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3 Christian Boys Were Killed by Police Due to Love Affair with Muslim Girls

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See you are confusing again if cow slaughter is banned, it is banned for hindus, muslims, christians, all of them. So no question of halal or haram. But you can do your halal stuff to goats, chickens. No body is stopping you. So where is the oppression ? Cow slaughter is banned means all form. Goat slaughter is allowed means all form, both halal and haram. Got it ?

Why is cow slaughter banned when state is secular? DOESNT SECULAR mean all religion are equal...So if India is secular it cant side Hinduism....coz secular does not mean having Hindu laws and then saying we are secular!
Haha wow you have a child's mind. Now let me show your brave, educated, and (love this one) Well respected members of society "animals" staying in their "forest" only bugging foreign and domestic "animals"

Guy above is a computer engineer and "well respected member of society" bringing his respects from India.

And there are many more

Unfortunately your jungle animals are going after little boys and girls outside so called jungle. Your country has a lot of scum and you fail to admit it, only thing you can do (and not even good at it) is sling dirt at others. Go back to your lion king fantasies, its the only thing your mind is capable of..

See-. This is the last resort. I knew that you will say something like this with one or two links. You said only statements, childs imagination etc. But i know you and i infact all of us knows which animals are global and which animals are local. After all man is a social animal. Is not it ?
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Yes it counts. But it has a solution. See whatn i was saying can be understood in the following way. Differnt kind of wild animals are there in forest. A paricular group of wild animals stay inside that jungle, kill who ever enters into that jungle and never come out of that jungle. Another group of wild animal who call themselves lion or sher, they not only kill inside the jungle but comesout of the jungle in every now and then and start hunting. According to them the entire world is created for them. For the first case if you dont go into the jungle problem solved. In the second case they need to be killed or kept in zoo. Usa is keeping them in abu gharib zoo. West is killing them in iraq, afganistan, syria etc. Got it ?

Now that is disgusting JUNGLE ANIMALS? Really what about the thousands who were thrown in that prison JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE SUSPECTS AND ARE AWAITING for some proofs to APPEAR...which mind you is against AMERICAN JURISDICTIONS ...no one is allowed to be held in "custody" for more than 24 hrs without SOLID proof....and yet people manage to be in that prison for years?

HOW is that justice?

They should free those they have no proof against if they have proof present it and trial them like normal people do...The animals are those who put them there!

It means preference through reservation, apart from scholarship.

sorry didnt get you...oh you mean seats are reserved...well we have seats reserved for those who cant afford it (those whose household income are below the average wage)

That is what I am trying ti say that you people are not secular, so you can not treat your minorities as equal citizen. It is inherent in you, all of you. So your jusice system must be biassed and non-muslims should not expect justice from you. The world should take a note of this. Infact they are noticing.

you just mentioned how India banned slaughtering how is that NOT BIASED towards Hindus? What justice can we expect from that?
See-. This is the last resort. I knew that you will say something like this with one or two links. You said only statements, childs imagination etc. But i know you and i infact all of us knows which animals are global and which animals are local. After all man is a social animal. Is not it ?

What do you mean "last resort"? Evidence of your scum nationals in video is much more appealing than huge paragraphs of text. Was it wrong of me to prove your false assumptions of keeping your f!lth with in India? I think not.

You obviously suffered a bloody nose and got nothing to back up your original comment of your "animals staying well with in your forest". Take your well deserved national insult on US media with pride. Be a man for once and admit your educated (one of them is a PhD) and well respected members of society scum child molesters and rapers are no less dangerous than uneducated muslim terrorists in eyes of the world.
Why is cow slaughter banned when state is secular? DOESNT SECULAR mean all religion are equal...So if India is secular it cant side Hinduism....coz secular does not mean having Hindu laws and then saying we are secular!

Yes secularism means everybody can practice their religions and no body is allowed to hurt others religious feelings. Since cow slaughter is not related to Islam and not a religious practice but it hurts religious sentiments of another community called as Hindu, it was banned. Got it ? and there is hindu law for hindus and muslim personal laws for muslims. Got it ?
@INDIC and

And minorities can get the Qarz-E-Hasna (interest free loan) for education purposes.Like every other facility that a common Pakistani enjoys.I personally know one example.
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They think ‘ that only Islam allowed Muslim male about Love affairs and married with non Muslims which is noble cause’ But it’s sin and non bail able offense if any non Muslim love with Muslim girl.

