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3,500 Afghans fight in Syria as Iran use refugees to bolster Assad


This map is not accepted by everyone.
Syria needs all the help it can get to fight Saudi sponsored terrorists.

Indian army is also there... but they are responsible for operations and war strategy and teaching Iran revolution guards, both in Syria and Yemen and this is where Irani subjects of Pakistani origin meet RAW.

This map is not accepted by everyone.

Is this justification enough?
3,500 Afghans fight in Syria as Iran use refugees to bolster Assad
By MIRWAIS ADEEL - Wed Aug 26 2015, 3:45 pm

The latest estimates suggest at least 3,500 Afghans are fighting in Syria in support of Bashar al-Assad, shedding light on growing recruitment of Afghans in the conflict which was around 500 less as compared to estimates three months back.

Relatives of a number of those killed while fighting for the Syrian regime have said the Afghan nationals are lured by the month salary of $700 and Iranian residency permit.

Phillip Smyth, an expert on Shiite militant groups, told AFP an estimated 2,000 to 3,500 Afghans are currently fighting in Syria.

He said “In terms of how they are recruited, deployed, and utilized in Syria, many Afghan Shiite fighteers have suffered the fate of being used as cannon fodder.”

Smyth further added “Some are coerced to fight; others promised residency papers for their family, and a small salary. It demonstrates Iran’s exploitation of Afghan Shiite refugees.”

This comes as a video emerged from Syria three months ago which purportedly showed the capture of four Afghan nationals by the Syrian rebels.

Two teenage boys are also seen among those captured during the clashes apparently by the rebels belonging to the Free Syrian Army.

The group was reportedly deployed to Syria to take part in the ongoing conflict by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

The men appearing in the video introduces them while speaking in Dari language and describes unemployment as the main reason behind their decision to fight in Syria.

Dozens of Afghan nationals were reportedly killed late in December last year while fighting in support of the Syrian regime led by Bashar al-Assad.

According to the estimates back in April, some 3,000 Afghan nationals have been deployed to take part in the ongoing Syria conflict.

The Afghan militants are fighting on both sides of the Syrian war, in support of the Syria Bashar al-Assad and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants.

Informed sources in the Afghan government have also confirmed that the number includes Iranian-backed Shiites fighting a proxy war in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and against Islamic State and other rebel groups.

The participation of Afghan militants in Syria war has sparked concerns among the Afghan officials some will return to fight in Afghanistan under Islamic State’s banner.

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I sometimes agree with the luffys. The Afghans for the past 100 years or so have been suffering badly though once they formed empires and nations. Sad fall of a brave people. If they wouldn't just blame everyone else we might have developed a more sumpathetic view of them.

The Afghans fighting for Assad mainly must be hazaras and some of the kids in those pictures have clear distinct hazara features.
Indian army is also there... but they are responsible for operations and war strategy and teaching Iran revolution guards, both in Syria and Yemen and this is where Irani subjects of Pakistani origin meet RAW.
One in the black cap seems Pakistani 'Desert Fighter' .... NADRA should run a check on the picture.

Iran is fighting against Islamic extremism that is harming the full region. Even if Assad falls and ISIS takes over, we can be proud in the future,that we were on the side of right and hagh.

Than go fight your self, why brain wash Pakistani Afghani kids?

Afghanistan was all peaceful until US gifted it to Iran.
Now look at these faces, I believe they may not be 5 year old at the time when US invaded Afghanistan, and northern alliance took over.
They grew up among Indian labor and US soldiers, watching Indian movies, visiting prostitutes, money flying all around, spent comfortable and free 15 years.... but in between they were brain washed about Arabs, here they are killing wahabi kids. On the way to Syria they get hardened by killing Yazidis and other civilians and in the end their scores are credited under the label of Isis.
It's funny to see people deliberately ignoring the finances of there training and the term of their service and their task upon returning to Pakistan and Afghanistan!
Both sides have a lot of foreigners. The rebel Ghab commander was killed yesterday in Turkey. That means he was a Turk.
Afghanistan was all peaceful until US gifted it to Iran.

So many stupid comments in just 10 words. I just want to quote this part so smarter people can look at it and have it brighten their day.
So many stupid comments in just 10 words. I just want to quote this part so smarter people can look at it and have it brighten their day.

Iran definitely had issues.... because it was not able conquer it.

Enough to open the eyes of those who are packing bags for holy war.
Iran using young kids in the name of religion. evidence enough of Iran being more than a terrorist state and hater of all
Islamic world, which it does not command.
Some one should post this image to Pakistani news papers.

Which of today's extremist groups are due to Iran? Also Qaeda, ISIS, boko haram, or any of the dozen beheading groups roaming around in Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi, Kuwait, etc etc?

Sure the support for Shia militias across Iraq, effectively exploitation of sectarian divide etc etc, ethnic cleansing of thousands of Sunnis by these militias such as Mehdi et.al, but these things never happened right. A majority of Arab states and its sunni populous view of Iran as a hostile state isn't exactly a wrong perception.
But again KSA had been involved in exporting extremist ideology across the muslim world as well. At the end of the day both KSA and Iran are two sides of the same coin, no different no matter how much they both would like to claim.
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