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3 Terrorists Killed In Encounter In Jammu And Kashmir's Kupwara

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Now isn't that a self defeating argument,

Who investigated and brought justice to the culprits, but i don't think you have the chops to comprehend that.

Being a military professional - your solidarity with terrorists who have killed and mamed huge amounts of Indian civilian is quite regrettable. But then again I don't have to live with such conscience, you do.

Oh please!!! Enough of your sanctimonious BS!! The IA is as corrupt as possible, at least have the courage to admit it!! Being a military professional, given IA's zero credibility I doubt every single word they say! Unlike dumb civilians who just lap it in, and then deflect, and act like dumb cheerleaders!

Be it the coffin scandal, or the gang rapes in Assam, or the thousands of soldiers dying on the border without a fight!!

IF you want to turn this thread into exactly what an ARMY should not be, lets go for it!!

Fake encounters: The expendable Kashmiri - Al Jazeera English


3 Teenagers Gang Raped in Assam and Gurgaon

[URL='http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/army-ration-scam-three-year-jail-for-lieutenant-general-448068']Army ration scam: Three-year jail for Lieutenant General[/URL]

SOS. Army is Seeing More Suicides.

Kargil coffin scam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Meat scam: Lt Gen Dahiya indicted by CoI for fraud - Indian Express

This Was Dream When Operation Gibraltar Launched in 1965 Aftermath You are Defining Lahore Your Welcome to Try in Again

At-least they are Failed to Achieve there Objectives At-least we Don't Have APC or Charsadda Here in India More
People Die india than common Cold than in Terrorist Attack

Can you repeat your gibberish in proper English, so I can address it?
If you care so much about halal/Haram wht you are begging there in a terrorist sponser islamic extrimist country
I don't it's you who brought up the point. And please don't confuse hard labor with begging, it's like spitting on people from all over the Indian subcontinent who work in harsh conditions just to feed their family.
Oh please!!! Enough of your sanctimonious BS!! The IA is as corrupt as possible, at least have the courage to admit it!! Being a military professional, given IA's zero credibility I doubt every single word they say! Unlike dumb civilians who just lap it in, and then deflect, and act like dumb cheerleaders!

Be it the coffin scandal, or the gang rapes in Assam, or the thousands of soldiers dying on the border without a fight!!

IF you want to turn this thread into exactly what an ARMY should not be, lets go for it!!

Fake encounters: The expendable Kashmiri - Al Jazeera English


3 Teenagers Gang Raped in Assam and Gurgaon

Army ration scam: Three-year jail for Lieutenant General

SOS. Army is Seeing More Suicides.

Kargil coffin scam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Meat scam: Lt Gen Dahiya indicted by CoI for fraud - Indian Express
I thought you are smarter than that. But quite unfortunate.
Who is making these violations accountable? it is the Indian Army, not United nations or your dear Pakistani Army. it is the Indian military that is ensuring that these violaters either of graft, or hr violations are being brought to task. they are not white washing the facts.

Not lets look at the statistical occurrence of violations of code of conduct. the instances that you can dig up, over the last entire decade, multiply that by that 100 and see what the % it stands when compared to the standing strength of the forces. Let me know if you have problems computing the numbers - cheers.
Nehru reject Baloch ruler’s accession request
The Baloch state of Kalat wanted to be free or linked to Afghanistan, Iran or India - but never to Pakistan.

khan of kalat wanted to link balochistan with Hindu majority state:omghaha::rofl::rofl:
Pretty much brainwashed stuff according to writter Pakistan is Punjabi fascism.and only army rule's the country.....
Want more examples of how corrupt IA is?

Btw what would you call this? Incompetence or sheer stupidity? Pick which ever one suits you best!
India suffered 1,874 casualties without fighting a war - The Times of India

Hats off to your intellect. and your professional credentials. If you cared to read the same article.

"The number of Army personnel killed or wounded in Jammu and Kashmir and the western sector during the mobilisation, Operation Parakram, from December 19, 2001 to October 16, 2002, was 1,874," said Defence Minister George Fernandes.

over 100 soldiers were killed and 250 injured during mine-laying operations. Vehicle accidents, artillery duels with Pakistan and other incidents led to many more casualties.

Relentless counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir are also, of course, exacting a heavy toll on the soldiers, with over 1,000 being killed in terrorist activity in the last three years. (Which you support btw)

Very similar to how Pakistan suffered 6400 solders deaths in WoT...

If you still have problems deconstructing the article let me know, and I will try and explain the hazards or Mine clearing, mine laying, Artillery duals, and conter insuregency in the state of jammu and Kashmir.


Hats off to your intellect. and your professional credentials. If you cared to read the same article.

"The number of Army personnel killed or wounded in Jammu and Kashmir and the western sector during the mobilisation, Operation Parakram, from December 19, 2001 to October 16, 2002, was 1,874," said Defence Minister George Fernandes.

over 100 soldiers were killed and 250 injured during mine-laying operations. Vehicle accidents, artillery duels with Pakistan and other incidents led to many more casualties.

Relentless counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir are also, of course, exacting a heavy toll on the soldiers, with over 1,000 being killed in terrorist activity in the last three years. (Which you support btw)

Very similar to how Pakistan suffered 6400 solders deaths in WoT...

If you still have problems deconstructing the article let me know, and I will try and explain the hazards or Mine clearing, mine laying, Artillery duals, and conter insuregency in the state of jammu and Kashmir.

It's called incompetence. Admit it, it will make you a better man, instead of a foolish cheerleader!! You didn't comment to the other two links? Would you like me to provide you with more examples of corruption, and incompetence?

Btw hats off to your blind jingoism!!
Mr factual kindly forward us the link to said UN decision and in the mean time just open google map and see the status of Indian Occupied Kashmir .

Its always fun to educate ignorant like you who are totally brainwashed by their pathetic media .



Its more fun to correct overly smart ones.

Also , " Kashmir is an " INTERNAL " issue of India.

Yeah Bangladesh Was Also Hindu Bania :lol: Majority Right :azn:
Actually the current Govt in BD, (as per the respectable members from BD) is a stooge of the Right wing hindu bania.

Do kindly visit the Bangladeshi Defence Section, for further clarifications.

Best Regards & Have a good day / evening!!
It's called incompetence. Admit it, it will make you a better man, instead of a foolish cheerleader!! You didn't comment to the other two links? Would you like me to provide you with more examples of corruption, and incompetence?

Btw hats off to your blind jingoism!!
wow, when the article posted refutes your won claim, seems like Incompetence lies somewhere else... I will leave the readers here to judge that
knowing that your professional organisation has neither gone to war, neither have fought insurgency, nor have had any conflict theaters, I don't think you even know what you are talking about.
Come back when you have some substance to post, other than cheerleading for terrorists.
Explain the bilateral relation between the terrorist state of India and UAE? Assuming you are still are serving for UAE. Doesn't that put you to straight odds with your state and your conscience.
Ouch!!!! deflecting now are we??? You have yet to answer my post# 106

Secondly as to your question, you and your fellow brethren, are clueless as to what goes on in the real world. Lets keep it that way!!
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