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30 countries walk out in the face of Iranian President at UN Summit on "Racism"

you no its funny for people who were persecuted according to you i find this news kind of disturbing you would think people wo were persecuted last thing they wanna do is persecute others.


funny for persecuted people these guys still menage to terrorize the world and shed crocodile tears at the same time yet no one in west questions the israelies and there persecution of palestinians and others.Most people with eyes and brains can see the reality so no one is buying we were persecuted argument any more other then countries run by hidden jewish politicians or jewish lobbiest.

There isn't really any humour to it. The persecuted often do become persecutors themselves, this is a cold trait that runs through all humanity and is not unique to the Israeli-Palestinian question.

People do have eyes, ears and brains, but as is demonstrated by many on here (somewhat unwittingly) they are not often relied upon. Instead they have conditioned themselves to a polemic viewpoint in this argument and relish in these seemingly "mild mannered" outbursts of incitement and hate speech, from where ever they are issued.

Back to the point at hand, attacking the nation of Israel at a UN Racism conference is entirely underhanded. Iran hardly has an unblemished record on persecution along racial and ethnic lines in it's own backyard.

And again I challenge all of you to spend some small amount of time looking at the stark imagery coming from Darfur, a task achived in a matter of moments. In the face of that even the Palestinians and their supporters would do well to count their blessings. Then reflect, what portion of his racism speech was directed there... to largest crimes of pure racial aggression, and persecution? His failings need not be ours.

Strong and powerful message by Pres. Ahmadinejad, he is outspoken and a symbol of resistance to the Zionist-Crusader agenda. The fact that these 30 countries decided to walk-out is shameful, the point of a conference and international diplomacy is listening to point of views you dislike or strongly disagree with, these 30 countries who walked out should be ashamed of themselves for such a foolish and pathetic low-class move...It' really pathetic.

Nobody walked out in the UN when Pres. Bush called Iran a member of the "Axis of Evil", is that not offensive to be called "Axis of Evil" in this world, but when Pres. Ahmadinejad states a major concern of Israeli racism against Palestinians some people just can't bear the truth, I disrespect those people and countries for walking out.
Do we have a list of aclaimed 30 countries????
Within minutes 30 countries knew what was the speech all about?

I've checked some sources, and many of the diplomats or representatives did anticipate Pres. Ahmadinejad to harshly criticize Israel about it's "racism" at the "Anti-Racism Conference."

Besides he is an unpopular figure in the West, so many "clowns" wanted to disrupt his speech.

Yes it was 30 or so countries that dismissed in protest to Pres. Ahmadinejad's remarks. Most notably the countries highly impacted by the control of the Jewry.
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Well well well!!! Western world do not have any tolerance to listen Ahmadinejad or anyone who spoke the truth. On the other hand west killing innocent people and attacking Pakistan by drone’s .why we are tolerating US non sense when they kill innocent Pakistani in these drone attacks.
atleast there is a muslim leader in this sleeping world who dares to stand against the evil plans of west and zionist of world domination. and that is the only reason i like jihadies because they simply reject their(west) illegal occupation and tactics to nick world resourses. Live long ISLAM and bless you Ahmadinejad! you simply rock and smack the faces of those who only speak about human rights but their acts reflect the opposite.

Ahmadinejad speech: full text

I would like to ask all honourable participants to forgive them. They are ignorant.

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Thanks to God, the Lord of the worlds, and peace and praise be upon our master and prophet, Muhammad and his immaculate progeny and true followers. O God, hasten the reappearance of the Hidden Imam and grant him health and victory and make us his true companions and believers and those who testify to His rightfulness.

Praise belongs to the just, merciful, and compassionate God. May God's blessing be upon the prophets, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the last prophet His Holiness Muhammad Mustafa, who called for monotheism, fraternity, kindness, human dignity, and justice.

Mr Chairman, Honourable Secretary-General of the UN, Honourable High Commissariat for Human Rights, Ladies and Gentlemen, following the Durban anti-racism and discrimination conference, we have gathered here to examine the current situation and to find practical solutions for this humane and sacred campaign. In the past centuries, great injustice was inflicted on mankind.

In the Middle Ages scholars and scientists were sentenced to death. And later on slavery and the hunting down of innocent people, separating them from their families and taking them in millions to Europe and America in the worst conditions, was popular. These were dark ages where lands were occupied and their sources were looted, and innocent people were killed and made homeless. Years passed until people rose. They paid a high price in order to drive occupiers out and establish independent and national governments; millions of people were killed. Those in power imposed two major wars in short periods of time on Europe and parts of Africa and Asia. These were wars which took about 100 million lives and resulted in destruction of a lot of countries and regions. Those who won these wars considered themselves conquerors of the world and considered other nations defeated. And by the imposition of oppressive laws and arrangements they ignored and violated other nations rights.

