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3 Christian Boys Were Killed by Police Due to Love Affair with Muslim Girls

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I told you that you guys with come up with few links and videos and try to prove your point. But they are aberrations and you also know that. But global terrorism = globalism of your morons and everybody knows that. Including you too. By the way your morons are really global and dangerous. You know that. Atleast our morons dont associate their moronic acts with any ideol.ogies. But a specific group of morons always shout something before commiting their moronic act and you know that verywell. By the your morons are huge in numbewr. Is not it ? In british prison too. Lots of morons.

Be there a link or not, dont you agree that I was successful in destroying your false claims? And links to media/ news is the only way to prove anyone's point.. so basically you are asking me to just to keep pasting paragraphs with no validity.

Also I never said no to uneducated muslims not choosing the path to stupidity and I admit it, if anything I am all up for eradicating these lunatics. But how can you say "really global and dangerous"? Ask a white guy whose boy or girl would have been raped by one of your PhDs and see what non-dangerous opinion you get.

You really have zero skills for an argument. Only thing you have been good for so far is balderdash and jungle stories for 4 year olds. May I ask how old you are?
sorry didnt get you...oh you mean seats are reserved...well we have seats reserved for those who cant afford it (those whose household income are below the average wage)

Dalits and tribes together have reserved seats.

Are you referring to reservation of seat in Sindh.
Why is cow slaughter banned when state is secular? DOESNT SECULAR mean all religion are equal...So if India is secular it cant side Hinduism....coz secular does not mean having Hindu laws and then saying we are secular!

how consuming beef related to Islam, is is mandatory for Muslims to consume beef? Its not only Hindu getting preference, Muslims in India gets lots of subsidy of Haj travel.
Any other authentic source reporting this? Or should I take it as another propaganda news Christian missionaries.
R.I.P. ---- religious violence is the lowest and most pathetic form of human behavior...
@Talon Watch this, in Pakistan Haj travel is taxed, in India Haj travel is subsidized.

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Well, how is that possible I do not understand esp. when even in India they break coconuts on occasions and even ministers take part in pooja and what not...

Its a cultural practice,Its the similar to breaking champagne bottles during occasions like Ship naming and launching.

As for Pakistan and Muslim countries, this is not possible because for us GOD has sent rules for EVERYTHING including running a state...Please @Azazel I have answered you NUMEROUS times but you ask and say the same things like a broken tape recorder...

You never answered me anything.If this is God must be crazy.Why is he such a control freak,Why does he has to do that.Or it is just another excuse for Religious fanatics to justify their oppression on others.Tell me one good reason why your concept of God is any different form Unicorns or tooth fairies or any other mythology or fairy tales invented by man.This so called Gods Rules are nothing more than excuse for state to oppress it people.
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No surprises there!! Things like this are expected in Pakistan, the land of Islam, the land of pure and the land of radicals!! What else would you get when the minds are polluted right from the early ages when they are prepared to hate Non-Muslims. It is OK for them when the Pakistani mullahs kidnap non-Muslim girls and forcibly marry them to Muslims and the reason they give is it is OK because they both loved each other. Fine no problem there but when the same case happened to Muslim girls and Non-Muslim boys then the boys had to lose their lives or turn a Mullah.

People who were defending the Mullahs when they kidnapped Non-Muslim girls are now again at the job to defend them when they killed Non-Muslim boys.
BTW, Islam has rules and regulations like Western countries have rules for their visas and SPECIAL rules for ASIAN passports...

So like you have dos and donts when you visit other countries or even in your own country if you do this you will go to jail if you do that you will be fined and what not...Well same for Islam only thing is unlike in the country where you can get off with bribery in Islam there are some who try to bend the rules but there are some rules which are as they are....and a girl is not allowed to marry a non Muslim unless he converts!

Because it will only confuse the children

where you say there is no god but ALLAH and yet the dad goes 3 gods but they are 1 ...where we say Jesus is a messneger but the dad is bowing to a statue of Jesus or something (depending on which sect of Christianity 1 is from)

Where in Islam no pork no alcohol but the dad is drinking and eating pork....

and many more confusions...

dude we all know entire universe is made of atoms and other much smaller particles u me are all made of atoms,but atom is made of 3major particles proton,neutron and electron,u just cant go on and say iam made up off only protons or neutrons or only electrons,same way jesus,father(allah) and holyspirit are all gods but united in one same way as an atom,if u say jesus is not god u are just disgracing ur god allah(father)
See again just statements. Killing a person in the name of islam is digusting. Destroying temples and building mosques is disgusting. Suicidebombing is disgusting. But keeping a potential suspect is not disgusting.

Keeping a potential suspect for a day or 2 is fine but for years...

Well their country, their rule. beat them, hang them or lynch them, do what ever makes the Almighty happy. how could they corrupt the minds of innocent Muslim girls.
Not everyone has your mentality :disagree:
We had made a rule with consensus that such negative threads will only be allowed to open by Pakistani members only as the intention and troll follows in the thread totally ruins the objective of the thread if any
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