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27th FEB: When Pakistan disturbed the whole fukin Apple Cart

Good luck. People with small heads and big ears always find some one to worship. I give a damn to what Americans wanted or not. But the nation worked hard to get the capabilities that surprised many on 27/2. However, I don't find any sense from what you have written.

Who is talking about worshipping ?

I was myself very worried about how an cricketer could lead our country, but so far I’m very pleased by our Prime Minister I. Khan.

Do you think we would had same response from Pakistan if we had Nawaz Sharif or Zardari ?

In my memories (maybe I am wrong) but it’s after very long time that Government of Pakistan and Armed Forces are on same page. That’s why we had this this strong response from our side (even if I think it should have been more stronger)

I know and I accept the fact that Imran Khan has lot of shortcomings but still he is the best we could have

May Allah protect him from the devils plans if our devils enemies.
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Asalam Alikum (Hello) guys.

I was watching all this but couldn't comment due to busy schedule.

I am a common guy, live and walk on street...Can understand what people think around the world.

What we did on 27th FEB?

Establishment and Imran Khan single handidly improved Pakistan's image/PR in front of whole world....and who provided them this opportunity....Our MODI JEE.


As @MastanKhan said; no single fukin country was expecting that....We roared in rage right under the light at Indians...

We came, we saw and we conquered. Indians and their backsides are still all red and hot.

Now, we need to see larger picture.

Guys, when Khan became PM of Pakistan, I believe, International powers got disturbed and Indians lost their all morale, energy, motivation and happiness against Pakistan....Enemies of Pakistan were loving the shit going on b/w Establishment and Nawaz Aloo MADAR****.

After arrival of Khan, party got over. They (west and Indians) know who Khan is and what he is capable of doing for Pakistan.

Have you guys watched recent interview of Khan with FT (Financial Times) ? Have you wondered why western media never asked Nawaz or Zardari about begging bowl? why? why they wanted to humiliate Khan by asking this? Khan had no role in it and has just become PM barely for 9 months. Then why? Why are they angry on Imran Khan?

They are angry on Khan because he is not their candidate. They are angry on Khan because he does not accept dictation..They are angry on Khan because he can talk and rub the opponent onto the floor. They are angry because Khan can't be bought and is loyal to his country. THEY cant do BLOODY NRO with him. That's why they are furious against him.

I won't be surprised at all if western powers were fully on board with India when India attacked our land (destroying trees/soil). It was to put Pakistan further on backfoot....To tarnish the image of Pakistan as terror breeding ground and blah blah.

West and India wanted to check the response of Khan/Pakistan this time...They were thinking that they have called the bluff of Pakistanis....Alas, it was too early to be happy.

Guys, when Pakistan struck back....I was so happy, I still am....Those who are saying that we shouldn't be much happy about are not getting the picture.

Yes, we know it is not last one...we know it was just small skirmish...we know we won't win always. We know we are facing numerically and tech wise superior enemy....


Pakistan won that day BIG TIME. That was first of its kind...Indians got murdered in PR, in reputation, in personnel, in finance and in pride. It is one historical event and now has now been recorded in history. We, as far as I remember, never raped Indians like that.

We, younger ones, read about Rashid Minhas, M.M Alam etc.... We love them...We didn't knew they will emerge again right in front of our eyes on that day. I am sure they will be happy in Heaven after seeing all this. Feeling proud on their airforce.

Whole world saw that. India just played first ball but after that they got all blinded and didn't knew what was happening here and there. Now, India's image, as most powerful country of South Asia, has just bitten the dust. People are still mocking Indians around the world. Now, people will laugh their asses off if someone talks about bringing India up as a counterweight to China...We unknowingly punctured western narrative as well :lol:

And do you know what? by attacking like that and in last, handing the pilot over, we just introduced many common people around the world to Pakistan. Powerful, full of pride, brave and at the same time a Gentleman. Go to youtube and see the comment section of every video of jet downing...Almost whole world was supporting Pakistan for what Pakistan did....All Sri Lankans, Nepalis, white folks, Bengalis, Turks and Chinese.....Everyone was with us. That was a happy moment for me. People generally like when you defend your country successfully. Their sympathies side with you then.