Ladies and gentlemen, look at the Security Council which is the legacy of World War I and II. Based on what logic have they been given the right to veto? With which human and divine value is this logic compatible? Justice, equality in the eye of law and human dignity or discrimination, injustice, violation of human rights and belittling the majority of nations and countries? This Council is the most supreme decision-making centre for maintaining peace and security in the world.

When there is legal discrimination and the law-making centre is a source of bullying and force instead of justice and fairness, how can one expect to achieve justice and peace? Seeking power and selfishness is the source of racism, discrimination, aggression and tyranny. Today many racists condemn racism in their slogans and speeches but when some powerful countries give themselves the right to make decisions for other countries, using their discretion, and based on their own interests, they can easily trample on all rules and human values. As they have already proven.

After the Second World War, by exploiting the holocaust and under the pretext of protecting the Jews they made a nation homeless with military expeditions and invasion. They transferred various groups of people from America, Europe and other countries to this land. They established a completely racist government in the occupied Palestinian territories. And in fact, under the pretext of making up for damages resulting from racism in Europe, they established the most aggressive, racist country in another territory, i.e. Palestine.

The Security Council endorsed this usurper regime and for 60 years constantly defended it and let it commit any kind of crime.

Worse than this is that some Western governments and America are committed to support genocidal racists while others condemn the bombardment of innocent human beings, the occupation of their land and the disasters that took place in Gaza. Even before they kept silent, not responding to all the crimes of that regime, and supported it. Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, what has been the source of recent wars such as the Americans' attack on Iraq or the wide military expedition in Afghanistan? Has it been anything else than the selfishness of the American government of the time and the pressures by those in possession of wealth and power to expand influence and hegemony, support weapon manufacturers, destroy a great culture that is thousands of years old, destroying possible and potentials risks by the countries of the region against the occupying Quds regime, and looting the energy resources of the Iraqi people?

In fact why were one million people dead and injured and a few million people forced to leave their homeland? Why were hundreds of billions of dollars worth of damage inflicted on the Iraqi people and hundreds of billions of dollars of costs for the military invasion imposed on the American people and America's allies? Was attacking Iraq not orchestrated by the Zionists and their allies in the previous ruling government of America which was on the one hand in power and on the other the owner of arms manufacturing companies?

Did peace, security and prosperity return to Afghanistan by military intervention? America and its allies were not even able to stop the production of narcotics and during their presence it increased several fold. The main question is this: What was the role of the previous ruling system in America and its allies? Were they the representatives of the world nations? Were they elected by the world nations? Do they have representation by the world nations to interfere in the affairs of all parts of the world and especially our region? Don't these actions, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, count as examples of selfishness, racism, discrimination and violating the dignity and independence of other nations?

Ladies and gentlemen, who are the people in charge of the crisis-hit economy of the world? Where did the crisis start? Did it start in Africa and Asia or American and then Europe and their allies?

For a long time, using their political influence, they [West] imposed unfair economic laws on international economic transactions. They set up financial and monetary systems without provisions of international supervision and imposed those systems on countries that did not have the smallest role to play in the processes and policies adopted.

They do not even allow their own nations to supervise. By taking away morality from their actions, they have established laws in a way that they serve the interests of certain powerful people and capitalists. By giving a specific definition of free market and competition, they took away many opportunities from others and imposed their problems on others.

Today, with dozens of thousands of billions of dollars of debt and thousands of billions of dollars of budget deficit, those waves of crisis have come back to them.

Even today in order to improve the situation, they have started injecting hundred billions of dollars of unsupported money from the pockets of their citizens and other nations into banks and companies and financial markets which were close to bankruptcy and they have made their people even more indebted and they have made the problem more complicated.

They are thinking of maintaining their power and wealth. And the people of the world and even their own people are of no value to them. Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, the true root of racism is the lack of human understanding as God's chosen creatures and deviation from the true path of human life and human missions in creation. Due to negligence in worshipping God with awareness and pondering on the philosophy of life and the path towards human perfection - which leads to the natural outcome of being committed to divine values and mankind - the horizon of human insight has declined. And limited and temporary interests became the criteria of evaluation and actions by human beings. Therefore, the seeds of evil power took their shape and by neglecting fair chances for others' growth, it added to the boundaries of its development.

