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3,500 Afghans fight in Syria as Iran use refugees to bolster Assad

A local Sunni is labelled 'terrorist' even when he's not involved in terrorism and only defending his family | land from local and foreign criminals. Furthermore, groups that have outsiders (Libyans, Tunisians, Saudi Arabians, etc.) like Jabhat Al-Nusra and Jabhat Ansar Al-Deen are all considered terrorist groups. Unlike the non-Sunnis, who are the 'oppressed' and defenders of the 'own land' wherever they go.

So why would I even bother to justify why there are outsiders fighting in Syria ? If any body wants his children to be orphaned, and wife to be widowed then just make sure to pick up the right colour :


Green: Preserved for the oppressed Iranians and Afghans.
Yellow: Preserved for the oppressed Hizbullah criminals.

The oppressed imperialists and 'advisers' are being packed for free, 24/7 and are being buried in 5-star graves .
so what every one is doing
at least in return the Afghanistani
is getting something
Assad is not important. we should fight against Zionist regime who is supporting ISIS. Iran and afghan fighter are fighting against Zionist regime. Zionist regime is the enemy of Islam. they are the enemy of Shia and Sunni. Assad is the enemy of Zionist regime and is fighting against them. one moment think about the situation that Zionist regime and Assad had good relation, then , did we see this condition in Syria?
my Muslim brothers, Sunni and Shia, our enemy is seeking to divide us. come to be unite against them. come to progress our vision. we had at least one common goal, "Destruction of the Zionist regime." come to think about and unite around it.
Assad is not important. we should fight against Zionist regime who is supporting ISIS. Iran and afghan fighter are fighting against Zionist regime. Zionist regime is the enemy of Islam. they are the enemy of Shia and Sunni. Assad is the enemy of Zionist regime and is fighting against them. one moment think about the situation that Zionist regime and Assad had good relation, then , did we see this condition in Syria?
my Muslim brothers, Sunni and Shia, our enemy is seeking to divide us. come to be unite against them. come to progress our vision. we had at least one common goal, "Destruction of the Zionist regime." come to think about and unite around it.
Typical Ayatulah supporter: murders 200,000 Muslims and cries Zionists.
Iran is fighting against Islamic extremism that is harming the full region. Even if Assad falls and ISIS takes over, we can be proud in the future,that we were on the side of right and hagh.

Yes, by the way Iran is also responsible for rise of extremist, just different brand.
come to be unite against them. come to progress our vision. we had at least one common goal, "Destruction of the Zionist regime." come to think about and unite around it.

good luck buddy :coffee:
Syria has the largest Christian population in the ME.
Egypt has. :coffee:

Christians back Assad. Assad never kills any Christians.
Assad turned Christians into his hostages. He slaughters thousands and says that he is doing it in name of protection of minorities, thus he is increasing hate towards the minorities.
A local Sunni is labelled 'terrorist' even when he's not involved in terrorism and only defending his family | land from local and foreign criminals. Furthermore, groups that have outsiders (Libyans, Tunisians, Saudi Arabians, etc.) like Jabhat Al-Nusra and Jabhat Ansar Al-Deen are all considered terrorist groups. Unlike the non-Sunnis, who are the 'oppressed' and defenders of the 'own land' wherever they go.

So why would I even bother to justify why there are outsiders fighting in Syria ? If any body wants his children to be orphaned, and wife to be widowed then just make sure to pick up the right colour :


Green: Preserved for the oppressed Iranians and Afghans.
Yellow: Preserved for the oppressed Hizbullah criminals.

The oppressed imperialists and 'advisers' are being packed for free, 24/7 and are being buried in 5-star graves .

It's too late to cry over foreigners in Syria. You should have done it when thousands of foreigners from all over the world joined the 'revolution' in 2012, long before any Afghan or Hezbollah got involved in Syria.
Which of today's extremist groups are due to Iran? Also Qaeda, ISIS, boko haram, or any of the dozen beheading groups roaming around in Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi, Kuwait, etc etc?

These groups have dragged the name of Islam into the gutter in addition to having created and caused huge miseries and massacre of Shias and Sunnis and minorities alike. But their anti-human behavior goes well beyond the battlefield and the spiritual damage they have caused.

They have also had a detrimental and extremely vile effect on public health of present and future generations. Take the case of Polio virus. If it was not for these extremists in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and Nigeria, the polio would have been eradicated from the face of the planet forever as smallpox was.

This Takfiri ideology is protecting the polio virus. It has saved the polio virus from certain extinction. Without the conservation efforts of these groups who assassinate polio vaccination medical teams, the polio virus would have been extinct by now. As groups like Isis, Taleban or Bokco gain ground, the dream of a polio free world in which no children die or get crippled for life by polio virus, fades away.

The world is suffering because of these animals. Because of the failure in eradicating polio virus, global vaccination mainly by OPV (due to technical reasons) remains ongoing and the cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis continue to occur and claim innocent victims among children around the world in addition to wild polio virus causing the disease. It is such a shame. If it was not for these animals, the world would have been a polio free planet needing no vaccination anymore and therefore no more crippled for life children due to wild and vaccine caused poliomyelitis. Let's hope some day, these evil ideologies get eradicated along with polio virus.

Lets hope for better days in future generations when there will be no polio virus and no Takfiris.


It's too late to cry over foreigners in Syria. You should have done it when thousands of foreigners from all over the world joined the 'revolution' in 2012, long before any Afghan or Hezbollah got involved in Syria.

Yeah. No body cried over French and British and Belgians, Turks and Saudis who were channeled in to bring down a UN recognized government using terror tactics.
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