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2nd pilot

We don't conceal facts; there are several hundred graves in which your soldiers are buried by the Indian Army that testify to the honest and transparent way in which our opponents deal with facts. And an officer who got your country's highest decoration.

Pray as much as you want. When we get authentic information, and the ISPR has shifted and turned and twisted so many times that it is not anywhere near authentic, we will see about prayer.
Yah just like there is several hundred dead Chinese in NathuLa, a demarcated border. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. Our Western Commander got promoted and Jaitley got demoted, coincidence? Now your Western Air Chief was 'retired' coincidently right after less than a month after this incident. If I was the IAF, I would not retire him in times of emergency, you would want a continuity in command. Something is not right here...
This is funny because the entire world witnessed how India has lied about every fact of the conflict.
And this is even more funny since the personal opinion of tumescent fanboys do not represent world opinion.

Yah just like there is several hundred dead Chinese in NathuLa, a demarcated border. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The wrong ones, sadly; there are some who could have been there, but will only make compost some cheerful day.
Don't worry, international media is doing a lot of damage.


Satellite images show buildings still standing at Indian bombing site

I will tell you what happened to this pilot.

Like Abhi, this chap was trying to be a Rambo. start firing and all that. Abhi was lucky that Army got just about in time and saved him from the wrath of Azad (liberated) Kashmiris who were beating the shit out of him. The other chap, however was not that lucky. He was on ventilator in CMH , couldn't survive the beating. Pakistan had to keep the lid on this because the Indian media would have gone bonkers knowing the fate of this pilot. Ofcourse its beyond the capability of Pakistani state institution to manage all situations. Perhaps the Indians forces should introduce new code of conduct that if get caught in Pakistan, please for the love of god, do not resist. Unlike India, in Pakistan every house hold got some sort of weapon.

Pakistan has maintained from day one that PAF shot down not one but two jets. We know the Abhi was flying the single seat Mig21 and if the other pilot (dead) was not hanging from the tail of Mig21, then what he was flying?

Indian government has not even confirmed the fate of Abhi till he was shown on TV. Has anyone in Indian government confirmed that they lost only Abhi and non other?
This is indeed a pretty damning report. And if this is true - as I won’t know a reason why a third party private satellite company will doctor the images, then people are supplying doctored images to press in India. That misinformation can be trouble for those spreading it, legally.

Will be interesting what the central govt says to this and what (apparently) is leaked by govt agencies to the press.

This is pretty straight up reporting.
History is bound to repeat itself. India making the same mistake as Pakistan in making the armed forces a holy cow who cannot be questioned.

Just look at my replies... I'm not making them holy cow... if IAF chief has lied about loss of pilot/s in action... country is not going to let him continue...

When I say armed forces... it is not an officer or official spokesman... I'm talking about the IMAGINARY PILOT...
If it is real... show him to the world... and enjoy further drama... in Indian side...

You will see several... politicians and officials will lose their jobs...

We are not Pakistan... whose soldiers will die as STATELESS ACTORS... we will punish those who will try to do so...
This is indeed a pretty damning report. And if this is true - as I won’t know a reason why a third party private satellite company will doctor the images, then people are supplying doctored images to press in India. That misinformation can be trouble for those spreading it, legally.

Will be interesting what the central govt says to this and what (apparently) is leaked by govt agencies to the press.

This is pretty straight up reporting.

Its only a matter of time before the opposition which controls the entire fake media in india bar a few channels latch on to growing scepticism of what india has said : One aircraft down and one pilot missing...destroyed camps deep inside Azad Kashmir and did not mention any casualty figures.This is not going well for india internationally...they are saying you lied...if this sticks on its easy to say you are also hiding the second fighter loss...exactly like what indians are saying to pakistan pointing the discrepancy in the ISPR initial briefing concerning the number of pilots they downed and are in custody...none of the countries has still proved beyond doubt their side of the story.
History is bound to repeat itself. India making the same mistake as Pakistan in making the armed forces a holy cow who cannot be questioned.

if you didn’t believe the lies both army or modii, telling you everyday. you wouldn’t get your daily adrenaline kicks how you rule the world.
If abhinandan wasn't enough to put an end to his career, nothing will be.

You are not aware of Indian news... Abhinandan is a bright spot... how...

Shot down a F 16 by OLD MiG 21... showed extreme courage... kept radar lock on even after asked to disengage... crossed LOC in process... Shot down in HIGHLY HOSTILE environment...
Modi and Indian government defeated Pakistan on diplomatic front and got our pilot back within 48 hours...

Now don't drag this matter... claims and counter claims can't match...

I've just described why abhinandan is not going to hamper Modi's prospect...
You are not aware of Indian news... Abhinandan is a bright spot... how...

Shot down a F 16 by OLD MiG 21... showed extreme courage... kept radar lock on even after asked to disengage... crossed LOC in process... Shot down in HIGHLY HOSTILE environment...
Modi and Indian government defeated Pakistan on diplomatic front and got our pilot back within 48 hours...