In such a way that it changed to an ugly and uncontrollable racism that today it is threatening the global peace as the most dangerous factor. And it is an obstacle on the way of achieving peaceful life in the world. Undoubtedly, racism should be recognised as the symbol of ignorance of the depth of history and a sign of dogmatism against mankind's general growth. Therefore, we should look for the signs of racism under conditions and situations in a society where poverty of knowledge and lack of understanding would be spread. Therefore, the main means of fighting such symptoms is to promote general awareness and deepening public understanding towards the philosophy of mankind's existence and the truth about the human-oriented world. Its requirement or outcome is a return to spiritual and ethical values and human virtues and finally the belief in God. The global society should start a united cultural movement for enlightening certain suffering and undeveloped societies as much as possible and uproot this hideous and evil phenomenon.

But dear friends, today the human society is facing a kind of racism which has an ugliness that has completely distorted the honour of mankind at the verge of the third millennium and it has made the global society shameful. The global Zionism is the complete symbol of racism, which with unreal reliance on religion has tried to misuse the religious beliefs of some unaware people and hide its ugly face. But what should be seriously considered are the goals of certain superpowers and those in possession of major interests in the world; those who try their best through economic power and political influence and wide media means, to lessen the crimes and ugliness of the nature of the Zionist regime. Here, the main issue is not ignorance and therefore, cultural movements on their own, are not sufficient to fight this evil phenomenon. But we should try to put an end to the misuse of international means by the Zionists and their supporters. And by respecting nations' demands, we should motivate the united governments to eliminate this clear racism and step on the path of reforming international relations 0and mechanisms with courage.

Undoubtedly, you are all aware of the extensive efforts by the institutes of global power towards creating a deviation on the path of the real mission of this important conference. Unfortunately in the literature supporting the Zionists, a clear participation and cooperation in their crimes can be noticed. And this adds to the responsibilities of the respectful representatives of nations in revealing this antihuman issue and improving relations and behaviours. We should be aware that to keep a huge global capacity, such as this conference, away from its real intentions, means helping to continue the most hideous sense of racism. Today the necessity of defending human rights is firstly, to defend the rights of a nation to be free to make decisions regarding important global affairs without the influence of certain powers; secondly, to take action to improve international structures and relations. Therefore, this conference is the arena of a major test and we will be judged by the world's public opinion today and tomorrow.

Mr Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, the world's general condition is rapidly moving towards basic changes. Power based equations have become very weak. The sound of the pillars of global tyranny breaking can be heard. Political and macro economic structures are falling. Political and security crisis are growing. And the growing global economic crisis, for the resolution of which there is no bright horizon, makes all sorts of quantitative and quality aspects of change on the way very impressive. I have emphasised the necessity of getting back from the wrong path that today's absolute global management is following and I have warned about the critical outcomes of delaying to do so.

Also now, in this valued conference, addressing you managers, thinkers and all the world nations who are thirsty for peace, freedom, progress and prosperity, I would like to say that the unjust ruling of the world is reaching its end. This deadlock was inevitable since the logic behind this imposed management is tyrannical. This is because the logic of the mass movement of the world is divine, purposeful, humane and God-centred. It is a movement which opposes any policy or plan which is not in line with the interests of nations. Victory of truth over vice and the bright future of humanity and the establishment of a just global system is the promise of God and all prophets, and a common hope of all communities and generations. Achieving such a future justifies the reason behind creation, is the belief of all those faithful to God and the very high status of the human beings.

Formation of a global community, the practical possibility of a common global system materialising and finally involving thinkers, managers and people of the world to actively and justly participate in the macro and principle decision makings is the main path to this great destination.

At the moment, scientific and technical capabilities as well as information and communication technology have created a mutual and comprehensive understanding of the global community and have created the necessary ground for a common system to materialise. .

Now, this is a grave responsibility that the world's scientists, elites and officials across the world should shoulder by playing a historic role through faith in this definite path.

Now I want to stress on this fact that western capitalism like communism has reached the end of its path because it does not see the world and humanity as they are. It has tried to impose a self-constructed path and destination and instead of paying attention to human and divine values, justice, freedom, compassion and brotherhood it has set fierce competition for gaining individual and collective materialistic interests as a basis for life.

Now we should collectively try to learn lessons from the past and understand the necessity for correcting this path by considering today's conditions. And on the same note and as the final word I would like to draw your attention to two important points.

First point: The improvement of the current international condition is hundred per cent possible. But we should know that this cannot be achieved without the cooperation of all the governments and nations. Therefore, we should benefit from the capacities of international cooperation to the maximum. My presence in this conference indicates my respect for this important issue, and the essential issue of human rights and support for nations' rights against the evil phenomenon of racism and cooperation with you, the thinkers.