Western powers, Russians, Chinese all got surprise that day...Indians were not alone :)
World got shocked and people got introduced to different Pakistan....A Pakistan who defends and then again attacks....What a badass country.

We know what happened throughout...We also observed one thing....If you don't retaliate, world will side with bully....Assholes only decided to mediate when Pakistan smoked Indians......Otherwise they were supporting all bullshit propaganda of Indians....Or may be it is decided that don't interrupt when Indians are having any advantage over Pakistan and only intervene when Pakistan got any edge so that it can be removed....

Guys, we need to press our establishment and Government....Hang the bastards who have looted Pakistan....take all the wealth out of their throats. We need to improve our economy. I believe Indians are trying to make sure we keep concentrating on border rather than economy. Looks like west want this as well....

Our enemies knows that this is their last chance.....Once Pakistan improves her economy, the only weakest link, then Pakistan, with nukes, strong military, good amount of influence over Muslim world and powerful economy will act far more confident and will be far far more difficult to handle...First casualty will be India, of course. Enemy has forgotten the taste of powerful Pakistan. They weakened us internally and still don't want us to look outside..Time to remind them again. PARTY IS OVER.

This is all I wanted to say.

May Allah bless Pakistan with more courageous and independent leaders. One right person at right place can do a lot.

Remember, American Establishment asking Pakistani establishment;

DON'T SUPPORT KHAN. Smart assholes knew that Khan is class apart from pet dogs like Zardari and Nawaz. He is just too different and a real patriot and most of his cabinet members are patriot as well and very proactive....Remind me again who called who; a LITTLE PYGMY :lol: Americans never thought that Pakistanis aka slaves will ever speak to them in that tone. Now they will respect you for sure...They know you now...They are continuous being reminded that they are dealing with changed Pakistan....A new Pakistan....

1. who can think independently
2. who can speak independently
3. who can act independently

Guys, I have no doubt...We will succeed and will chase down our enemy. We will fly and NO MOTHERFUCKER will be able to stop Pakistan and her Thunders.

Thanks for reading :)



@maximuswarrior @Maarkhoor @Khafee @Tps43 @airmarshal and others et al
In a nutshell indians kay sath hoi wo jo mere sth pubg me hoti hy. Kon kidr se mar jata hy pata nahi lagta aur me apne bndo p firing krta reh jata hon .
So much wording without much stuff. And yes, we don't worship persons/personalities. It's the nation that achieved something based on strengths built over a long time. It's not like some one came in and brought a pigeon from under his hat. You need to grow up a bit.
Good luck. People with small heads and big ears always find some one to worship. I give a damn to what Americans wanted or not. But the nation worked hard to get the capabilities that surprised many on 27/2. However, I don't find any sense from what you have written.

You used Terrible choice of words and perfect example of someone trying to derail a thread. Although you are entitled to your opinion, you could have simply stayed away from this thread, and this thread by the way reflects thinking of a lot of common Pakistani folks which I think is fantastic as it gives hope and confidence to people who have been subjugated for decades.
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100% agreed. The only weak link right now is the economy and the enemy is trying to exploit that. They know that if Pakistan can get stable, then India will disintegrate. They both are inversely proportional and there are so many fault lines in india that can be exploited and that is why it is always trying to weaken Pakistan.
Asalam Alikum (Hello) guys.

I was watching all this but couldn't comment due to busy schedule.

I am a common guy, live and walk on street...Can understand what people think around the world.

What we did on 27th FEB?

Establishment and Imran Khan single handidly improved Pakistan's image/PR in front of whole world....and who provided them this opportunity....Our MODI JEE.


As @MastanKhan said; no single fukin country was expecting that....We roared in rage right under the light at Indians...