Now don't drag this matter... claims and counter claims can't match...

I've just described why abhinandan is not going to hamper Modi's prospect...
Right. I get where you're coming from. A-Z lies fed by your media. Good night.
Just look at my replies... I'm not making them holy cow... if IAF chief has lied about loss of pilot/s in action... country is not going to let him continue...

When I say armed forces... it is not an officer or official spokesman... I'm talking about the IMAGINARY PILOT...
If it is real... show him to the world... and enjoy further drama... in Indian side...

You will see several... politicians and officials will lose their jobs...

We are not Pakistan... whose soldiers will die as STATELESS ACTORS... we will punish those who will try to do so...
In the mean time, just try to be normal and convince the loved ones of those who died in the Pulwama attack.
The want to see a single body of the 350 your Netas claimed to have killed in the fictitious strikes.
It must be through DRDO technology that they can give nice round figures, 25 Commanders and 350 Militants killed while Reuters ridiculing Indian claims openly. First question and punish these characters before chest thumping over other issues.
Right. I get where you're coming from. A-Z lies fed by your media. Good night.

As I say... claims and counter claims can't match...

By the way... someone lied about 2nd pilot... and he is not in India... he is a liar till he proves otherwise...

In the mean time, just try to be normal and convince the loved ones of those who died in the Pulwama attack.
The want to see a single body of the 350 your Netas claimed to have killed in the fictitious strikes.
It must be through DRDO technology that they can give nice round figures, 25 Commanders and 350 Militants killed while Reuters ridiculing Indian claims openly. First question and punish these characters before chest thumping over other issues.

If you think that I buy the words of politicians about that figure... you are wrong...

No official statement by GOI or armed forces on number of casualties... so I don't buy that number...

People are laughing at politicians who are giving NUMBERS... believe it or not...
Really, did you watch it from the start. :disagree:
Air Chief, what's up dude!! You seems to be very angry.
You know as I do, there is plenty in the box, waiting for Indian's moves. ISPR would present the evidence when a lie in this regard is presented by the Indians.
Every indications are there is another pilot in the custody of Pakistan. But after India show their hands, try to spread further lies or try to contradict the evidence presented by Pakistan, that evidence would be presented. It is futile to think, there is no recording of the shooting down of the planes.
I think India lost 3 aircrafts that day not 2 and an Mi17.
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As I say... claims and counter claims can't match...

By the way... someone lied about 2nd pilot... and he is not in India... he is a liar till he proves otherwise...

If you think that I buy the words of politicians about that figure... you are wrong...

No official statement by GOI or armed forces on number of casualties... so I don't buy that number...

People are laughing at politicians who are giving NUMBERS... believe it or not...
Pakistan now
There is a local resident of Azad Kashmir staying over at a friends house, whose shops got damaged during the 27th Feb episode. ( He was invited over precisely because of this episode ) In all our conversations with him, he was adamant that there were 2 pilots that got nabbed on that day & 1 of them was injured and in a pretty bad shape with burns. We doubted him since there wasn’t any confirmation but now it seems he has been telling the truth.

Another rumour courtesy my driver ( an ex air defense guy ) from his visit over to pindi yesterday is that there was some serious negligence on the part of an air defense unit posted around the sector where Indian infiltration occurred & the officer in charge along with his men has been recalled to Pindi and an inquiry is going on over their conduct.
Its only a matter of time before the opposition which controls the entire fake media in india bar a few channels latch on to growing scepticism of what india has said : One aircraft down and one pilot missing...destroyed camps deep inside Azad Kashmir and did not mention any casualty figures.This is not going well for india internationally...they are saying you lied...if this sticks on its easy to say you are also hiding the second fighter loss...exactly like what indians are saying to pakistan pointing the discrepancy in the ISPR initial briefing concerning the number of pilots they downed and are in custody...none of the countries has still proved beyond doubt their side of the story.


But if the images are doctored, that would be a new low for the press to report that on such a large scale.

Am here (in India) for a visit - and I really can’t figure out who controls which media here.

Some media outlets have had a better record of reporting and they are fairly silent still on some of these things except partially agreeing to both stories - which is where there truth might me. Am just curious which way it will look like in a week or two from now.

So far as international perception goes - they’ll treat us with contempt - both the countries. They always have and always will. They (international news agencies) are no saints themselves - see how the reporters are all western, while news was compiled by Indian and Pakistani journalists, who could write equally good English. So, I discount them as much as I discount the news channels here.

In the mean time, just try to be normal and convince the loved ones of those who died in the Pulwama attack.
The want to see a single body of the 350 your Netas claimed to have killed in the fictitious strikes.
It must be through DRDO technology that they can give nice round figures, 25 Commanders and 350 Militants killed while Reuters ridiculing Indian claims openly. First question and punish these characters before chest thumping over other issues.
Jammer, the govt never reported the figure. Some buggers leaked it.

Point is and arguably this is the first time I will agree with you - 40 soldiers died and no one is discussing them and what led to it and that is a shame.
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