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3 bloggers arrested

:blah::blah::blah: go to Europe and Israel and deny holocaust. Yesterday an idiot in a bus started bad mouthing our Prophet, people told him to stop in a civilized way but then he started spitting the most rubbish crap ever. Guess what? people beat the **** out of him :lol: you are free to have freedom of speech by discussing in a logical way but once you attack the faith of millions in their turf with hate speech then don't be surprised when you get a few hundred punches ;)

lol dont even compare the west with BD or anyplace in SA please, they are a lot more tolerant. btw quite brave of that crowd to beat up that chap
Eye wash. Btw indo-awami dalals Ghadani group declared hartal on friday( :woot: ) and saturday. :lol:

হেফাজতকে প্রতিহত করতে শুক্রবার
সন্ধ্যা থেকে ২৪ ঘণ্টার হরতাল
???????? ??????? ???? ???????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ????? | politics | natunbarta.com

Most likely hartal with police league and chapatti league. These dalal scums R whining too much.
hmm how is your faith/belief/culture destroyed by a frikkin blog post. dont like it, then debate it or ignore it.

It's not just A freaking blog post. It is in fact an entire cult. A systematic one.

You can say that to them, but they won't ignore them. And they very well understand the power of the Information Age.

And this so considering the significance of the Shahbag movement.

It's easy to say such things on the Internet, but in real life; not so easy I'm afraid :no:

This period would probably be Hasina's toughest moment in her entire political career. And that should give you a hint into the reality.

As I said, one can take an opposing view toward the role of religion, but not to an extent which would destroy an entire people's beliefs. Even rational Atheists respect that.
Eye wash. Btw indo-awami dalals Ghadani group declared hartal on friday( :woot: ) and saturday. :lol:

হেফাজতকে প্রতিহত করতে শুক্রবার
সন্ধ্যা থেকে ২৪ ঘণ্টার হরতাল
???????? ??????? ???? ???????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ????? | politics | natunbarta.com

Most likely hartal with police league and chapatti league. These dalal scums R whining too much.

Likely. I've been following 'Shahbage Cyber Juddho' on facebook. When the first three idiots got arrested Shahbagis were whining and whimpering, but today they are silent- there's even no mention of the arrest of Asif Mohiuddin.
Why isn't it surprising that Dadas from across the border R suffering from extreme islamophibia induced diarrhea? :undecided: They R trying to stink the whole thread with their usual farts.

Likely. I've been following 'Shahbage Cyber Juddho' on facebook. When the first three idiots got arrested Shahbagis were whimpering and whining, but today they are silent- there's even no mention of the arrest of Asif Mohiuddin.

Eye wash bro. I don't think BAL scums will try these thugs. Its their poodle who got exposed and not to forget backing from across the border. Its a failed face saving attempt from BAL and upon realizing it they R touting their whining hyena cubs Ghadani dalals to do hartal on friday of all days.:rofl:
The guy was allowed to go once by this scum gov before on the condition that he won't criticize the gov.He was arrested then like now ,for hurting religious sentiments and attack on religion. BAL nourished these cult group and now doing eyewash when their game got exposed. Typical awami poodle.


The guy was allowed to go once by this scum gov before on the condition that he won't criticize the gov.He was arrested then like now ,for hurting religious sentiments and attack on religion. BAL nourished these cult group and now doing eyewash when their game got exposed. Typical awami poodle.



Excellent article, thanks for sharing.

People who have doubt that these people have foreign connections with Islamophobia Industry, please look at this thread:


Indo-Awami nexus has been using these Islamophobic bloggers to attack Islamic consciousness of majority Bangladeshi's. Now Awami League govt. is trying to protect them from the wrath of an angry public. They should not have forgotten the fate of Taslima Nasreen, another celebrated Islamophobe and darling of the West, just like Salman Rushdie.

I bet these people are attention wh0res like Salman and Taslima and are out to make them famous like them, probably even fishing for assylum in the West to get a cushy life of giving lectures arranged by people in the Islamophobia Industry.
@kalu_miah, well their connection with India has been already established beyond any iota of doubt and that is partly thanks to Amardesh. A truly patriotic newspaper that remains neutral to the core ,even criticizes BNP and JI where its due.

Check this out:

শাহবাগি ইসলামবিদ্বেষী ব্লগারবন্দনা : কথিত আন্দোলনের পেছনে ভারতীয় মদতের আরও এক নজির
???????? ????????????? ???????????? : ???? ????????? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????

There connection with islamophobia industry is something to ponder about too. But they are an evolution of the dalal awami shushil samaz AKA awami budhijibis , that's for sure.
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Lol, if you make fun of anyone's religious beliefs, you think they will give you flowers?


Its why you never say LET is bad in IOKashmir or say LTTE is good in Sri Lanka or say Hitler is good in Israel?
Reason? you'll get beat up
We should kidnap these blogger s from their Al protectors and give them to hefazat e Islam members.chamra charae lobon lagano uchit.
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