He knows what he's talking about, Unlike you. That's the only way he can forward his concerns. Racism TODAY in other parts of the world is not practised using terrorism, extermination and fascist occupation. In Israel's case, it's a reality. If he isn't suppose to address that Issue in a forum like this, then where else do you suggest he should raise it then?

Take a look at the history of United Nations memorable speeches. All of them have been controversial and quite aggressive. Nobody ever walked out of them like this be it the General Assembly or some other forum organized by the U.N. This on the other hand was NOTHING that required everyone to walk out of. Just shows how BLINDLY these fools are busy at satisfying Israel and her pathetic existence.
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Islamic terrorism this, Muslim extremists that, Shariat is bad here, Madrassas are bad there, radical Sunnis on the top, Shiite death squads on the bottom, wahabism down low, militant Islamist up high, Islamism for the loss, drone strike on a family for the win....

And the UN stops functioning.

cant agree more.....
UN is a great tool often used for opressin the weak. atleast iranian prez have got guts to say wat muslim world thinks. one of the few leaders in muslim world whom US or any other major power have failed buy with dollars.
im planin to come up with a new religion whoz centre will be in new york. will UN make a country for my group in New York???:tsk:
So, freedom of speech has it bounds after all... Or do we apply double standards? When we bash Islam it's all acceptable because Muslims should learn to deal with it. Words don't harm, no matter how denigrating or vile they may be, right? Words are just words, right? Feelings ought to be put aside. Freedom of speech is at stake! Well, why can we not apply the same principle in this particular instance I wonder? Why not spare the man the opportunity to say whatever is on his mind? No matter how incorrect, inaccurate or dumb it may be. Freedom of speech is after all at stake, right?
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Thanks to your ignorance, You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Iranian 'President' has all the right to lash out on anyone he wants to when speaking to the UNITED Nations. He's not some college student at a forum trying to gain some publicity and attention. He's the PRESIDENT of 'The Islamic Republic of Iran'. He knows what he's talking about, Unlike you. That's the only way he can forward his concerns. Racism TODAY in other parts of the world is not practised using terrorism, extermination and fascist occupation. In Israel's case, it's a reality. If he isn't suppose to address that Issue in a forum like this, then where else do you suggest he should raise it then?

Take a look at the history of United Nations memorable speeches. All of them have been controversial and quite aggressive. Nobody ever walked out of them like this be it the General Assembly or some other forum organized by the U.N. This on the other hand was NOTHING that required everyone to walk out of. Just shows how BLINDLY these fools are busy at satisfying Israel and her pathetic existence.

Who cares about his views. If he has to make a point he doesnt need to make it the way he did it in Columbia Univ and now in UN. So he hates Isreal, entire Muslim world hates Israel but all mature Islamic nations dont use UN forum to make hate speeches. Rather go for bilateral talks like Egypt and Syria.

India-Pakistan rivalry is far more serious than Israel-Iran one, yet both of us dont go haywire at UN and start indulging in speeches like "wiping India/Pakistan off the face of the planet". We might do so as much through our media, but never at UN/SAARC/ASEAN. So by your logic, if India/Pakistan makes speeches like this Hindus or Muslims will have their voices heard? Where's all the education and etiquittes Islam/Hinduism/Christianity taught us?

He is the one to blame for all the neglect and humiliation people of Iran have to face.
So, freedom of speech has it bounds after all... Or do we apply double standards? When we bash Islam it's all acceptable because Muslims should learn to deal with it. Words don't harm, no matter how denigrating or vile they may be, right? Feelings and ought to be put aside. Freedom of speech is at stake! Well, why can we not apply the same principle in this particular instance I wonder? Why not spare the man the opportunity to say whatever is on his mind? No matter how incorrect, inaccurate or dumb it may be.

You are answering your own question.
The Iranian Pres is known to be making unacceptable speeches. It was completely irresponsible to use UN forum to lash out at Israel. Racism, is a big problem in the world. IT was a unique venture by UN to draft an anti-racism bill. Thanks to Mr. President, it became a reality show.

Why not UN is a forum where all can stand and speak what ever they feel like , do you actually think those 30 who got up who told them to get up, you dont have to take a guess you and I or everyone know who told them to get out of there, Have you ever see any body walking out on the president of United States like this ( a president in power ) no one would dare get up. First for the last few months they had a problem that Iranian president should not be allowed in the UN , common people were saying why should we let him come to our country. Arrogant fools if thats the case they should move UN to another country.
The walkout by delegates from at least 30 countries happened within minutes of the start of the speech.

Do we have a list of aclaimed 30 countries????
Within minutes 30 countries knew what was the speech all about?

The US, Israel, Canada, Australia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and New Zealand had all boycotted the conference being held in Geneva, in protest at Mr Ahmadinejad's appearance.
Now this is what I call height of open racism...
How did Banky-moron expected President of a proud nation to respond? Thank you for the nice welcome!
Racism in Europe is an open secret, which no media dare to discuss.
Beared on the face of Muslim is not acceptable but it is acceptable on the face of hindu!!
What is the logic of forcing ban on scarf and accepting red dots on forehead? RACISM
What happened in Germany, France, Serbia, England, Switzerland, Spain, Italy ..... etc. is no classified but media is not free... there is no freedom of speech.
walk out is one classic example...it was an attempt to put pressure on Ahmadenijad to keep quite but it turned out to be opposite...
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