We came, we saw and we conquered. Indians and their backsides are still all red and hot.

Now, we need to see larger picture.

Guys, when Khan became PM of Pakistan, I believe, International powers got disturbed and Indians lost their all morale, energy, motivation and happiness against Pakistan....Enemies of Pakistan were loving the shit going on b/w Establishment and Nawaz Aloo MADAR****.

After arrival of Khan, party got over. They (west and Indians) know who Khan is and what he is capable of doing for Pakistan.

Have you guys watched recent interview of Khan with FT (Financial Times) ? Have you wondered why western media never asked Nawaz or Zardari about begging bowl? why? why they wanted to humiliate Khan by asking this? Khan had no role in it and has just become PM barely for 9 months. Then why? Why are they angry on Imran Khan?

They are angry on Khan because he is not their candidate. They are angry on Khan because he does not accept dictation..They are angry on Khan because he can talk and rub the opponent onto the floor. They are angry because Khan can't be bought and is loyal to his country. THEY cant do BLOODY NRO with him. That's why they are furious against him.

I won't be surprised at all if western powers were fully on board with India when India attacked our land (destroying trees/soil). It was to put Pakistan further on backfoot....To tarnish the image of Pakistan as terror breeding ground and blah blah.

West and India wanted to check the response of Khan/Pakistan this time...They were thinking that they have called the bluff of Pakistanis....Alas, it was too early to be happy.

Guys, when Pakistan struck back....I was so happy, I still am....Those who are saying that we shouldn't be much happy about are not getting the picture.

Yes, we know it is not last one...we know it was just small skirmish...we know we won't win always. We know we are facing numerically and tech wise superior enemy....


Pakistan won that day BIG TIME. That was first of its kind...Indians got murdered in PR, in reputation, in personnel, in finance and in pride. It is one historical event and now has now been recorded in history. We, as far as I remember, never raped Indians like that.

We, younger ones, read about Rashid Minhas, M.M Alam etc.... We love them...We didn't knew they will emerge again right in front of our eyes on that day. I am sure they will be happy in Heaven after seeing all this. Feeling proud on their airforce.

Whole world saw that. India just played first ball but after that they got all blinded and didn't knew what was happening here and there. Now, India's image, as most powerful country of South Asia, has just bitten the dust. People are still mocking Indians around the world. Now, people will laugh their asses off if someone talks about bringing India up as a counterweight to China...We unknowingly punctured western narrative as well :lol:

And do you know what? by attacking like that and in last, handing the pilot over, we just introduced many common people around the world to Pakistan. Powerful, full of pride, brave and at the same time a Gentleman. Go to youtube and see the comment section of every video of jet downing...Almost whole world was supporting Pakistan for what Pakistan did....All Sri Lankans, Nepalis, white folks, Bengalis, Turks and Chinese.....Everyone was with us. That was a happy moment for me. People generally like when you defend your country successfully. Their sympathies side with you then.

Western powers, Russians, Chinese all got surprise that day...Indians were not alone :)
World got shocked and people got introduced to different Pakistan....A Pakistan who defends and then again attacks....What a badass country.

We know what happened throughout...We also observed one thing....If you don't retaliate, world will side with bully....Assholes only decided to mediate when Pakistan smoked Indians......Otherwise they were supporting all bullshit propaganda of Indians....Or may be it is decided that don't interrupt when Indians are having any advantage over Pakistan and only intervene when Pakistan got any edge so that it can be removed....

Guys, we need to press our establishment and Government....Hang the bastards who have looted Pakistan....take all the wealth out of their throats. We need to improve our economy. I believe Indians are trying to make sure we keep concentrating on border rather than economy. Looks like west want this as well....

Our enemies knows that this is their last chance.....Once Pakistan improves her economy, the only weakest link, then Pakistan, with nukes, strong military, good amount of influence over Muslim world and powerful economy will act far more confident and will be far far more difficult to handle...First casualty will be India, of course. Enemy has forgotten the taste of powerful Pakistan. They weakened us internally and still don't want us to look outside..Time to remind them again. PARTY IS OVER.

