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30% Chinese can't speak Mandarin


Jun 7, 2012
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30% Chinese citizens can't speak Mandarin | My Sinchew

BEIJING, Sept 5 (Bernama) -- About 30 percent of the Chinese population or 400 million citizens cannot speak Mandarin, Xinhua news agency reported.

Xu Mei, spokeswoman from the Ministry of Education, said although the remainder of 1.3 billion Chinese can communicate in Mandarin or "putonghua," a large number do not speak it well.

"The country still needs to invest in promoting Mandarin," Xu said at a press conference on Thursday.

The government has been holding a campaign to promote Mandarin in the third week of September every year since 1998.

This year, the ministry will focus on the remote countryside and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities to promote the language.

Education ministry: 400 million Chinese can

Say what? China says 400 million can't speak Mandarin
So they talked to 30% of our population? :lol:

Enjoy your collapsed currency Yindoo boy!
OP please dont make us look stupid. HK and Taiwan are considered China as well and I believe they speak Cantonese and Taiwanese.

China has literacy rate of 93% but only 70% Chinese can speak Mandarin, what are actually kids studying in Mandarin medium Chinese schools that they can't even speak Mandarin. :woot::woot:

Have you ever been to a Hindi medium school? Is there any one who can not speak Hindi? When it is our mother tongue. Dont ask retarded questions. It would make sense if it was English medium schools and they could not speak English as it is not their mother tongue
China has literacy rate of 93% but only 70% Chinese can speak Mandarin, what are actually kids studying in Mandarin medium Chinese schools that they can't even speak Mandarin. :woot::woot:

This is a diversified culture. We are trying to protect dialects.

BTW, even if they cannot speak Mandarin, they know the meaning of Mandarin words. Everyone in China can understand Mandarin, even if some of them don't know how to speak, including Uyghur and other minority.
OP please dont make us look stupid. HK and Taiwan are considered China as well and I believe they speak Cantonese and Taiwanese.

HK speak Cantonese,
hello,in writing Chinese is same 你好, in Mandarin Pronunciation "ní hɔ:", but in Cantonese Pronunciation "lei hɔ:", in Shanghai Pronunciation "none hɔ:", in Heibei pronunciation "nei hɔ:", in Shanxi pronunciation "ne hɔ:"

Different area different accent,just as Indian speak English too quickly, Mandarin Chinese only speak in Beijing area 100 years ago, same characters same meaning, only different accent, but people can understand what you speak but not all can speake as your accent

Qin Dynasty Unified the same characters in BC221 as today's characters, but can't unify the accents, today every one can directely read books wroten durng the past 2200years no matter what accents you choose
China has literacy rate of 93% but only 70% Chinese can speak Mandarin, what are actually kids studying in Mandarin medium Chinese schools that they can't even speak Mandarin. :woot::woot:

Dude, our dialects being used in regional China can be understood by everyone, these dialects are of the same written language. Mandarine is a normalized accent. My grandparents can't speak Mandarin, they don't need to, they can talk to 99% of the population without problem.

learn something before you talk.

we don't have multiple languages, Mandrine is just one particular accent picked as the normalized/offical accent.
OP please dont make us look stupid. HK and Taiwan are considered China as well and I believe they speak Cantonese and Taiwanese.

Have you ever been to a Hindi medium school? Is there any one who can not speak Hindi? When it is our mother tongue. Dont ask retarded questions. It would make sense if it was English medium schools and they could not speak English as it is not their mother tongue

In Macau SAR China's National language Mandarin is not allowed for official purpose, they only allow Cantonese or Portuguese.
if your IQ brain still can't handle it, let me give you a quick example:

my native language is Wu, not mandrin. I can understand Cantonese, I never learned Cantonese, I never lived in Canton. why? because it is the same language, just different dialect with slightly different accent.

now let me give you some advice in my native Wu language, please note, this is a high caste language which you are not allowed to learn/emulate:


it means:

stupid indians, you are morons, just **** off.

In Macau SAR China's National language Mandarin is not allowed for official purpose, they only allow Cantonese or Portuguese.

so smart, Macau, a tiny tiny tiny island with 0.0001% of the Chinese population, with the term 'special' in its offical name (S in SAR), yet let's use it to represnt China.

one day india, always loser.
I still don't get what I should do after reading this useless news in a defence forum!

30% Chinese can't speak Mandarin... so what? Should we start dancing? What is it for?

INDIC means "30% Chinese can't speak Mandarin, so 30% Chinese are illiteracy", so people live in richest area HK, Fujian, Guangdong are all illiteracy
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