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3 naval fleets 100 ships drill in SCS: China "strike the mountain to warn the tiger"

Thanks for your reply. but I disagree with you.
(1)India is changlleging us at every turn? no ,they are far away, specially the social structure, if China is down as the USSR, India will be next. I like to see India people get out of poverty , in fact ,India development direction is the India ocean ,we actually donot have conflict . And frankly speaking , I never think a country is a threat if they even cannot make a good gun.
(2) We fight lots of war after WW2, a war is a disaster for Sigapore,but not for us. War around China will be controlled for us ,it can speed up our development . A war is good for big power.

Ah, dear Chinese friend... guess both of us can agree to disagree. Your points are valid. As a student of Tao and ancient China... one I for one am more inclined to harmony and peaceful development.
Guess older people like peace! Do forgive this attitude from my part.

China of today is not China of 1990s.

A sage clears the muddy waters by leaving them alone! Bless you
Good work China. Now just need you to remove some viets from SCS :enjoy:
Thanks for your reply. but I disagree with you.
(1)India is changlleging us at every turn? no ,they are far away,their social structure is ridiculous,I rather believe Vietnam has better future because of the Communist Party. Moreover,If China is down as the USSR was, India will be next ,the West will not leave him alone, they may seperate him into pieces. I like to see India people get out of poverty , in fact ,India development direction is the India ocean ,we actually donot have conflict . And frankly speaking , I never think a country is a threat if they even cannot make a good gun.
(2) We fight lots of war after WW2, a war is a disaster for Sigapore,but not for us. War around China will be controlled for us ,it can speed up our development . A war is good for big power.
Today ,we need a powerful leader to lead us into next development stage, he can restructure the politics and economy frame, a war not bad for us, a powerful leader can earn his credit from war.

You support confrontation with the US navy but you don't support confrontation with india. So much for your strategic thinking. If the Chinese leaders listen to advisors like you, soon the indian army will be marching in Beijing with the US flags in their hands.
Ah, dear Chinese friend... guess both of us can agree to disagree. Your points are valid. As a student of Tao and ancient China... one I for one am more inclined to harmony and peaceful development.
Guess older people like peace! Do forgive this attitude from my part.

China of today is not China of 1990s.

A sage clears the muddy waters by leaving them alone! Bless you
Thanks for your reply, I can feel your beautiful wish from your true heart words.
we cherish peace ,but we never afraid of wars, If there is a war, we will join it withour hesitation.
For the economic development in the past years , our red army has hidden the sharp teeth for a long time ,other Asian countries gradually view us as a tiger without teeth, it is very funny.
Bless you, wish peace and prepare for war.
Thanks for your reply, I can feel your beautiful wish from your true heart words.
we cherish peace ,but we never afraid of wars, If there is a war, we will join it withour hesitation.
For the economic development in the past years , our red army has hidden the sharp teeth for a long time ,other Asian countries gradually view us as a tiger without teeth, it is very funny.
Bless you, wish peace and prepare for war.

I understand, my young brother!

One day shall come to China and read those ancient treasures...but first have to master ancient chinese language.

English translation can never cover the richness of ancient wisdom.

Do you remember the story of monkey god? Chinese can tolerate a lot... but in the end Buddha close his hands... and the monkey god has to learn 500 years of humility!!!

Remain with the Tao.
You support confrontation with the US navy but you don't support confrontation with india. So much for your strategic thinking. If the Chinese leaders listen to advisors like you, soon the indian army will be marching in Beijing with the US flags in their hands.
How we confront with India, fight in the Himalaya? If our leaders listen to you ,why not we declare war with all the countries?You know nothing about strategy.
India is not our enemy for now if they donot invade Pakistan,maybe India is your enemy. India direction is always the India Ocean ,not SCS or tibet, we donot have strategic conflicts. Why Vietnam and Philippine oppose us? because we expand our force in the SCS,if we dont ,they will not oppose us. We donot expand force into India Ocean and India dont have true capability expand into SCS, so there is nothing between us.
India march in Beijing?lol ,the last India army did this with UK flags in 1900 has been totally destroyed in 1969.
How we confront with India, fight in the Himalaya? If our leaders listen to you ,why not we declare war with all the countries?You know nothing about strategy.
India is not our enemy for now if they donot invade Pakistan,maybe India is your enemy. India direction is always the India Ocean ,not SCS or tibet, we donot have strategic conflicts. Why Vietnam and Philippine oppose us? because we expand our force in the SCS,if we dont ,they will not oppose us. We donot expand force into India Ocean and India dont have true capability expand into SCS, so there is nothing between us.
India march in Beijing?lol ,the last India army did this with UK flags in 1900 has been totally destroyed in 1969.