This is all I wanted to say.

May Allah bless Pakistan with more courageous and independent leaders. One right person at right place can do a lot.

Remember, American Establishment asking Pakistani establishment;

DON'T SUPPORT KHAN. Smart assholes knew that Khan is class apart from pet dogs like Zardari and Nawaz. He is just too different and a real patriot and most of his cabinet members are patriot as well and very proactive....Remind me again who called who; a LITTLE PYGMY :lol: Americans never thought that Pakistanis aka slaves will ever speak to them in that tone. Now they will respect you for sure...They know you now...They are continuous being reminded that they are dealing with changed Pakistan....A new Pakistan....

1. who can think independently
2. who can speak independently
3. who can act independently

Guys, I have no doubt...We will succeed and will chase down our enemy. We will fly and NO MOTHERFUCKER will be able to stop Pakistan and her Thunders.

Thanks for reading :)



@maximuswarrior @Maarkhoor @Khafee @Tps43 @airmarshal and others et al

Combination of Imran Khan mindset of hit backing with a bouncer, backed by Armed Forces which after 10 years of war of terror have seen it all. And pretty much nothing to loose. In addition to that a nation which is religiously motivated and for past 12 years went through hell. Last but not least sheer arrogance of India and Modi trying to use Pakistan as escape route to minimize the focus on its disastrous economic policies at home and finally and most importantly ALLAH's help made sure that India gets biggest humiliation. And now world knows that apart from 71 India didn't won any war in fact even Kargil victory in reality is quite a humiliation of India.
The arrival of Khan is a change....Ministers are speaking with pride and confidence.

I also gave credit to military...not to mention the people who voted for Khan.

Ask anyone....they'll tell you how Americans never wanted Khan being our PM.

I am grown up guy and don't talk nonsense.
Agreed on the point that such things would not be possible under Nawaz government. For the first time a brave PM threatened its enemy in case of a misadventure. Our forces were given free hand to conduct strikes under his supervision. The real " Ghuss ke Mara".
I give big middle finger to all his haters, they have to bear him for next two terms atleast.
Exactly if only we weren't screwed over and over by the likes of Zardari, Bhutto and that bald **** Nawaz Sharif. If it was upto me I would have hanged the bastards in public square for looting billions from Pakistan.
Partially agree, these haramis dont need to be executed - otherwise their foolish supporters will think they are martyrs.
Best thing would be take all their looted wealth - the state needs to take all looted wealth in pakistan and abroad. All these dynasties should have all wealth taken off them and their offsprings and then locked up.

Once they have no money - they will not be able to influence or bribe individuals. ..divide and conquer these thieves/looters.. So that they focus on one another and just become history ?
You should write more often on this forum. Some valuable points made.

Thanks, bro...I wrote it down with much passion, anger...

This is coming straight from my heart.

We will beat the crap out of these fuckers.

Summary of your post: Sher leading a pack of geedars, geedars become sher. Fact!


I say, we were originally Sher....but made to turn into geedar by coward corrupt rulers.

Now, we are back in our original shape. We mean business.

Dude...Our armed forces are feeling quite relaxed since Khan came in. They are now free to maneuver here and there.

I am not Pashtun but I literally love Pashtuns and their aggression, loyalty and patriotism to Pakistan.

Khan has aggression and that's exactly what we youth need in our leader...

Roar and beat the shit out of enemies


That was classic and the choice of words in that tweet too.

I insist. Talk to them at their level and they will back off. If you show being obsequious, they will keep asking you to 'do more'. Dont act like their slave. This has been our folly since Musharraf days.

Remember the coverage of NY Times, Economist and Washington Post after Imran won elections?

They did not want him. They like the slaves of Sharif and Zaradri kind.