Second: Considering the lack of efficiency of systems and international political, economic, security and cultural relations is necessary. In view of divine and humanitarian values and the true and real definition of human beings and based on justice and respect for the rights of all human beings across the world, confessing to the wrong management in the past and changing the views and performances, measures should be taken to reform the current structures. Therefore, a speedy change in the structure of the United Nations and the elimination of the discriminatory right to veto and a change in the financial and monetary system of the world must be on the agenda. Obviously, the lack of understanding for the urgency of this change will result in heavier costs due to any delay.

My dear friends, you should know that moving in line with justice and human dignity is like moving quickly on a stream of water. Let's not forget the valuable elixir of love and compassion. The guarantee for a clear future for human beings is a great asset that can keep us more aware and more hopeful than ever before. It can enable us to create a world full of love and blessing and can be free from poverty and hatred. We will also be able to profit from the blessings of God and have the advantage of having a decent management of a complete human being.

Let us all have a share in this important issue, and hope for that bright and beautiful day. I would like to sincerely thank the President and the UN Secretary-General and all of you for your patience, wishing you dignity and success.
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There isn't really any humour to it. The persecuted often do become persecutors themselves, this is a cold trait that runs through all humanity and is not unique to the Israeli-Palestinian question.

People do have eyes, ears and brains, but as is demonstrated by many on here (somewhat unwittingly) they are not often relied upon. Instead they have conditioned themselves to a polemic viewpoint in this argument and relish in these seemingly "mild mannered" outbursts of incitement and hate speech, from where ever they are issued.

Back to the point at hand, attacking the nation of Israel at a UN Racism conference is entirely underhanded. Iran hardly has an unblemished record on persecution along racial and ethnic lines in it's own backyard.

And again I challenge all of you to spend some small amount of time looking at the stark imagery coming from Darfur, a task achived in a matter of moments. In the face of that even the Palestinians and their supporters would do well to count their blessings. Then reflect, what portion of his racism speech was directed there... to largest crimes of pure racial aggression, and persecution? His failings need not be ours.


Before you challenege me or others on darfur u might wanna read up on it.
The Israeli government currently provides support to both the SPLM and the Darfurian SLM. Israel has provided sanctuary for Sudanese refugees. This support also includes covert delivery of arms as well as direct attacks against Sudan.
Dont belive me google it if there is trouble around the world there is few countries u can count on being behind it and israel is one of them.

The mystery of MV Faina hijacked in Somalia unveiled by BBC
Israeli Revealed as owner of South Sudan bound weapons ship

Registration documents gathered by BBC included the confirmation that the ship hijacked by Somalia pirates belonged to a Jewish investor residing in the self proclaimed state of Israel, and not a Ukrainian ship.

More information reveal the reported Ukrainian owner company by the name of Tomax Team as nothing but a mere operator based in the Ukraine, employing crews from Ukraine and Latvia. The crisis surrounding the destination of its cargo were further resolved when transportation codes with "GOSS" (an acronym for Government of South Sudan) were found amongst the documentations to solve
the deepening mystery.

The Israel based owner Vadim Alperin was further investigated to have acquired this ship from a Russian state auction during the era of Boris Yeltsin. The ship was refurbished and later conveniently registered to fly the Belize flag. Other ships by the same owner where found to be operating as casinos including one based in the Gulf to entertain rich Arab clients.(same Arabs who are spreading islam in some parts of pakistan)

Vadim Alperin was once quoted to be a "Mossad brother" running a number of clandestine front companies including one Kenyan Meat export company enjoying "good trade" with middle eastern countries covertly used for gathering intelligence from countries such as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Kenya maintains weapons were legally purchased by its army, although its own government is now mired in a web of embarrassments as weapons procurement of this size has not been declared despite being a member of United Nations weapons transparency programme UNROCA.

For many years, the Khartoum based Sudan government accused Israel of supplying arms and providing training to South Sudan rebels. Kenya is now proofed to be providing the logistical support for arms shipment to South Sudan, a role similar to Chad's support given to Darfur rebels which has caused the two countries to be in a state of war against each other.

Israel once supplied illicit weapons to South Sudan from within Ethiopia's territory, but had lost influence since the Eritrean independence. As relations between Eritrea and Ethiopia had soured, it became impossible to continue this route and sought other alternative routes to get to its Uganda weapons storage for South Sudan militias through Kenyan territories.
It is extremely rare for ships to be registered to indivitual investors such as Mr Alperin.

Israeli Revealed as owner of South Sudan bound weapons ship
In the current atmosphere, for many Muslims the penalty for merely arguing the justice of Israel's resurrection ranges from severe social ostracism to death. Given such instruments, I could easily "prove" to the vocal satisfaction of a community that green cloth is really blue, but that wouldn't change its color one bit, would it? Even if the next generation was reared to believe green is blue, its color wouldn't change one bit.

