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$3 billion from Saudi Arabia to the Lebanese National Army

Lebanon army doesn't protect Lebanon's interests and are not capable of doing so...for example their offshore gas which Israel is hogging.

Hezbollah is in the south in an area that used to be occupied by Israel and fought against it. They actually function as a military.

When the Lebanese army functions as a military rather than being a useless cowardly army that has no role besides security in their country than you could justify this to me.

Trust me, you don't know militaries of Arabic nations, they build up their military only to kill their own people.

Hezbollah is a deterrent against Israel and can protect Lebanon's interests.

If the Lebanese army interferes in the south and causes trouble this will give Hezbollah an excuse to capture every single dollar of military aid that went to the Lebanese Military.

When military aid is sent to start being men who aren't phased by the "big dog" of the Middle East than I will consider a legitimate army and support it.

That's not the case though, and all that effort and hard work gone into Lebanon in the past decade is not going to waste just because Saudi Arabia wants to eliminate all military threats to Israel.

if hezbo attacks christian areas of Lebanon expect a civil war and interference of foreign power , Hezbollah has enough shit in Syria to open another front with central government.

The west especially Europe have special interests in Lebanon particularly the maronite areas.
Lebanon will receive weapons worth of 3 billion not bills. I think its time to open many fronts instead of one. Make Hizbo buys in his place, take him out of Syria. The military wing of Hizbo must be demolished by all means.

I politely disagree here 7abibi. It would be better for Syria where there is a massacre going on right now. Let us see. If HizbAlShaitan did not attack and kill Muslims in Syria then we could have worked together in striking Israel but that looks like a bleak dream now.
Okay so lets just say your plan works and Hezbollah leaves Syria...what's next? Still want to go after Hezbollah, and after Hezbollah? Hamas?

You guys foreign policy is so pathetic I'm sorry...as much as I love Saudi Arabia the people running your country are bizarre.

You have all this money to send to Lebanon and Egypt militaries but can't pressure Egypt to open the border with Gaza and fund fuel so people can have electricity in their country? Are you kidding me?

Even though I know you're foreign policy is full of dreams, I just want to picture a scenario and tell me what's going to happen next.

Hezbo leaving Syria would mean Assad retreating to the coast .

Hamas chose to confront Egypt not the other way around , you only reap what you sow .
You are not a Saudi Arabian at least so as I said your opinion is of no importance. You don't know what is going on anyway. Don't teach us what to believe when this news concern us and nobody else outside of those receiving this aid (Lebanese Army and Lebanon).

Then use something else than the New Zealand flag.

You should contact the royal family or plead to see King Abdullah and file your complaint with him, as a Saudi you have that right.
if hezbo attacks christian areas of Lebanon expect a civil war and interference of foreign power , Hezbollah has enough shit in Syria to open another front with central government.

The west especially Europe have special interests in Lebanon particularly the maronite areas.

What in the world brought up Christian areas in Lebanon and why in the world would Hezbollah attack anybody?

I stated if the Lebanese army commits aggression against south Lebanon Hezbollah is justified in defeating a foreign worshipper of Israel piece of crap.
You should contact the royal family or plead to see King Abdullah and file your complaint with him, as a Saudi you have that right.


Although I did get your implications on this ^ but I hate to disappoint you. Governors are the ones people should file their complaints to.

Nice try..

Next ...
I politely disagree here 7abibi. It would be better for Syria where there is a massacre going on right now. Let us see. If HizbAlShaitan did not attack and kill Muslims in Syria then we could have worked together in striking Israel but that looks like a bleak dream now.

Part of this deal is about Syria to , Hezbollah is what keeps Assad survive and confronting them in more than one front will force them to reduce their presence in Syria thus weakening of Assad regime.

All of the christian parties leaders come from the Lebanese militarly including the current lebanese president and such a deal would serve in bringing a central government under future movement influence which would work on hurting hezbollah interests in Lebanon itself .

You will have to fight them in all fronts whether on militarly field in Syria or in political field in Lebanon .
Hezbo leaving Syria would mean Assad retreating to the coast .

Hamas chose to confront Egypt not the other way around , you only reap what you sow .

Here we go again with bull diversions and lies.

Hamas would never confront it's lifeline and neighboring country. Quit spreading lies.

And answer my question properly, I asked of Saudis vision in the future and what it expects to achieve from this.

And you weren't involved let him answer me stay out of this.

You sound worse than an Israeli I need to track your IP address.
What in the world brought up Christian areas in Lebanon and why in the world would Hezbollah attack anybody?

I stated if the Lebanese army commits aggression against south Lebanon Hezbollah is justified in defeating a foreign worshipper of Israel piece of crap.

Attacking the central government in Lebanon would only open the door for foreign interference and even for syrian rebels to move the war to lebanon , it would be a complete mess for hezbo .

Another thing hezbollah would be killing christians and the west will not tolerate such a thing .
Why didn't Saudi Arabia pledge to support the Lebanese military in the past to defend itself from Israel?
What in the world brought up Christian areas in Lebanon and why in the world would Hezbollah attack anybody?

I stated if the Lebanese army commits aggression against south Lebanon Hezbollah is justified in defeating a foreign worshipper of Israel piece of crap.

The central government in Lebanon has the right to disarm any militia operating within Lebanese borders in addition to the fact Hezbollah is a terrorist organization .

The international community will certainly support Lebanon in acheiving this if it decides one day to take such action
Attacking the central government in Lebanon would only open the door for foreign interference and even for syrian rebels to move the war to lebanon , it would be a complete mess for hezbo .

Another thing hezbollah would be killing christians and the west will not tolerate such a thing .

Are you trolling? The scenario is if the Lebanese army began attacking Hezbollah after Saudi Arabia sends them weapons.

Btw, from where are these weapons being transferred? Your Israeli ally on the Israeli/Lebanon border?
Saudi Arabia can give money to any one if she wants, Middle East is too complicated for me, I am just passing by!
The central government in Lebanon has the right to disarm any militia operating within Lebanese borders in addition to the fact Hezbollah is a terrorist organization .

The international community will certainly support Lebanon in acheiving this if it decides one day to take such action

Muslims could care less about international community who's occupied our nations and massacred our people's in the past and present.

Western imperialist terrorists don't tell us what to do. If you're an imperialist terrorist go join a western army.

As for Lebanon this will not happen.

Clearly stability of Lebanon or state of Lebanon is not your concern.

Your one and only concern is to protect Israel from any threats.

Dream on Zionist imperialist trash.
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