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27th of Ramadan



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Sep 29, 2007
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Pakistan came into being on

27th of Ramadan

Dont under estimate Pakistan.​

Bull its Shab-e-Qadar

For more details read another thread in theology section someone had posted it.
Well Pakistan have a great Relation with Ramadan.

Pakistan cameinto being in Ramadan.
Pakistan Started Atomic Program in Ramadan.
Pakistan Won world Coup in Ramadan.
earthquake also shocked us in Ramadan.

I really don’t see any point in this or a reason to be excited about. There are hundred of countries that DID NOT came into being in Ramadan and yet they are peaceful, intact and prosperous. While we got independence in Ramadan (27) and along all those years we have already lost half of our country and the part that is left is in a big mess. Dates or months don’t matter....the only thing that matters is the will of people to survive and its the people who change and shape the destiny and future of their country not the dates or numbers.
I really don’t see any point in this or a reason to be excited about. There are hundred of countries that DID NOT came into being in Ramadan and yet they are peaceful, intact and prosperous. While we got independence in Ramadan (27) and along all those years we have already lost half of our country and the part that is left is in a big mess. Dates or months don’t matter....the only thing that matters is the will of people to survive and its the people who change and shape the destiny and future of their country not the dates or numbers.

It takes hundreds of years to build a nation. We just have passed 60 years. Be patient, you will watch the difference InshaAllah*. This is our faith........ one of three golden principles of our Qauid** i.e. Unity Faith and Discipline.

Oh yes........few things you must remember my dear.
> We lost half of our country soon after independence. Sir... that half is now called Bangladesh. It is still an independent Muslim state. It verifies the creation of Pakistan.

> Surviving the crises is the merit. Imagine Pakistan's leading role in global war on terror. Pakistan is serving it with its own blood. World's peace is dependent on Pakistan's firm determination and its leadership. We will overcome this menace with unity as we demonstrated it... in 1940... in 1965 and... in 2005.

> What natural and humen resources, variety of seasons and diversity of civilizatins we have. The only need is to utilize them in a discipline.
As we did and developed indignous diterrent system..........
Still we believe in "arms for peace" not.......... "arms for arms race" .

* if Allah Almighty wanted so

** Quaid e Azam.... "The Great Leader" ( Muhammad Ali Jinnah.... The founder of Pakistan ).
........that half is now called Bangladesh. It is still an independent Muslim state. It verifies the creation of Pakistan.

I think we shall also let go Balochistan and NWFP , they too will be independent Muslim states…and still verify the creation of Pakistan according to you..……:tsk:
27th of ramadan.......i m 100% agree wd x man....as a nation we just feel proud on some particulars..no doubt its a proud...but proud hath a fall if its not maintained,,,same is da case here....we r contantly falling economically,socially,religion wise...so time has came to up grade our selves in order to remain on the map of the world
It takes hundreds of years to build a nation. We just have passed 60 years. Be patient, you will watch the difference InshaAllah*. This is our faith........ one of three golden principles of our Qauid** i.e. Unity Faith and Discipline.

Please read Xman s background before you throw one of these in front of him.
Unfortunately you are an idealist whereas people like me and others on this forum have seen a lot of these 60 yrs evolving in front of our own eyes.
Secondly, if Mr jinnah knew what we would have done to this country, he would probably have stayed in England.
Do you know that in the last 3 decades regionalism and sect based politics has led to more killings than war on terror in Pakistan. Have you seen the state which this nation is in. Two yrs ago we were dancing on the streets saying our reserves are 16 Billion. Where are we now. If you guys only knew what bull crap is fed to you and talked to economists they would have told you that this is just a bubble about to burst.
In short my young friend we are going backwards not forwards. If the situation is not sorted in the near future, I am sorry to say the very existance of Pakistan may be at stake. So please wake up and see what is going on around you before you give us a lecture on Unity Faith and Discipline.
Please excuse my outburst and apologies in advance if you feel hurt, but my concern remains that people are too loud on words and not enough attention is being paid on deeds.
I think we shall also let go Balochistan and NWFP , they too will be independent Muslim states…and still verify the creation of Pakistan according to you..……:tsk:

I tell u sir............ what is Paksitan.


This is your Pakistan...

You never had a complete Pakistan from day 1.

What could you do..........................nothing!

My dear sir... what we have in our hands... this is our "Pakistan".

We are going to protect it any way...
Is the whole green thing in the map was supposed to be Pakistan ???:undecided:

Anyway , bundle of thanks for enlightening me...
I tell u sir............ what is Paksitan.

View attachment 462

This is your Pakistan...

You never had a complete Pakistan from day 1.

What could you do..........................nothing!

My dear sir... what we have in our hands... this is our "Pakistan".

We are going to protect it any way...

i wonder when we will stop living in the past and worry about the future!
60 years on we pride our selves on how we gained independence from the British and at the same time time defeated the Hindus. But what have we really won what have we gained, in fact the real question is what have we done for Pakistan, how have we honoured our leaders. I know how we have honoured our leaders, we put up their picture on every street corner and under it we lie, we steel, we rape, we take bribes and I could jut go on and on. This is not the Pakistan the quaid-I-Azam fought for, in fact the map of Pakisan that Quaid-I-Azam left us is no more. The Pakistan that Laiquat Ali took a bullet for is no more. Recently I went met people saw Pakistan being born. They say that god why did they have to live fo this long. The same Pakistan they saw com into being was split into two peices. On h day of judgement we all will face questions from these people. People like the Quaid-I-Azam, Laiquait Ali and the Shaheeds who died for Pakistan will ask us what have you done for Pakistan and then at that time we will make excuses but deep down inside we know we have done nothing.
SHAME ON US. We are not capable of the task which ws assigned to us. This includes all of us.
The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose.

A wise man once said “Pessimism leads to weakness and optimism to power”

Yes, people of the world will face difficult times in history. To this day many people consider today's Pakistan a blessing. The geo-strategic location blessed with honest, loyal friends and brotherly countries we will rise to glory.

We as a pessimistic society complain of the glass half empty but fail to recognize the glass half full. We fail to recognize and honor achievements made in our long journey.

Pakistan zindabad! :pakistan:

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