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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Indians still desperately trying to convince someone, anyone that they somehow shot down a F-16 that even the US had accounted for?!?

Very embarassing for anyone watching their desperation. Even I feel embarassment for them. lol
I wasted 32 minutes of my life watching that.
Haha I watched it at 2x dude just spoke to slow and even that was mostly carefully crafted BS to appease Pajeets,It was clear from the beginning when he said his mig 21 video got a lot of views and comments about f16 getting shot,obviously by brain dead indian.

The most ridiculous part was however tha he gave brownie point to Indians that they admitted their mig21 and mi17 were downed early so we gotta give believe their stance true about su30 aswell since if it was downed they would've told about it aswell, .. yeah right mig21 crashed in pak territory with pilot captured alive it was lost cause anyway this argument made sense if mig 21 crashed in indian territory and still indian admitted openly.
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Guys.. this post that i made had nothing to do with the F-16 Shot down claim at all!!

F16 was claim by MiG-21...i had posted F16 - Su-30MKI engagement perspective from the other side.

Interestingly if you notice...He is Talking about No.15 Sqn (Su-30MKI) that were on Standing CAP. you do know they had awarded No.221 Sqn (SU-30MKI) pilot for Dodging AMRAAMS.

At that time.
2 x Su-30MKI No.15 Sqn (Standing CAP - South of Pir Panjal)
2 x Mirage 2000I No.1 Sqn (Standing CAP - North of Pir Panjal)
2 x Su-30MKI No.221 Sqn (Near pathankot-Kathua area attempted to engage)
4 x MiG-21BISON (No.51 Sqn) Scramblers from SRINAGAR AFB

so that is the actual IAF disposition at the Time of OSR in Kashmir Sector.


What interesting is we never get to hear about Mirage 2000 engagement

Also how they are able to register AMRAAM launches.

May be just may be - i am right about 3 x Su-30MKI and 2 x Mirage 2000 and 3 x MiG-21s biting to dust.

but then again if the any enemy is saying 5-6 AMRAAM Launches with MAR breached. i just cant see only one shot down.

that is why real question is how the IAF detected 5-6 launches.
By the if any body thinks what did PAF shot down (Su-30MKI) it was from No.221 Sqn (Which is called AVENGER)

No.15 Sqn (Su-30MKI) are from SIRSA AFB (AVENGER 1/2)
No.221 Sqn (SU-30MKI) are from Halwara AFB (AVENGER 3/4)

It is interesting..
After 2 years you guys are still trying to rub it in :) .. BTW had you not had Abhinandan enjoying the fantastic tea Indians would have denied losing Mig 21 too.
He is an officer who is following orders - that ceremony is him following orders as an officer. He has never said he shot down anything ever. That is integrity of a warrior, and so far i have alot of respect for him in the way he has handled himself.

by accepting the award he is indirectly accepting the goverment's version although i feel sorry for the poor guy for being in such a catch 22 situation

I haven't got around to seeing it myself yet! but the lying vediks are doing everything to sell their dung and manure of a mig shooting down F16.
Dude says he finds india more credible for not changing their story without realising they changed their story 4 times before the final one which is the one we see today

The first denied any loss of aircraft

Then acknowledged the mig 21 loss but said it was due to engine failure

Then they said the mig 21 was finally shot down and pilot captured

Finally they said the mig 21 shot down a f16 before being shot down.

Secondly, this persons analysis is full of holes. He looks at the pentagon count and what not, and disregards it (for both FP and Hindustan Times),but fails to realise the person that made the FP article was a literal pentagon correspondent.

Not to mention how he does not even try to research about the ensuing air combat, in the sense that the mig 21 comms and radar were jammed, meaning how the hell could he have seen the f16 let alone gain a firing solution. He also uses old sources from Pakistan such as no f16 used, yet if he truly researched about the skirmish, it is evident that Pakistan accepeted the use of F16 in combat. He also goes on to mention how long it took for Pakistan to release images of the missiles, yet fails to realise how long it took for India to release their heli being shot down and how. Not to mention how he literally disregarded the missiles being shown, because the r73 on the left was 'too intact compared to the one on the right'. He fails to mention the condition of the R77 on both sides and also fails to look at what other analysts have said regarding the condition of the missiles, such as Alan Warnes or Kaiser Tufail, who literally explained why the R73 and R77, on the left were intact compared to the right, that being the mig 21 landed on its right side, hence all the missiles on the right side were damaged badly, and those on the left were damaged but not as bad.
More like 5 they said they killed around 300+ terrorists lmao then after getting exposed backed down on those claims.

They also kept on claiming, for quite some days, that 3 places were attacked, including Balakot, Muzaffarabad and Chakothi.
Dude says he finds india more credible for not changing their story without realising they changed their story 4 times before the final one which is the one we see today

The first denied any loss of aircraft

Then acknowledged the mig 21 loss but said it was due to engine failure

Then they said the mig 21 was finally shot down and pilot captured

Finally they said the mig 21 shot down a f16 before being shot down.

Secondly, this persons analysis is full of holes. He looks at the pentagon count and what not, and disregards it (for both FP and Hindustan Times),but fails to realise the person that made the FP article was a literal pentagon correspondent.

Not to mention how he does not even try to research about the ensuing air combat, in the sense that the mig 21 comms and radar were jammed, meaning how the hell could he have seen the f16 let alone gain a firing solution. He also uses old sources from Pakistan such as no f16 used, yet if he truly researched about the skirmish, it is evident that Pakistan accepeted the use of F16 in combat. He also goes on to mention how long it took for Pakistan to release images of the missiles, yet fails to realise how long it took for India to release their heli being shot down and how. Not to mention how he literally disregarded the missiles being shown, because the r73 on the left was 'too intact compared to the one on the right'. He fails to mention the condition of the R77 on both sides and also fails to look at what other analysts have said regarding the condition of the missiles, such as Alan Warnes or Kaiser Tufail, who literally explained why the R73 and R77, on the left were intact compared to the right, that being the mig 21 landed on its right side, hence all the missiles on the right side were damaged badly, and those on the left were damaged but not as bad.
well I suspected as much that the 'expert' will toe indian narrative.
well I suspected as much that the 'expert' will toe indian narrative.
He tried his best to fork out Gen. Asif Ghaffur's mistaken tweet about an other pilot died in hospital(which he did clarified later on was an error).
But this propaganda collapsed on its own when he later on tries to make a Case that it might have been a twin seater F16,But how does it explains the single pilot dead 🤔
Like pick one either it was a twin seater so there must be 2 pilots or if it was a single seater than how you explain 2 parachutes spotted weren't from su30mki.
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