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30 countries walk out in the face of Iranian President at UN Summit on "Racism"

spot on i am with you on this one infact pres mehmoud ahmadinijad is the ideal pesident that the muslim countreis needs today even though i am sunni the way he made the U.S bowed out to the iran nuclear issues from his strengthening his stratagic alliance with Russia,China, hugu chavez i have nothing but respect & admiration for pres. mehmoud ahmadinijad he is a great man :tup:

If you chose people of his calibur to lead the muslims world, there is nothing more then fake bravado, desperation, and ignorance. Be careful of what you wish for, you might just get it.
You are answering your own question.

It's hypocrisy at its height. Whenever one side ridicules the other, it's allowed and tolerated due to freedom of speech. Yet, when the other side does the same we have the same freedom of speech lovers walking out within minutes. How contradictory...
Why not UN is a forum where all can stand and speak what ever they feel like , do you actually think those 30 who got up who told them to get up, you dont have to take a guess you and I or everyone know who told them to get out of there, Have you ever see any body walking out on the president of United States like this ( a president in power ) no one would dare get up. First for the last few months they had a problem that Iranian president should not be allowed in the UN , common people were saying why should we let him come to our country. Arrogant fools if thats the case they should move UN to another country.

I have explained my views in my last post in response to Berzerk.
Who cares about his views. If he has to make a point he doesnt need to make it the way he did it in Columbia Univ and now in UN. So he hates Isreal, entire Muslim world hates Israel but all mature Islamic nations dont use UN forum to make hate speeches. Rather go for bilateral talks like Egypt and Syria.

India-Pakistan rivalry is far more serious than Israel-Iran one, yet both of us dont go haywire at UN and start indulging in speeches like "wiping India/Pakistan off the face of the planet". We might do so as much through our media, but never at UN/SAARC/ASEAN. So by your logic, if India/Pakistan makes speeches like this Hindus or Muslims will have their voices heard? Where's all the education and etiquittes Islam/Hinduism/Christianity taught us?

Buddy India -Pakistan have you seen BIBIs fathers speech of 1974.
Who cares about his views. If he has to make a point he doesnt need to make it the way he did it in Columbia Univ and now in UN. So he hates Isreal, entire Muslim world hates Israel but all mature Islamic nations dont use UN forum to make hate speeches. Rather go for bilateral talks like Egypt and Syria.

India-Pakistan rivalry is far more serious than Israel-Iran one, yet both of us dont go haywire at UN and start indulging in speeches like "wiping India/Pakistan off the face of the planet". We might do so as much through our media, but never at UN/SAARC/ASEAN. So by your logic, if India/Pakistan makes speeches like this Hindus or Muslims will have their voices heard? Where's all the education and etiquittes Islam/Hinduism/Christianity taught us?

He is the one to blame for all the neglect and humiliation people of Iran have to face.

Comparing Iran-Israel tensions with Pakistan and India is laughable.

First of all, Pakistan and India BOTH are nuclear armed nations, and we're both capable of defending ourselves. In Israel's case, It's an undeclared, rogue Nuclear power which has been responsible for an unstable middle-east for decades.

Every year or two, Israel decides to carry out an Air Force exercise which is simulated to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. The intimidation from Israel never stops. They've been at war TWICE in the last four years. How on earth can you compare their bullying of the ENTIRE region with Pakistan And India relations? Were you sleeping during the recent extermination of the Palestinians using 21st century weaponry? Including BANNED chemical weapons?

Are you also forgetting the fact that Israel is know for 'Pre-emptive' strikes on other sovereign nations if it feels even the 'LEAST' bit of intimidated in the region? Iraqi Nuclear reactors? Syrian nuclear sites? Attack on Egypt and Jordan during the 'Six Day War'?

Iranian people have been CONSTANTLY intimidated by the fascist regime of Israel because of their 'Attack simulations' on Iranian nuclear sites. And by the way, they are spread THROUGH out Iran. Civilians lives would be in danger as well if Israel decides to attack. The only racist I see in the region is Israel, Not Iran or Ahmadinejad.


Israel's dry run 'attack on Iran' with 100 jet fighters - Middle East, World - The Independent

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'



Now you're telling me that a country and It's leader that is under a 'Constant' threat from Israel, doesn't have the right to call them 'Totally Racists' for OBVIOUS reasons on a U.N forum about racism?

