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2nd Pak FA prototype maiden flight pics

The U.S already offered India the F-35

Anyone here want to correct him? Oh hell I'll do it

Representatives of Lockheed Martin, which is developing the aircraft, have indicated in the past that the aircraft could be available to India if the Indian Air Force (IAF) opted for the F-16 Super Viper in its quest for some 200 Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MRCAs) but recently, the company made a presentation to the Indian Navy without this condition

Lockheed rep =/= US rep and he was just dangling the carrot.
India cannot afford f35..and everything around it.
together with the russian t-50
oh nvm.. its the b and c version.
so not in big numbers..
but still very expensive option
I rather believe MP where some expert and gunnuts are posting..
then this website where indians post the most ridicilous subjects with no sources.

And still you come here again and again to spoil threads with your comments! Also you better check the T50 thread on the MP forum once again, you clearly are not updated!

Anyone here want to correct him? Oh hell I'll do it

Lockheed rep =/= US rep and he was just dangling the carrot.

Read again, they offered it in the begining if we buy F16 first, but that had changed now. F35 B and C are on offer for IN, de-linked from MMRCA and there were offers for India before to join the development as well. But neiter the B and Cs for IN, nor the development partnership are really intersting offers for us, because we could get N-AMCA, or FGFA and the Russian development was clearly preferable for us.
In addition to the changes I found some pages ago, here is a pic from paralay:

And still you come here again and again to spoil threads with your comments! Also you better check the T50 thread on the MP forum once again, you clearly are not updated!
I said.. iheard things like that.
and that this prototype is the same as the first flight.
who says something about spoiling threads?
misjudging people.
t-50... such overhyped and senstive subject for india
I said.. iheard things like that.
and that this prototype is the same as the first flight.
who says something about spoiling threads?
misjudging people.
t-50... such overhyped and senstive subject for india

Which is wrong, because they are discussing about the flight of this prototype as well and how many times were you suspended, or banned, always for the same reasons. You might have your opinon about T50 fine, then just ignore this thread and don't spoil it with wrong infos, or unneccesary comments.

I rather believe MP where some expert and gunnuts are posting..
then this website where indians post the most ridicilous subjects with no sources.

Again you are here to troll? The Sukhoi website says that second prototype made its first flight and put the pics. Now you ridicule that in favor of MilitaryPhotos?
why do yo bring Sukhoi website?
i was talking about MP and this website.
if first post was with source from Sukhoi website I wouldn't believed MP then.
And again.. misjudging people sancho..
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