Did China declare war against all countries when it clashed with india in 1962? If you think india will tread peacefully simply if China doesn't get into the indian ocean then I must say that you have a lot to learn about these indians. India has a new direction now, perhaps you did not pay attention to that. The US doesn't really have to convince india to do what the US wants her to do, she'll volunteer for it with pride. Don't worry, soon you'll see it with your own eyes. I think that time is very very close. Don't be surprised if an indian naval vessel suddenly props up in the SCS out of nowhere with her cannons blazing or if you see your indian friends asking you to get out of Aksai Chin at gun point.
When near appear far, when far appear near.

A wise ruler first attains conditions for victory and then, only then engages in battle.

Please, remember the highest form of wisdom and skill is to win without doing battle.

What China is doing now is not showing her best weapons or beat chest... but telling everyone, war is really bad idea.

China is making sure there is no war in the region.

Remember, please, war is going to destroy Asia.

So those wishing China ill must remember..this.

Indian posters must hold their glee and do not belittle China.

This obession to put China or Chinese down at every turn... is it necessary?

And to the Chinese posters... be one with the Tao. Remember that monkey god can never jump on the hand of Buddha.

Let the Indian friends express their feelings as they please. No doubt they have a vast country and great potential! Wish them all the best and move on.

Peace is better than war.

Sometimes its necessary to smack little countries. Just like in a family, sometimes the children act up and become less afraid of the parents and start acting up. Than you slap the kids and they become obedient again.
Sometimes its necessary to smack little countries. Just like in a family, sometimes the children act up and become less afraid of the parents and start acting up. Than you slap the kids and they become obedient again.

Dear Jlaw, yes respect is earned and not given. Certainly.

The point is only that people some times forget that Chinese control the economies of ASEAN. In all of these countries ethnic chinese are in leading positions in terms of economy.

It is just that when minor players gang up against a major power...they think that non-reaction by big power like China is weakness. In fact it is great wisdom from Chinese to not smack smaller countries...

This SCS business blown out of propotions by biased media and those who want to exploit it for their advantage.

Only one who is going to suffer are the countries like Philppines.

But the new government, should it last, will seek peace with China. Only Vietnam might feel some need to create a mess with Indian, Japanese and US encouragement. But then..they depend too much on Chinese economy. Who is ASEANs biggest tradding partner?

Who came to help them in Asia currency crisis and back again in 2008?

One hopes that good sense pervails and a peaceful solution can be found. And focus must get back to greater economic intergration among NE and SE Asia.
Way to go China, USA deluded itself into thinking that since it has been waging wars against weak states like Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, it could bully China into complying with its hegemonic bidding. :sniper::usflag:
Did China declare war against all countries when it clashed with india in 1962? If you think india will tread peacefully simply if China doesn't get into the indian ocean then I must say that you have a lot to learn about these indians. India has a new direction now, perhaps you did not pay attention to that. The US doesn't really have to convince india to do what the US wants her to do, she'll volunteer for it with pride. Don't worry, soon you'll see it with your own eyes. I think that time is very very close. Don't be surprised if an indian naval vessel suddenly props up in the SCS out of nowhere with her cannons blazing or if you see your indian friends asking you to get out of Aksai Chin at gun point.
Donot worry and thank you for your concern,we never trust India,but India is really NO threat to us,they lack of the capability to threat us even if they want to ,they are far behind us in military domain,we know our capability,I can say this:No country including USA can win us in SCS,we have enough confidence and fire power to sink all the US navy aircarriers in the SCS if they dare to .
Donot worry and thank you for your concern,we never trust India,but India is really NO threat to us,they lack of the capability to threat us even if they want to

Indians just want to feel important. So being a threat to China is their way to thump their 56 inch chest when in reality their soldiers are ill equipped for a any war. The best they can do is a tie with Pakistan in a conventional war.

I don't know what some people are on about on here. There is no single country in the world that can take on the U.S navy, the gap is still wide. In fact, even the world's next top 5 military powers combined still don't have enough firepower compared to the U.S navy, i'm not even talking about the experience, skills, doctrine they have accumulated during this past century engaged in naval warfare/operations around the globe. Only a fool will think they can take on the U.S Navy in a naval war and win. lol

Anyway, coming to topic, there will be no war in SCS between U.S and China, or even China and Japan etc. The stakes are too high. There might be some posturing from both sides but no war per se, despite nationalistic people in each country clamoring for one without knowing the implications. lol
Even IF(that's a big if) there was to be one, it will be a short limited conflict not a wider one, like say the Sino-Soviet border clashes of the late 60s and 70s, Sino-India border war etc nothing like a full scale nuclear war some dream about.lol
So lets stop this fan boy rhetoric and be more pragmatic.
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