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3 naval fleets 100 ships drill in SCS: China "strike the mountain to warn the tiger"

I don't know what some people are on about on here. There is no single country in the world that can take on the U.S navy, the gap is still wide. In fact, even the world's next top 5 military powers combined still don't have enough firepower compared to the U.S navy, i'm not even talking about the experience, skills, doctrine they have accumulated during this past century engaged in naval warfare/operations around the globe. Only a fool will think they can take on the U.S Navy in a naval war and win. lol

Anyway, coming to topic, there will be no war in SCS between U.S and China, or even China and Japan etc. The stakes are too high. There might be some posturing from both sides but no war per se, despite nationalistic people in each country clamoring for one without knowing the implications. lol
Even IF(that's a big if) there was to be one, it will be a short limited conflict not a wider one, like say the Sino-Soviet border clashes of the late 60s and 70s, Sino-India border war etc nothing like a full scale nuclear war some dream about.lol
So lets stop this fan boy rhetoric and be more pragmatic.
"world's next top 5 military powers combined still don't have enough firepower compared to the U.S navy"
technology have change the traditional way of navy warfare a lot after 2000...
In the open sea far far away from any land...then yes. US navy is unstoppable...
But... Say there's 5 CBG in English channel.. British have thousands of anti ship missiles... all over the map...Who will win? Its just matter of time before you sunk any floating object in the channel....
Off course you will say,,, douh, they will never seal to English channel the first place....
Now think the technology have push that missile range into 1500km... which make SCS a bigger English channel...now what you think will happen to those ship in SCS...
I don't know what some people are on about on here. There is no single country in the world that can take on the U.S navy, the gap is still wide. In fact, even the world's next top 5 military powers combined still don't have enough firepower compared to the U.S navy, i'm not even talking about the experience, skills, doctrine they have accumulated during this past century engaged in naval warfare/operations around the globe. Only a fool will think they can take on the U.S Navy in a naval war and win. lol

Anyway, coming to topic, there will be no war in SCS between U.S and China, or even China and Japan etc. The stakes are too high. There might be some posturing from both sides but no war per se, despite nationalistic people in each country clamoring for one without knowing the implications. lol
Even IF(that's a big if) there was to be one, it will be a short limited conflict not a wider one, like say the Sino-Soviet border clashes of the late 60s and 70s, Sino-India border war etc nothing like a full scale nuclear war some dream about.lol
So lets stop this fan boy rhetoric and be more pragmatic.
The US navy isnot all mighty god,we can defeat US navy around us,the distance is maybe 1500-2000km away from the mainland,with the support from our airforce and rocket troops,our navy can fight with US navy. But I also admit,in the deep sea without the airforce support,our navy has little chance. We have to build more nuclear attack submarine to short the gap.
Donot worry and thank you for your concern,we never trust India,but India is really NO threat to us,they lack of the capability to threat us even if they want to ,they are far behind us in military domain,we know our capability,I can say this:No country including USA can win us in SCS,we have enough confidence and fire power to sink all the US navy aircarriers in the SCS if they dare to .

Hitler had this habit of underestimating his enemies, after all, he was a corporal before he became a dictator, so intelligent decision was not his norm. He used to laugh at the Russians and he paid the price for his ignorance. You talk as if india is alone. The full weight of the western powers is solidly behind india and india is well aware of it and she is about to take full advantage of it.
The US navy isnot all mighty god,we can defeat US navy around us,the distance is maybe 1500-2000km away from the mainland,with the support from our airforce and rocket troops,our navy can fight with US navy. But I also admit,in the deep sea without the airforce support,our navy has little chance. We have to build more nuclear attack submarine to short the gap.
We need to build more nuke in general. I like us to get rid of the NFU policy and accelerate our nuclear stockpile to 10,000 and announce that we no longer believe in NFU and our nuclear strike will go offensive on any full out war because I do believe the US will be the first to use nuke in any confrontation and they are not a patient country that is willing to fight a great prolong war that last decades with us. They will try to finish us off with nuke and it is to our disadvantage by not having a large nuke stockpile to destroy the US mainland in return, along with all of their allies. This is what I admire our Russia's strong nuclear force. They don' joke about it. Russia goes for the kill in any confrontation with NATO and we need to develop that mindset because the US is not an angel waiting for us to strike first. They WILL strike first after we sink the AC.
The sword has been drawn, now let's us see who is going to blink first.

Today, Chinese president Xi and North Korean leader Jin congratulated each other on the signing of the Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty 55 years ago.

On another news, Chinese medias have confirmed the news that Chinese PLA Navy has called some of its reserve personals to come back and join the Naval services.

I won't be even surprised in the next few days if China releases some news to remind certain people that China is the only country in the world which holds a usable stock of 30 H-bombs.