Just a glimpse of that coverage from the ever reputable Washington Post. Post is usually voice of American establishment, so trash the headline but read the meaning of it.

View attachment 550345

And who the Americans wanted to talk to in Afghanistan? Taliban, right?

Exactly...Someone out there is still sleepless...

We need to sharpen our swords further and need to get ready for further strike.

As I said; Party is OVER for them.

Now, Pakistan will ROAR, will DEFEND and will ATTACK with no mercy.

In a nutshell indians kay sath hoi wo jo mere sth pubg me hoti hy. Kon kidr se mar jata hy pata nahi lagta aur me apne bndo p firing krta reh jata hon .

Combination of Imran Khan mindset of hit backing with a bouncer, backed by Armed Forces which after 10 years of war of terror have seen it all. And pretty much nothing to loose. In addition to that a nation which is religiously motivated and for past 12 years went through hell. Last but not least sheer arrogance of India and Modi trying to use Pakistan as escape route to minimize the focus on its disastrous economic policies at home and finally and most importantly ALLAH's help made sure that India gets biggest humiliation. And now world knows that apart from 71 India didn't won any war in fact even Kargil victory in reality is quite a humiliation of India.

You're right, bro. We will shut these Indians down as said by our DG ISPR.

I laugh that Indians try so hard to troll us, utilizing all time for image building , propaganda and what not....and then after few hours/minutes BOOM

Khan is coming down hard on corrupt bastards and I am very happy.

Agreed on the point that such things would not be possible under Nawaz government. For the first time a brave PM threatened its enemy in case of a misadventure. Our forces were given free hand to conduct strikes under his supervision. The real " Ghuss ke Mara".
I give big middle finger to all his haters, they have to bear him for next two terms atleast.

Exactly...If haramis like nawaz and zardari and their respective parties get 30 - 40 years of rule over us...

Khan at least needs 15-20 years for cleansing ....

@Khafee @Dubious

Thanks for +ve ratings

I hope khan get rid of this shity finance minister who are unable to control economy.
About executing corrupt people our justice system is very weak who bow down in front rich people.
Bahria town karachi building in Islamabad and bani gala are most recent examples.
Supreme Court didn't think about third party interest when they gave orders of demolition for Empress market in karachi.
There may or may not be the fabled Muslim Ummah around but looking at the Comments in this YouTube video right after Pakistan had shot down the Indian jets you will see the overwhelming support for Pakistan from not only the ordinary citizens of Muslim countries but also by the citizens of countries like Spain, Switzerland and even Russia!

In my opinion, Pakistan has boosted its international image many times on Feb. 27 2019. India really got badly $itch-slapped on that day.

There may or may not be the fabled Muslim Ummah around but looking at the Comments in this YouTube video right after Pakistan had shot down the Indian jets you will see the overwhelming support for Pakistan from not only the ordinary citizens of Muslim countries but also by the citizens of countries like Spain, Switzerland and even Russia!

In my opinion, Pakistan has boosted its international image many times on Feb. 27 2019. India really got badly $itch-slapped on that day.

Mostly Pakistanis living in different countries.
But the title of news itself speaks thousand words. Surely now Western powers have different opinion about Pakistani armed forces.
There may or may not be the fabled Muslim Ummah around but looking at the Comments in this YouTube video right after Pakistan had shot down the Indian jets you will see the overwhelming support for Pakistan from not only the ordinary citizens of Muslim countries but also by the citizens of countries like Spain, Switzerland and even Russia!

In my opinion, Pakistan has boosted its international image many times on Feb. 27 2019. India really got badly $itch-slapped on that day.

Read these comments. Not just muslim countries, people from European countries supporting Pakistan as well.

I think everyone supports the underdog.
I imagine a cabal of strategic thinkers calculating Pakistan's next move, very smart and so unbending that after 15+ years Pakistan's calculation on Afghanistan haven't changed after all that US did to us. The response to India was decisive and surprising in similar vein, the world got the message "Pakistanis don't eff around".
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