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$3 billion from Saudi Arabia to the Lebanese National Army

Including Egypt's, Algeria's, Tunisia's, and the UAE? :what:

If so then I suppose you do support Al-Qaida, don't you?

They don't do anything to protect their country, rather they focus on managing the society and it's law and order.

They are the institution of the country basically rather than having civilian institution.

And no I don't, why would you say that and what does that have to do with my comment? Your country arms what the western media call 'AQ' in Syria.
What I find really interesting here is how the kingdom chose french weaponry to boost the Lebanese army.

I see a new French-Saudi alliance because of the two's disappointment in US regional policy.

Well a functional Lebanese military that serves the whole country, its people and interests is the only way that Lebanon will survive as a state on the long run. The divisions are already too big but if the citizens rallied under one banner with a common interest Lebanon would be much, much stronger as a country and unit.

Hollande just visited KSA so that makes perfect sense. Realtions with France have also been good. I consider France as the most sane Western power with geopolitical tendencies.

Hollande: The Child-Murderer alias Al-Asshead must go

STRIVING FOR PEACE: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah holds talks with French President Francois Hollande at Khuraim Gardens outside Riyadh in the presence of Crown Prince Salman and other top officials. (SPA)


Published — Monday 30 December 2013

Last update 30 December 2013 1:46 am

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah and visiting French President Francois Hollande discussed at length key regional issues, including Syria, Iran and Lebanon, at Khuraim Gardens on Sunday.
Hollande, who held a separate meeting with Crown Prince Salman, also met with former Lebanese Premier Saad Hariri and Syrian opposition leader, Ahmed Jarba, in Riyadh.
Renewing his call for an immediate solution to the Syrian crisis, Hollande said there could not be a solution with Assad staying in power. “The participation of the opposition in the proposed peace conference in Switzerland on Jan. 22 is desirable.”
Addressing a press conference at the French Embassy, Hollande said the talks also covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the volatile situation in Egypt and the growing commercial ties between Riyadh and Paris.
Hollande commended the king “for his endeavors and for his untiring efforts to solve the problems facing friendly nations and allies in the Middle East, including Syria.
“We are engaged with Saudi Arabia in several sectors ranging from politics, regional issues and international affairs, to energy and transport.”
He pointed out that an agreement to forge closer cooperation in the health sector, mainly in medical research and pharmaceuticals, was signed Sunday.
Hollande said: “France and Saudi Arabia share a pledge to work for peace, security and stability in the Middle East.” This pledge is evident from Hollande’s meeting with Hariri, a staunch critic of the Syrian regime.
The meeting is important, as it comes amid heightened tensions in Lebanon following the killing of Hariri’s close aide, ex-minister Mohammad Chatah, on Friday.
“France and Saudi Arabia will extend support to Lebanon,” he added. He said Paris shouldered its way into negotiations with Iran, demanding a better deal and warning that the Tehran government needed “careful monitoring.”
About Egypt, he said: “The transition of power will take place through elections.”
Hollande said Saudi Arabia has become France’s “top partner in the Middle East” with trade exchange exceeding $11 billion in 2013. He noted “good results” in commercial relations, citing contracts won by French companies, including Alstom winning the Riyadh metro contract.
A team of four ministers accompanying Hollande, including Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, also attended the meeting.

Hollande: Assad must go | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
But Egypt's arm did once upon time contributed to the protection of the country? :what: How come?
They don't do anything to protect their country, rather they focus on managing the society and it's law and order.

They are the institution of the country basically rather than having civilian institution.

And no I don't, why would you say that and what does that have to do with my comment? Your country arms what the western media call 'AQ' in Syria.

Western or Eastern media can't prove nothing without evidence. They have been shouting for a century :lol:
I see the criminal terrorist Hazzy is against Lebanon being a sovereign state with one army that safeguards it.

The despicable yankee pretend 'palestinian' wants to see the continued occupation of Lebanon by Tehran via Hezbollah.
Well a functional Lebanese military that serves the whole country, its people and interests is the only way that Lebanon will survive as a state on the long run. The divisions are already too big but if the citizens rallied under one banner with a common interest Lebanon would be much, much stronger as a country and unit.

Hollande just visited KSA so that makes perfect sense. Realtions with France have also been good. I consider France as the most sane Western power with geopolitical tendencies.

The french have a lot of influence in Lebanon over the Christians there especially maronites and as you can see the 3 billion dollars will be purchases from france which will involve training and strengthening the lebanese army .