Letter to call back the PLA Navy reserve personals

"If there is a war, we must be back when called"

"world's next top 5 military powers combined still don't have enough firepower compared to the U.S navy"
technology have change the traditional way of navy warfare a lot after 2000...
In the open sea far far away from any land...then yes. US navy is unstoppable...
But... Say there's 5 CBG in English channel.. British have thousands of anti ship missiles... all over the map...Who will win? Its just matter of time before you sunk any floating object in the channel....
Off course you will say,,, douh, they will never seal to English channel the first place....
Now think the technology have push that missile range into 1500km... which make SCS a bigger English channel...now what you think will happen to those ship in SCS...

Sound observation, that's why I say that in case of any conflict China should keep her naval assets close to the shore and rely on her DF-21s for assault.
The sword has been drawn, now let's us see who is going to blink first.

Today, Chinese president Xi and North Korean leader Jin congratulated each other on the signing of the Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty 55 years ago.

On another news, Chinese medias have confirmed the news that Chinese PLA Navy has called some of its reserve personals to come back and join the Naval services.

I won't be even surprised in the next few days if China releases some news to remind certain people that China is the only country in the world which holds a usable stock of 30 H-bombs.

Letter to call back the PLA Navy reserve personals
View attachment 317028

"If there is a war, we must be back when called"
View attachment 317030

What is usable H-bombs? China should increase its nuclear stockpile very fast and pass a few dozen thermo-nuclear war heads with appropriate delivery systems to Pakistan and North Korea. It's time to tear down the NPT.
What is usable H-bombs? China should increase its nuclear stockpile very fast and pass a few dozen thermo-nuclear war heads with appropriate delivery systems to Pakistan and North Korea.
No can do. China agreed to the NPT.


It's time to tear down the NPT.
That would be the wrong thing to do.

China cannot match US in terms of nuclear weapons development, in both scale and development. China knows it and that was one of the many reasons why China want the NPT in the first place. The NPT benefits everyone in the long run.
No can do. China agreed to the NPT.


That would be the wrong thing to do.

China cannot match US in terms of nuclear weapons development, in both scale and development. China knows it and that was one of the many reasons why China want the NPT in the first place. The NPT benefits everyone in the long run.

Well, you have been telling and doing the right things and the rest of the world is simply fed up of doing what you think is the right thing to do. I think China has decided to do what you think is the wrong thing to do because to a warmongering criminal the right thing is wrong and the wrong thing is right.
What is usable H-bombs? China should increase its nuclear stockpile very fast and pass a few dozen thermo-nuclear war heads with appropriate delivery systems to Pakistan and North Korea. It's time to tear down the NPT.
The US and Russia got rid of their H-bomb stock piles because of the high maintenance cost due to the "T-U" design for their H-bomb, which has a fast rate of nuclear decay of the warhead. Thanks for the Chinese scientist Yu Min who came up with his "Yumin" design, the Chinese H-bomb can be kept much longer, thus China is the only country in the world which keep 30 H-bombs stock pile ranging from 2 million tons to 15 million tons of TNT.

Also there are lots of cost for maintaining the finished nuclear warheads. Chinese people are smarter thus China only produced enough materials or so called " work-in-progress" rather than the finished warheads to lower the cost. On an expectation of a incoming nuclear war, China can increase its warheads number by no time. This is called JIT.

China's first H-bomb
No can do. China agreed to the NPT.


That would be the wrong thing to do.

China cannot match US in terms of nuclear weapons development, in both scale and development. China knows it and that was one of the many reasons why China want the NPT in the first place. The NPT benefits everyone in the long run.

Dear Gambit, the nuclear weapons are the curse of humanity. IN the cold war there was an agreement between the two blocks of no major war among themselves. The P5 agreement still holds. One hopes that P5 still stick to this.

Defending forces have homefront advantage. An attacking force needs at least 10 to 1 nummercial supriority to win.
SCS is chinese homefront. In any conventional confrontation they will pervail. It is in their nature to give everything they have. Since they will be defending forces they will have advantage.

But this all is theoratical. One sincerely hopes that the day never comes when there is a clash between the two great powers. Because escalation matrix will be under the bus and ECS will be also an active theatre. And then you have NK.

So let us hope for honourable peace for everyone.
Sound observation, that's why I say that in case of any conflict China should keep her naval assets close to the shore and rely on her DF-21s for assault.
Well, we call it " you fight your war(in your way), I fight our war(in our way)"
The sword has been drawn, now let's us see who is going to blink first.

Today, Chinese president Xi and North Korean leader Jin congratulated each other on the signing of the Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty 55 years ago.

On another news, Chinese medias have confirmed the news that Chinese PLA Navy has called some of its reserve personals to come back and join the Naval services.

I won't be even surprised in the next few days if China releases some news to remind certain people that China is the only country in the world which holds a usable stock of 30 H-bombs.

Letter to call back the PLA Navy reserve personals
View attachment 317028

"If there is a war, we must be back when called"
View attachment 317030
there are plenty of reasons to go to war. but I wonder how many young chinese men are wiling to die to nothing? for a blind nationalism? for a lie? for a ideology?
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