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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

The whole premises of your argument is flawed.

Let’s be clear about few things.
Pakistan is in no shape politically or diplomatically to achieve anything because of our past criminal mismanagement on both fronts.

Indians could not have wished for any thing better than what they got in the last 10 years of democrazy in Pakistan.
They had their friends in Nawaz and Zardari to destroy Pakistan from inside. A bafoon name Nawaz Sharif was the foreign minister for the last five years. As uneducated and unimpressive he is he had his own vested interests in not fighting any diplomatic war against India.
And what could he really do? Americans and British hold files on him of all his corrupt deals, bank accounts and properties everywhere in the world. Could he possibly say anything against the best wishes of our enemies? Same goes for Zardari.

Thank God we have a man in charge who is a visionary, respected through out the world and the best diplomat face one could Ask for.

When you have senator Lindsey Graham singing praises you know Trump is listening. He has no files and secrets that our enemies can use.

India in its own might hold diplomatic and economic superiority over us. We may never achieve their level of influence due to their sheer size but we can hold our own if we have capable diplomats and leadership.

Kashmir cannot be won with force. As a Kashmiri I see a disaster if one tries to.
This government and military leadership is the right combination to deliver and we showed them in Feb. Mind you the crisis happened because militancy in Kashmir is increasing by locals, population turned hostile and Pakistani government raising Kashmir at every forum possible. This government is free from Kashmir committee Mulah haramkhour and is doing some real work.

The fact is that most militant groups have long outlived their usefulness for us. Today the world has changed. Diplomatically you have to show you are not linked with any organization not controlled by the government.

How does it look when an attack launched outside Pakistan is accepted by a spokesperson sitting inside Pakistan and openly claiming they carried out the attack.
Indians are behind all the terrorist attacks inside Pakistan but I have never known of any one calling news channels and accepting responsibility while sitting in India.

This is the big difference .

For the freedom war to achieve anything people sitting in Kashmir must fight and accept responsibility. Pakistan can provide logistics and support but not platform to issue press releases from.

Knowing where you belong, realize your weaknesses and address issues causing world to look away from us is better than over estimating our position in the world and making empty noise and threats that no one will listen to.
Nice post dude...!
Nicely written with clear and crisp points.
ab kia iskay bhi balls lick karnay hain??? bay tuttay choos choos kay mar jaye ga!!! :wacko:

Bro do you talk to your family like this too? This forum is full of wired people with some bizarre upbringing of some members. As if we didn’t have Shortage of arrogance , cocky, self righteous and all knowing types here we have a gutter type showing up.
Bro do you talk to your family like this too? This forum is full of wired people with some bizarre upbringing of some members. As if we didn’t have Shortage of arrogance , cocky, self righteous and all knowing types here we have a gutter type showing up.
Just talkin to em in the language they understand!
Bro do you talk to your family like this too? This forum is full of wired people with some bizarre upbringing of some members. As if we didn’t have Shortage of arrogance , cocky, self righteous and all knowing types here we have a gutter type showing up.

Add to that traitors, mental slaves, and intellectually stunted.
Allow me to address your ignorance.

lol. PAF has been deterring IAF threats all along the entire border for your kind and incomplete information.

Since 27th, there have been more than 30 attempts by IAF all along the border with sizeable formations to attempt ingress in Pakistan which have been thwarted successfully. This throws your argument of localised air superiority out of the window.

Every now and then, your Su-30's and Mirages are hiding behind commercial airliners going north and try to be clever. You dont even know what you're talking about.

Good. 27th was like a piece of cake. Nearly took the honour out of the battle. Nearly. :D

I suppose you mean that if IAF goes all out against PAF, IAF will not even achieve a modicum of success. Taking this further, this should extend to all branches of the Indian armed forces against the Pakistani counterpart.

This makes sense. This is the most important reason why PA has agreed to reduce its budget requirements - the requirement increased only because of WoT, which has achieved military success and hence PA need not have the same tempo of operations.

More power to you.
This is what we have already given up:

1. Material support to the Kashmir cause. The PTI government will only make ineffective, feel good noises and Modi understands this.