This deal with strengthen the Future movement position inside lebanon by bringing an alliance between Sunni and maronite christians which would put more pressure on hezbollah to withdraw from Syria when he find his own position at home weak.

What kept Assad survive was Hezbollah movement and when they feel the central government in Lebanon is far stronger Hezbollah himself will reduce the number of troops he has struck in Lebanon.

This is also part of a bigger deal that will involve arming Syrian rebels as well , we will Just have to wait and see what deal would come up.

Hezbollah will now be squeezed between Israel in south and a stronger central lebanese government allied with saudi arabia in addition to a crumbling weak regime in Syria that he has to prop up.

Hezbollah is the iranian key in the Arab world , the weaker it gets then the weaker Iran influence will be in the levant area.
Arab militaries don't protect their countries, try comprehending that. Arabic resistance organizations that fought occupation do and have.

Any state, Arab or not, where single political groups have militias that are stronger than the national army/government is doomed to failure. Lebanon needs an army representing all sects.
But Egypt's arm did once upon time contributed to the protection of the country? :what: How come?

Western or Eastern media can't prove nothing without evidence. They have been shouting for a century :lol:

The general role of militaries in Arabic countries it not to protect the country from foreign threats besides maybe the Iraqi army back then and Egypt.

Today it's not what it used to be. It's more about being the institution for the country, regulating the country.
@al-Hasani 7abibi, I respect your opinion but allow me to disagree with you here and agree with the rest. This money will help us to get rid of those fake Turbans.

I respect that bro. But problem is like we know from past that such donations have not always helped. I am fearing this. Also you know that I am very focused on the conflict in Syria. We all are nearly. It takes great tool on us. I hoped to see this money in Syria.
Any state, Arab or not, where single political groups have militias that are stronger than the national army/government is doomed to failure. Lebanon needs an army representing all sects.

Take the Irish is a breathing example on this.

They still stuck in where their militias left them at.
@al-Hasani 7abibi, I respect your opinion but allow me to disagree with you here and agree with the rest. This money will help us to get rid of those fake Turbans.
It's too bad your money will be gone like pie in the Skye like the billions you spend in Iraq and Afghanistan now iraq is iranian province
Any state, Arab or not, where single political groups have militias that are stronger than the national army/government is doomed to failure. Lebanon needs an army representing all sects.

Lebanon army doesn't protect Lebanon's interests and are not capable of doing so...for example their offshore gas which Israel is hogging.

Hezbollah is in the south in an area that used to be occupied by Israel and fought against it. They actually function as a military.

When the Lebanese army functions as a military rather than being a useless cowardly army that has no role besides security in their country than you could justify this to me.

Trust me, you don't know militaries of Arabic nations, they build up their military only to kill their own people.

Hezbollah is a deterrent against Israel and can protect Lebanon's interests.

If the Lebanese army interferes in the south and causes trouble this will give Hezbollah an excuse to capture every single dollar of military aid that went to the Lebanese Military.

When military aid is sent to start being men who aren't phased by the "big dog" of the Middle East than I will consider a legitimate army and support it.

That's not the case though, and all that effort and hard work gone into Lebanon in the past decade is not going to waste just because Saudi Arabia wants to eliminate all military threats to Israel.
I respect that bro. But problem is like we know from past that such donations have not always helped. I am fearing this. Also you know that I am very focused on the conflict in Syria. We all are nearly. It takes great tool on us. I hoped to see this money in Syria.

Lebanon will receive weapons worth of 3 billion not bills. I think its time to open many fronts instead of one. Make Hizbo buys in his place, take him out of Syria. The military wing of Hizbo must be demolished by all means.
Lebanon will receive weapons worth of 3 billion not bills. I think its time to open many fronts instead of one. Make Hizbo buys in his place, take him out of Syria. The military wing of Hizbo must be demolished by all means.

Okay so lets just say your plan works and Hezbollah leaves Syria...what's next? Still want to go after Hezbollah, and after Hezbollah? Hamas?

You guys foreign policy is so pathetic I'm sorry...as much as I love Saudi Arabia the people running your country are bizarre.

You have all this money to send to Lebanon and Egypt militaries but can't pressure Egypt to open the border with Gaza and fund fuel so people can have electricity in their country? Are you kidding me?

Even though I know you're foreign policy is full of dreams, I just want to picture a scenario and tell me what's going to happen next.
After destroying Syria, house of Saud is planning another civil war in Lebanon in Shia and Sunni divide. That will completely destroy anything Lebanon achieved in last few years. But Saudi money will serve well for Israeli plan.
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