1. Farhad Should be a Muslim.
2. He should pay 500000 (half) to his wife.
3. He should pay 2000 to his wife every month.
4. He can meet his parents but not allowed to live.
5. If he become Christian then should be killed.
The parents hasn’t right to move any petition to any court.

wtf :hitwall:
Yes secularism means everybody can practice their religions and no body is allowed to hurt others religious feelings. Since cow slaughter is not related to Islam and not a religious practice but it hurts religious sentiments of another community called as Hindu, it was banned. Got it ? and there is hindu law for hindus and muslim personal laws for muslims. Got it ?

Cow slaughter is not related to Islam then why ban it and leanign towards Hinduism? Yet the sentiments of a religious community is taken into account

but if Someone draws a cartoon in Denmark....it is fine...secular country they dont care about sentiments of a religious community AROUND THE GLOBE

Some mad priest in USA burned a Quran ...sentiments of a community not taken into account

THAT is secularism not INDIAN secularism...
How many Muslim Pakistanis are willing to publicly demonstrate in favor of these Christians and the Christians' right to marry Muslim girls? How many of these are willing to advocate seeing the police prosecuted for killing the boys?

none , zero , nilch .. if they will dare they will be accused of blasphemy or named and shamed by ghairat (honour) brigade , you have to give them 1 they have a tight grip ¬ a recent example is murder of Salman Taseer , no prominent personality attended his funeral
Now that is disgusting JUNGLE ANIMALS? Really what about the thousands who were thrown in that prison JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE SUSPECTS AND ARE AWAITING for some proofs to APPEAR...which mind you is against AMERICAN JURISDICTIONS ...no one is allowed to be held in "custody" for more than 24 hrs without SOLID proof....and yet people manage to be in that prison for years?

HOW is that justice?

They should free those they have no proof against if they have proof present it and trial them like normal people do...The animals are those who put them there!

sorry didnt get you...oh you mean seats are reserved...well we have seats reserved for those who cant afford it (those whose household income are below the average wage)

you just mentioned how India banned slaughtering how is that NOT BIASED towards Hindus? What justice can we expect from that?

See again just statements. Killing a person in the name of islam is digusting. Destroying temples and building mosques is disgusting. Suicidebombing is disgusting. But keeping a potential suspect is not disgusting.
Well their country, their rule. beat them, hang them or lynch them, do what ever makes the Almighty happy. how could they corrupt the minds of innocent Muslim girls.
What do you mean "last resort"? Evidence of your scum nationals in video is much more appealing than huge paragraphs of text. Was it wrong of me to prove your false assumptions of keeping your f!lth with in India? I think not.

You obviously suffered a bloody nose and got nothing to back up your original comment of your "animals staying well with in your forest". Take your well deserved national insult on US media with pride. Be a man for once and admit your educated (one of them is a PhD) and well respected members of society scum child molesters and rapers are no less dangerous than uneducated muslim terrorists in eyes of the world.

Again some statements like bloody nose etc. The fact is ur morons are global, our morons are local. Got it ?
Again some statements like bloody nose etc. The fact is ur morons are global, our morons are local. Got it ?

I just showed you, your educated nationals presented by US media trying to rape American 13 year old girls in America and you still say local? I mean, are you slow/ soft in the head? you have a habit of making yourself look ignorant? because if you do, thats good. People on PDF need to see your true self.
I just showed you, your educated nationals presented by US media trying to rape American 13 year old girls in America and you still say local? I mean, are you slow/ soft in the head? you have a habit of making yourself look ignorant? because if you do, thats good. People on PDF need to see your true self.

I told you that you guys with come up with few links and videos and try to prove your point. But they are aberrations and you also know that. But global terrorism = globalism of your morons and everybody knows that. Including you too. By the way your morons are really global and dangerous. You know that. Atleast our morons dont associate their moronic acts with any ideol.ogies. But a specific group of morons always shout something before commiting their moronic act and you know that verywell. By the your morons are huge in numbewr. Is not it ? In british prison too. Lots of morons.
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