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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

The attack carried by PAK can be carried by PAF can be done each day... even Today. It has nothing to do with "Readiness" of IAF.

Stay in your Airspace, Drop standoff weapons.. Leave. Well.. even then IAF chased back the intruders which PAF failed to do on 26th.

Well, where was the exposure/surprise ? As per ISPR, you never crossed LoC. I think they did, thats why Abhi chased the F16s.But if you aregetting chased back where was the surprise in the first place ?

India did the same on 26 with no movement from PAF. No retaliation.

Ofcourse they did scramble just like they did when US crossed and took OBL.
Ahan, if that is your perception then you are entitled to it. The story was different and sources respected by you on other avenues have laid it out clearly.

Turkey fckd up bad---. They just took a stupid stand for not releasing an american priest or someone---. They may have had other beef with the americans---but this was really not very intelligent of Erdogan---trying to declare him a spy of Gullen---was not worth it---.

Now he is going after the S400---. The S400 is not worth losing the F35 aircraft deal---. Get the F35 now---and then get the Patriot---.

Erdogan needs to learn to bring the temperature down---he is further stoking the fires---.

The loss of the F35 would be a big tactical loss to Turkey---.
It all started with the flotilla aid to Ghaza resulting in diplomatic row with Israel and the Armenia thing has been brought up sometimes ago. Turkey was not happy with the support for Kurds and protested it. Turkey was unhappy with the coup attempt. During Erdogan’s visit his security manhandled Golan supporters in D.C. who were protesting Erdogans visit.
So this has been coming and I do not see it getting better in the near future.
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But if you aregetting chased back where was the surprise in the first place ?

India did the same on 26 with no movement from PAF. No retaliation.

Ofcourse they did scramble just like they did when US crossed and took OBL.
Please stop this nonsense. First of all the PAF response time is under 3 to 5 minutes. And the US marines were inside for 40 to 50 mins and they managed to crash one of their stealth helis straight out Area 51 and still get out stinks heavily of the fact EVERY ONE KNEW.
Second of all the surprise was targeting REAL TERORIST CAMPS INSIDE IOK CALLED BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS amongst others. Abhinandan was just a bonus. Tell me what happened to Abhinandans wingman isn't there an SOP in IAF that the wingman stays overhead until they locate their man?
Thirdly we did not come the same night as that was when you were expecting us otherwise our fate might have been similar to Abhinandans. Thus we surprised you the following day.....
Oh and congrats you lost in the semis....karma is a funny thing....
The attack carried by PAK can be carried by PAF can be done each day... even Today. It has nothing to do with "Readiness" of IAF.

Stay in your Airspace, Drop standoff weapons.. Leave. Well.. even then IAF chased back the intruders which PAF failed to do on 26th.

Well, where was the exposure/surprise ? As per ISPR, you never crossed LoC. I think they did, thats why Abhi chased the F16s.But if you aregetting chased back where was the surprise in the first place ?

India did the same on 26 with no movement from PAF. No retaliation.

Ofcourse they did scramble just like they did when US crossed and took OBL.
It is eternally perplexing to me that many Indian posters regard PAF not chasing intruding IAF jets while abhinandan did chase PAF jets the day after as some kind of "victory". Please understand that to chase an enemy air force after they provoke you with stand off munitions may well be EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO. Whatever criticisms there may be of PAF letting India off the hook despite multiple lock ons, there should be no doubt that NOT chasing after IAF strike force into India the day before was absolutely the height of good sense and tactical nouse.
Every one talks of how we shot down planes but no one talks about how they got in the day before and how to fix that. We exposed their air defenses too the next day so it's a problem for both.....
I can answer that question easily. They went for an area where there was nothing but a few buildings of no strategic value.
GPS targetting error.
There is a difference in measurement of elevation of the target by 33m in Indian Aeronautical charts and that measured by GPS. Spice 2000 which uses GPS was fed with data from Indian aeronautical charts which uses a different datum.

Well at least you acknowledge that you missed....
We should be in Russian camp(camps don't really work in today's world.) We should be closer to Russia. China hasn't really helped a country in a major way.

Russia on the other hand has shown itself to be more reliable in times of distress like in Syria, Iran and Venezuela. I doubt China would intervene militarily for Pakistan.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt about your previous post, even if Pakistan were to do such a thing it’s still a dead duck to the US.

Any goodies would be transient and transactional in nature.

But it would be going against the trend which is emerging in the US China showdown.

Long term Pakistan is definitely in the China camp.

And going forward this will shape US policy to all relevant nations.

The US has clearly chosen India in its Indo Pacific strategy.

Pakistan might as well accept it and plan accordingly.
We should be in Russian camp(camps don't really work in today's world.) We should be closer to Russia. China hasn't really helped a country in a major way.

Russia on the other hand has shown itself to be more reliable in times of distress like in Syria, Iran and Venezuela. I doubt China would intervene militarily for Pakistan.

We should not be in any camp be it Russian,Chinese,American those three superpowers or in any middle power camp struggle between Turkey,Iran,Saudi,or Qatar,I am not implying we stay neutral in the real world things are not black and white but we should focus on what are national interests allign with,and to encourage investment from all play with all sides better sing sing praise of so called Brotherhood
things are not black and white but we should focus on what are national interests allign with
Exactly my view. China is more of a businessman. Russia will be more willing to advize a solution be it military help or otherwise should India or US threaten us.
And the habibis. Well the least said about them, the better.
Does that also include when we require their vote to Veto in any Council in our favor? China has always come through.

If it weren't for the Chinese we'd be a dead stick so keeping them close should always be #1 priority.

I'm sorry, but as long as Russia has countless hugs to give away to India - I can't be assured if they can be trusted in the long run.
I'm sorry, but as long as Russia has countless hugs to give away to India - I can't be assured if they can be trusted in the long run.
Perhaps strategic goals & necessities will help culminate a mutually beneficial relationship (eventually) between Pakistan & Russia.

At this moment there is too much ongoing deals between Russia & India (plus a history of a 50+ years relationship) that hinders Russia to openly negate Indian interests. However, due to India's continuing tilt towards the west, the strategic interests of Russia & Pakistan are bound to converge and result in a good relationship.
Perhaps strategic goals & necessities will help culminate a mutually beneficial relationship (eventually) between Pakistan & Russia.

At this moment there is too much ongoing deals between Russia & India (plus a history of a 50+ years relationship) that hinders Russia to openly negate Indian interests. However, due to India's continuing tilt towards the west, the strategic interests of Russia & Pakistan are bound to converge and result in a good relationship.
50+ years is hardly a relationship. Its more of a marriage.

Had India not have gone for S-400 deal, I could have been swayed from my opinion. Beatup old MiG-29's don't really mean anything. India still remains Russia's largest Defense customer and I doubt Pakistan will ever come close to the numbers.

Frankly speaking, I've only seen an interest from Russia towards Pakistan after the events 27th Feb. Now its anyone's guess what Pakistan holds (the obvious) that Russia feels obligated.
50+ years is hardly a relationship. Its more of a marriage.

Had India not have gone for S-400 deal, I could have been swayed from my opinion. Beatup old MiG-29's don't really mean anything. India still remains Russia's largest Defense customer and I doubt Pakistan will ever come close to the numbers.

Frankly speaking, I've only seen an interest from Russia towards Pakistan after the events 27th Feb. Now its anyone's guess what Pakistan holds (the obvious) that Russia feels obligated.
See it in the context of global strategic alliance that is shaping between China & Russia. Then it will become apparent where I am coming from.
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