2. Further acceptance and confirmation by our top leadership that we have terrorist groups and we need to do more.

3. Not even a whimper in the Security Council about India's aggression against us. In today's world, unilateral action against another state is the purvey of a very closed group of powers such as America, France, and Russia. India just joined that club. Look around and see what happens when you are aggressive outside the boundaries of your own country. Saddam Hussain is gone. Iran has America knocking on its doorstep. Russia has had CAATSA imposed on it. Yet not a single word against India. Instead, France, Britain, and America stood shoulder to shoulder with India to once again show Pakistan in a bad light. The matter of Maulana Masood Azhar is a bilateral issue between Pakistan and India. But siding with India to declare him a global terrorist, these powers have openly declared support for Indian narrative, despite blatant Indian aggression.

4. Terror attack happens in India, it attacks Pakistan. Terror attack happens in Pakistan against Navy and PAF personnel, and no action against India. And to add salt to injury, on the one hand Indian foreign minister speaks to SMQ, and on the other hand Modi gives cold shoulder to IK in his swearing in ceremony. And your PM is making excuses that it's just Indian politics. I have said this before: no shame amongst the shameless, no indignity amongst the dishonorable.

And I can tell you what is the root cause of all this. India has you by the balls in FATF. This terrorist nation that sent Kalbhushan Jadhav, is sitting in the APG, deciding whether Pakistan has done enough against terrorist financing.

Here is what could be done differently. After Feb 27 when world leaders tried to diffuse tensions, we should have labelled India as an aggressor and demanded a declaration of truce by India. We should then have made the case that this nation is irresponsible and a war monger, and has no place in prestigious bodies such as FATF.

But we have a lame duck, impotent leadership who are mentally subjugated in front of their Western masters. They just have to say "Jump" and our leadership asks "How high?". That's the real problem.
Allow me to address your ignorance.

lol. PAF has been deterring IAF threats all along the entire border for your kind and incomplete information.

Since 27th, there have been more than 30 attempts by IAF all along the border with sizeable formations to attempt ingress in Pakistan which have been thwarted successfully. This throws your argument of localised air superiority out of the window.

Every now and then, your Su-30's and Mirages are hiding behind commercial airliners going north and try to be clever. You dont even know what you're talking about.

Good. 27th was like a piece of cake. Nearly took the honour out of the battle. Nearly. :D
Sir can you tell me the name of Indian jets who were coming in formations to sialkot, Bahwalpur and other areas on 26th Feb?
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It indeed is. This is one of the reason why we're not allowing any traffic from there. They can easily sneak inside Pakistan whilst hiding beneath one of their commercial airliner.

Knowing Indians, the next thing they'd do is to brag about infiltrating Pakistan. lol.
Hmm but how did we know they are hiding behind commercial jets when we have closed our airepace?
Allow me to address your ignorance.

lol. PAF has been deterring IAF threats all along the entire border for your kind and incomplete information.

Since 27th, there have been more than 30 attempts by IAF all along the border with sizeable formations to attempt ingress in Pakistan which have been thwarted successfully. This throws your argument of localised air superiority out of the window.

Every now and then, your Su-30's and Mirages are hiding behind commercial airliners going north and try to be clever. You dont even know what you're talking about.

Good. 27th was like a piece of cake. Nearly took the honour out of the battle. Nearly. :D


Korean airliner 747 shot down by russian mig---
Look at this way, to show how bad IAF did their job. Mirage 2000 of IAF failed to hit their mark. The predecessor of the Mirage 2000, ie the Mirage V all hit their marks. How can anything further highlight the poor training, low human resource quality in the IAF than this fact ?

It indeed is. This is one of the reason why we're not allowing any traffic from there. They can easily sneak inside Pakistan whilst hiding beneath one of their commercial airliner.

Knowing Indians, the next thing they'd do is to brag about infiltrating Pakistan. lol.
Your thoughts @airomerix on the possibilities mentioned >here< and >here<.
Look at this way, to show how bad IAF did their job. Mirage 2000 of IAF failed to hit their mark. The predecessor of the Mirage 2000, ie the Mirage V all hit their marks. How can anything further highlight the poor training, low human resource quality in the IAF than this fact ?
Because it was poorly planned. It could have been a very different case if one of the dropped ordnance hit a house or target.
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