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28 Nato oil tankers set ablaze in Islamabad

@ Jigs

The Taliban have/had nothing to do with 9/11, and those ppl who were involved in 9/11 are heroes for Pakistanis, and Muslims around the world...they are N_O_T terrorists!!

Speak for yourself troll. Those people who were involved in 9/11 were not heroes for Pakistanis and Muslims.

9/11 caused more harm for Muslims/Pakistanis than good.

After 9/11 Muslims/Pakistanis have been the target and innocent Muslims/Pakistanis are being killed more than before 9/11.

9/11 was a curse for Muslims/Pakistanis not a blessing.
US lost 3,000 innocent civilians in the 9/11 attacks.

Pakistan loses more than 3,000 innocent civilians per year as a result of the US invasion of Afghanistan and this never ending war OF terror.

Americans are not living in the battlefield, its the Pakistanis and Afghans who are living in the battlefield and experiencing the war first hand. Americans are partying in clubs on a Saturday night while Pakistanis are worried their kids might get killed during a US drone attack in FATA on a Saturday night.

Do you think those attacks will end when the USA leaves, or will the Taliban and the extremist decide they are the ones to run Pakistan.
US lost 3,000 innocent civilians in the 9/11 attacks. Pakistan loses more than 3,000 innocent civilians per year as a result of the US invasion of Afghanistan and this never ending war OF terror.

Americans are not living in the battlefield, its the Pakistanis and Afghans who are living in the battlefield and experiencing the war first hand. Americans are partying in clubs on a Saturday night while Pakistanis are worried their kids might get killed during a US drone attack in FATA on a Saturday night.

It is unfortunate enough that civilians have to play a heavy price for this WoT. If you were indeed averse to supporting the effort of NATO, then why become an ally at all? You could have just sat silent and watch the terrorists come across border from Afghanistan and setup bases within your soil. Would that have been acceptable to you? Using your country and recruiting its poor and unemployed to blow themselves up against the western world?
Do you think those attacks will end when the USA leaves

Al Qadea was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, they are in their weakest state. The Afghan Taliban's objective is to free their country from the invaders (they see American and NATO troops as invaders).

or will the Taliban and the extremist decide they are the ones to run Pakistan.

If you mean the TTP, the newly formed "Pakistani Taliban". They are also very weak now and they can never take over a nation of 175 million with the 5th largest Army in the world.

Afghan Taliban never wanted to run Pakistan. Afghanistan is their country not Pakistan.
and if usa is our friend then they surely cant attack our soverignty while losing war on the other ountry??

we are not your friends, we are not your sympathizers, pakistani hate you more than taliban ever could, you have entered our border and killed our people, inspite we gave you route to afghanistan, we will never forgive you

and yeah atleast i support talibans for that, they are taking revenge for the lives being lost in pakistan, the american pigs there should die like a pig there, u eat pig u die like a pig!!

really, prove it!!!, dont just act like a mumbling moron

I think Saddam said something like that.
Question also is why did the six Pakistanis die as well? How stupid are our people?

Sort of the thoughts i was having, six innocent men died because a group of morons thought it would be a good idea to shoot up some fuel tankers. Wow the US now has a few less litres of fuel cost to them 0.000001% of the cost of the wot.

Six families have lost their fathers/husbands and probably only bread winner cost to those 6 familes 100%

Perhaps a little less celebration might be approriate for the topic.
Al Qadea was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, they are in their weakest state. The Afghan Taliban's objective is to free their country from the invaders (they see American and NATO troops as invaders).

If you mean the TTP, the newly formed "Pakistani Taliban". They are also very weak now and they can never take over a nation of 175 million with the 5th largest Army in the world.

Afghan Taliban never wanted to run Pakistan. Afghanistan is their country not Pakistan.

I think Pakistan will regret not finishing them off while they had the chance. When the USA leaves, the extremist will have more influence in Pakistan then ever. Pakistan is going to lose support from the USA and Europe because as we speak they are announceing hourly that terrorist from Pakistan are planning attacks against American tourist in Europe and Mumbia style attacks against Europe and USA.

Travel Alert for Europe, Cites Terror Threat
By Mark Drajem - Oct 3, 2010 1:43 PM ET

Police in Paris evacuated the Eiffel Tower on Sept. 28 for the second time in two weeks after bomb threats.
The U.S. State Department issued an alert today cautioning Americans traveling to Europe to be vigilant about possible terrorist attacks.

The advisory says Americans should be aware that terrorists often target popular tourist attractions and public transportation such as subways and rail systems. It doesn’t warn Americans not to travel to the region.

“Current information suggests that al-Qaeda and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks,” the State Department advisory said. “Terrorists may elect to use a variety of means and weapons and target both official and private interests.”

Militants based in Pakistan are planning coordinated attacks in the U.K., France and Germany, prompting the recent increase in U.S. drone strikes in the region, Sky News reported, citing U.S. officials it didn’t name. Reports have focused on attacks similar to the 2008 ones by the Pakistani-based Lashkar- e-Taiba on a hotel in Mumbai that left 166 people dead.
The State Department has been monitoring the threats in Europe for a few weeks and made the decision today based on the “cumulative effect of all types of information” it had, Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy told reporters.

A State Department “travel alert” is distinct from a “travel warning,” which advises Americans to avoid going to specific countries. Travel alerts are “issued to disseminate information about short-term conditions,” according to the State Department web site.

If there is such attacks I would not plan on the USA just doing nothing.
What will that be?

I think there is already plans to bomb a number of terrorist sites in Pakistan if there is any substantial attack on the USA from terrorist from Pakistan..

Bob Woodward’s new book, “Obama’s Wars,” The Washington Post revealed that the U.S. military has identified and secretly targeted about 150 terrorist camps in Pakistan, but that the Obama administration is waiting for another terrorist attack on the United States before bombing the sites.

In May, Woodward reports, President Obama sent his national security adviser, retired Marine Gen. James L. Jones, and CIA Director Leon Panetta to Pakistan. At a meeting in Islamabad, Jones told Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari that, if there were a successful future terrorist attack against the United States, “Obama would be forced to do things that Pakistan would not like,” Woodward wrote

Infidel Bloggers Alliance: He's Waiting for Another Attack?
Bit off topic but seriously what is the point of buying that book now almost every quote worth reading the media has already posted before the book was even released. I was actually looking forward to reading the damn thing.
I think there is already plans to bomb a number of terrorist sites in Pakistan if there is any substantial attack on the USA from terrorist from Pakistan..
So, do the same thing that they've been doing for years now. Just like I thought.

The only two reactions that will really surprise me is sanctions/stopping aid, or launching troops into the tribal regions.
So, do the same thing that they've been doing for years now. Just like I thought.

The only two reactions that will really surprise me is sanctions/stopping aid, or launching troops into the tribal regions.

Why would that surprise you.
Why would that surprise you.
If you stop the aid, then the government stops the supply routes to NATO. The people may not support them, but the government, being whores, answer easily to money.

And moving troops in would just be foolish. It would run the risk of starting a war between two nuclear armed nations.
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