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2nd pilot

My friend, how can they refuse to acknowledge? Show the world the uniform and the name tag and other details available on the Pilot; his family will approach the Indian media and will ensure that the pilot gets justice.

Acknowledged Soldiers, right?

Don't underestimate the will of Indians... we will ensure Modi's political career is over... if he has betrayed our armed forces...

Show him to the world...

Else, stop the propaganda...
My friend, how can they refuse to acknowledge? Show the world the uniform and the name tag and other details available on the Pilot; his family will approach the Indian media and will ensure that the pilot gets justice.
Even a child can understand why we did't show the body....simply person or persons in charge don't wants to escalate the situation especially when they are denying....our strikes for not public consumption but for Indian armed forces to show them who is the real daddy.
stupidity at its best

india having 200+ su-30 needs rafale to deal with f-16s
maybe its the IAF pilots that are incompetent and not the jets that they are using
Sure sure...

1- I've seen those images on TIMES NOW. One image which they are showing side by side isn't even of the same building.

2- The other image which they are showing, before and after images are the same. You can go to Google Earth and check it out yourself if you want.

3- Reuters gets latest satellite images of the buildings from an "independent" firm based in the US, and finds no difference, while TIMES NOW does.

4- SPICE 2000 is a guidance kit, not the bomb itself. Mr Defence Analyst Shankar or whatever on TIMES NOW quoting "Senior most officials" says that the "there are only holes on the roof" through this weapons system, then proceeds to show photos of a test in Pokhran. Well, those tests use dummies, not actual warheads, so of course there is only going to be a small hole, no boom! And you mean to tell me that a 2000 lb bomb couldn't bring down a wood and tin shed and blow the surroundings to kingdom come? Come on, you've surely got to be joking...

For reference, the following is a 2000 lb GBU-24, albeit a bunker buster, but you get the idea.

two short points
- would this impact be different if this hits a structure with hall like features va solid ground?
- if the sources are that bad, shouldn’t such people/news channels be banned

The same shiv aroor that many quote as a reliable source on these forums was on India today channel with these images and the whole thing.

Difficult to discern fact from fiction in this situation where the only assumption either side is willing to take is - only they are speaking the whole truth.

I think I wrongly linked threads - if I did so, apologies for that.
why is Pakistan giving a damn on Indians elections time. congress and modi all same ***

Kindly publish indian losses and be done with it. otherwise you let them off the hook

You will rue this day in the future!
Don't underestimate the will of Indians... we will ensure Modi's political career is over... if he has betrayed our armed forces...
History is bound to repeat itself. India making the same mistake as Pakistan in making the armed forces a holy cow who cannot be questioned.
Show him to the world and... put full stop on following people's career...

1. Indian Prime minister
2. Defence Minister
3. Home Minister
4. IAF chief

Else, stop the propaganda...

Don't worry, international media is doing a lot of damage.


Satellite images show buildings still standing at Indian bombing site

I will tell you what happened to this pilot.

Like Abhi, this chap was trying to be a Rambo. start firing and all that. Abhi was lucky that Army got just about in time and saved him from the wrath of Azad (liberated) Kashmiris who were beating the shit out of him. The other chap, however was not that lucky. He was on ventilator in CMH , couldn't survive the beating. Pakistan had to keep the lid on this because the Indian media would have gone bonkers knowing the fate of this pilot. Ofcourse its beyond the capability of Pakistani state institution to manage all situations. Perhaps the Indians forces should introduce new code of conduct that if get caught in Pakistan, please for the love of god, do not resist. Unlike India, in Pakistan every house hold got some sort of weapon.

Pakistan has maintained from day one that PAF shot down not one but two jets. We know the Abhi was flying the single seat Mig21 and if the other pilot (dead) was not hanging from the tail of Mig21, then what he was flying?

Indian government has not even confirmed the fate of Abhi till he was shown on TV. Has anyone in Indian government confirmed that they lost only Abhi and non other?
We don't conceal facts; there are several hundred graves in which your soldiers are buried by the Indian Army that testify to the honest and transparent way in which our opponents deal with facts. And an officer who got your country's highest decoration.

Pray as much as you want. When we get authentic information, and the ISPR has shifted and turned and twisted so many times that it is not anywhere near authentic, we will see about prayer.

This is funny because the entire world witnessed how India has lied about every fact of the conflict.
Is it possible that 2nd pilot is not dead but in our custody and, and, and he is a Israeli pilot. Is that a reason Imran named Israel as 2nd country involved in this.
Without any proof... show that pilot and not just humiliate Modi... Finish his political career...

Else... stop the propaganda...

If abhinandan wasn't enough to put an end to his career, nothing will be.
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