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2nd pilot

We don't conceal facts; there are several hundred graves in which your soldiers are buried by the Indian Army that testify to the honest and transparent way in which our opponents deal with facts. And an officer who got your country's highest decoration.

Pray as much as you want. When we get authentic information, and the ISPR has shifted and turned and twisted so many times that it is not anywhere near authentic, we will see about prayer.

Give up old f@rt. Just like this transparacy your forces are known for?


Wake up sunshine, and smell the coffee. And put your reading glasses on, its not a pretty read though.

Question remains, if Abhi was flying the "single seat" Mig21 which got shot down, who is this chap and what he was flying?
Claims of Indian media are as credible as Sunny Leon claiming to be virgin
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Jango, they are being beamed up on times now, India TV and that crazy channel republic.

Think they will be on internet soon enough.

Am out to enjoy a nice sizzler - will go back and try to link it. Hope that suffices

Sure sure...

1- I've seen those images on TIMES NOW. One image which they are showing side by side isn't even of the same building.

2- The other image which they are showing, before and after images are the same. You can go to Google Earth and check it out yourself if you want.

3- Reuters gets latest satellite images of the buildings from an "independent" firm based in the US, and finds no difference, while TIMES NOW does.

4- SPICE 2000 is a guidance kit, not the bomb itself. Mr Defence Analyst Shankar or whatever on TIMES NOW quoting "Senior most officials" says that the "there are only holes on the roof" through this weapons system, then proceeds to show photos of a test in Pokhran. Well, those tests use dummies, not actual warheads, so of course there is only going to be a small hole, no boom! And you mean to tell me that a 2000 lb bomb couldn't bring down a wood and tin shed and blow the surroundings to kingdom come? Come on, you've surely got to be joking...

For reference, the following is a 2000 lb GBU-24, albeit a bunker buster, but you get the idea.

The so-called imagery & that supposed to be Strike, claims are already debunked by many international observers, source & even BJP's own Minister. This is gone & world has already rejected the same. Indian domestic interests cannot be changed unless & otherwise, Modi's followers have any will. Time to move forward.

They refuse to acknowledge what else you can do with very dead pilot?

My friend, how can they refuse to acknowledge? Show the world the uniform and the name tag and other details available on the Pilot; his family will approach the Indian media and will ensure that the pilot gets justice.
Ok I guess it's official now.

The poor sod didn't survive the ventilator.

@Joe Shearer , this is what I was saying to you that prayers are needed.

Ball is in India court, they know the pilot, best they come up with his identity and the jet he was flying.

Show him to the world and... put full stop on following people's career...

1. Indian Prime minister
2. Defence Minister
3. Home Minister
4. IAF chief

Else, stop the propaganda...

Now Modi is totally humiliated! :pakistan:

Without any proof... show that pilot and not just humiliate Modi... Finish his political career...

Else... stop the propaganda...
I haven't seen a gullible horde more then our neighbours next door.
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