Cut the BS and move on. You don't have a case against him. Period.
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I think it's great that they walked out. However, I would rather they had all stood up and chanted "Death to Iran!" "Death to Iran!" "Death to Iran!" "Death to Iran!" until they were thrown out or Ahmedinejad had to stop. :chilli:

Very peace loving you are dear truthseeker. Showing your true American colours, aren't you? Death and destruction... You do your name justice. What a complete and utter disgrace you are...
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Comparing Iran-Israel tensions with Pakistan and India is laughable.

First of all, Pakistan and India BOTH are nuclear armed nations, and we're both capable of defending ourselves. In Israel's case, It's an undeclared, rogue Nuclear power which has been responsible for an unstable middle-east for decades.

Every year or two, Israel decides to carry out an Air Force exercise which is simulated to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. The intimidation from Israel never stops. They've been at war TWICE in the last four years. How on earth can you compare their bullying of the ENTIRE region with Pakistan And India relations? Were you sleeping during the recent extermination of the Palestinians using 21st century weaponry? Including BANNED chemical weapons?


Israel's dry run 'attack on Iran' with 100 jet fighters - Middle East, World - The Independent

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'



Now you're telling me that a country and It's leader that is under a 'Constant' threat from Israel, doesn't have the right to call them 'Totally Racists' for OBVIOUS reasons on a U.N forum about racism?

Cut the BS and move on. You don't have a case against him. Period.

Without bothering to go through all the crap you just posted, let me tell you if the president feels scared of Israel he shouldnt incite them more. And if he hates Israel to the core he doesnt need act immaturely by giving a hate speech at UN.

I have my views, if you cant stand them, its your problem. Period.
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I'm not a Ahmedinejad fan. There are several other ways to convey a message of discontent over Israel within civil norms. Nevertheless, every leader has the right to speak freely within the boundaries of the UN. The political gesture to walk out, IMO, was needless and for the purpose of appeasement in Israel.

Reminds me of Chavez's famous speech

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Palestines repeatedly harrowed rockets, and eventually Israel ran out of patience and attacked them. Its an eye for an eye.

I have my views, if you cant stand them, its your problem.

Well your 'Flawed' views could use some help in my opinion.

Not going into details about the recent Palestine-Israel conflict, but your above statement shows how blind and ignorant you are towards the entire issue. And yet you have the nerve to judge the 'President' of Iran. :disagree:
Without bothering to go through all the crap you just posted, let me tell you if the president feels scared of Israel he shouldnt incite them more. And if he hates Israel to the core he doesnt need act immaturely by giving a hate speech at UN.

I have my views, if you cant stand them, its your problem. Period.

The only undisputed champion of providing crapfests on this forum is YOU my friend. With your STRONG anti-Pakistan bias in every post, you really don't leave yourself enough room to tell other people about what they're posting.

Stop wasting bandwidth and move on.
i hear people talking of Iranian President's fear of Israel and his willingness to seek sympathy, well who ever think this is true is sadly mistaken.

Had he been so afraid he wouldn't been kicking Israel in guts openly and had he required such a sympathy he would never have offended the US and the West.

The only thing i know is that if the West and US has the guts, why don't they just go and stop him?

Go wage another war!
Back to topic please.

Constructive refutations are welcome, calling others posts 'BS' and 'Crap' is not.

Let your arguments establish what is 'BS and crap'.
Had he been so afraid he wouldn't been kicking Israel in guts openly and had he required such a sympathy he would never have offended the US and the West.

But Mr. AQhmadinejad also gets great political mileage by using Israel as a whipping boy; his anti-israel credentials almost serve to point to his particular nationalist and islamist credentials to which he does not need to point to when he uses israel as a whipping boy. The methjod to Mr. Ahmedinejad's madness is directly related to Shi'ah and Sunni Islam's conflict, while Sunni Islam fcouses to project the "truth" of it's mission outward, Shi'ah Islam seeks to first project it's "truth" inward and Israel as a whipping boy encourages more attention to the "truth" Iran seek to project. .
Good Speach by Iranian President, maybe it would be better for Pakistan to have a President like him!

I don't understand all this over reaction by all these western countries when any Muslim leader talk about Israel?? what about all the atrocities done by israeli army in Gaza? where is the UN??

This is total BS.

UN is the biggest joke in the world when we come to such cases.
Laathi and Bhainse

But also they are doing ythe same as Ahmadinejad, scoring politcal points - that's all
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