Why would Muslims think it social justice for the "resurrection" of a Jewish state? The establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine was not legitimized by the Holocaust; that just made it clear that it was an imperative - otherwise such a state would have been carved out of Germany. Rather, it was all part of the great redrawing of borders and establishment of new states following the collapses of the Austro-Hungarian, Russian, and Ottoman Empires, consolidating conflicting nationalities into their own nation-states.

So Israel is at least as legitimate as Pakistan - but the Arabs were greedy and wanted dominion over all the middle east. Perhaps if Israel had been established immediately after WWI as originally envisioned everything would be well today, or the problems reduced to a smidgen, as Crete is between Greece and Turkey today - but the British dithered in fulfilling their mandate from the League of Nations.

BTW, I can't always be here to set you guys straight, and there are many more Muslim voices in the world than Jewish ones. If you truly wish to seek justice, then don't you think you have a duty to find out the truth yourselves?
Before you challenege me or others on darfur u might wanna read up on it.


Israeli Revealed as owner of South Sudan bound weapons ship

Again, engage eyes, ears and brain.

The ship's armament included: 33 T-72 tanks, SS-N-25 Switchblade anti-ship missiles, SA-N-9 Gauntlet SAM, a 100-mm gun, torpedoes and depth charges. The frigate also carried a Ka-27 ASW helicopter.

It's port of destination was Kenya when it was attacked and hijacked by somali pirates.

How in any way does Kenya's right to have a certain level of military budget and expenditure differ from Pakistans? Shall we list the Israeli company sourced shipping to GoP also?
So Israel is at least as legitimate as Pakistan - but the Arabs were greedy and wanted dominion over all the middle east.

Please dont compare Pakistan to Israel. Pakistanis were always native to their land, we didn't come from a different continent like the Israelis did who made settlement camps for the inhabitants of the land. Most Israelis (and their descendants) came from Europe and claim they lived in Palestine thousands of years ago and came back after thousands of years. Pakistanis never did that, and before Islam our ancestors either followed Buddhism or Hinduism, the religions that were born in the subcontinent...we always lived in our land unlike Israelis...well the vast majority of us always did.

During the independence of British India, we didn't want Muslim majority regions in north-west British India to be at the mercy of Hindu majority India, especially when Muslims and Hindus didnt get along with one another thats why we created Pakistan on our land that we lived in for generations. Before WW2, Palestenians were governing their land just fine and Muslims and Jews were co-existing just fine..there was no need for Israel.
Millions of Indians - Muslim and non-Muslim - migrated when the subcontinent was divided. The U.N. partitioned Israel out of majority-Jewish areas in 1947. The rest of the story of the Israel-Arab conflict is too long to recount here, but is it too much for me to ask that you dig and do your own research to discover the truth?
Millions of Indians - Muslim and non-Muslim - migrated when the subcontinent was divided. The U.N. partitioned Israel out of majority-Jewish areas in 1947. The rest of the story of the Israel-Arab conflict is too long to recount here, but is it too much for me to ask that you dig and do your own research to discover the truth?

Not millions, over a million did migrate but today we still have Sikhs and Hindus living in Pakistan. Israel never existed before 1948 and before WW2 the region which is now Israel was not Jewish majority, it was Muslim majority Palestine while the region which is now Pakistan had been Muslim majority for over a thousand years.
I suppose it is too much to ask. Then you may appreciate that when people have their request for a hearing to determine what is just denied, then at times they may have no recourse other than to take up arms to defend themselves and their kin from further injustice. That is how Israelis see themselves today.
I suppose it is too much to ask. Then you may appreciate that when people have their request for a hearing to determine what is just denied, then at times they may have no recourse other than to take up arms to defend themselves and their kin from further injustice. That is how Israelis see themselves today.

What injustice? Nazi Germany committed atrocities aginst the European Jews so the west decides to send them to Palestine when the Palestinians were not involved in the holocaust whatsoever and they dismantle Palestine and create the state of Israel. There's been more than 60 years of injustice committed against the Palestinian people by the Israelis.
Since you reflexively respond, "What injustice?" then I think you have proved my point, Omar.
I suppose it is too much to ask. Then you may appreciate that when people have their request for a hearing to determine what is just denied, then at times they may have no recourse other than to take up arms to defend themselves and their kin from further injustice. That is how Israelis see themselves today.
I was just wondering if UN approved this also

Now this is just an honest question.I am not Anti-Jewish Person or a Fanatic..

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