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26/11-like attack in Kenya, Indians among 39 killed

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What about muslims here on this forum? Why should they suffer Islamaphobia rants for no reason.
You wanna put down an entire country because of some Terrorists?

So are you comfortable with these Al shabab guys putting down an entire religion for their own twisted logic?
If you believe that tactical A-bombs can get rid of Al-Shabab in areas of somalia then I'd say go for it.Retaliation is a must.

No, I am not that type. What I say and do is different. But I am angry, that's why I vent my anger. As for bombing...If only scientists could develop some kind of AI(Artificial Intelligence) bomb. I also do not want to wash my hand with blood of children.
africa is incapable of holding a civilization; they are in a perpetual state of anarchy. This only made news because of all the foreigners killed.
I don't agree with him but he has a point.Indians here are using this tragedy to stoke hate against Islam.
They have the right to be angry but they should take out their anger out on Al-shabab.

Come with any other excuse to damn Indians. 'Indians using this to stoke hate against Islam' is boring.........
No, I am not that type. What I say and do is different. But I am angry, that's why I vent my anger. As for bombing...If only scientists could develop some kind of AI(Artificial Intelligence) bomb. I also do not want to wash my hand with blood of children.

The children aren't innocent themselves, no one in africa is. They seem to condone these types of atrocities, even take pleasure by them. africans don't want to improve their condition they seem contempt with it.
africa is incapable of holding a civilization; they are in a perpetual state of anarchy. This only made news because of all the foreigners killed.

If the Europeans hadn't enslaved, stole, looted African countries and people, they would be pretty average I would think.
Come with any other excuse to damn Indians. 'Indians using this to stoke hate against Islam' is boring.........

This strikes home with it as it is an african.

Ḥashshāshīn;4798523 said:
If the Europeans hadn't enslaved, stole, looted African countries and people, they would be pretty average I would think.

Stop blaming others. Europeans pillage the whole world. The rest of us are improving our condition. And even before that have you people ever had a civilization, save for Arabic Egyptians?
Ḥashshāshīn;4798481 said:
Firstly, this was a response to Kenya sending troops to Somalia. And no, 99.9% of terrorists are not Muslims. Go look up FBI's own records. Looks like you need a history lesson.

I think he is talking about religion centeric terrorism. America is not the only country, where you find terrorist. May be american terrorist are less than 0.1% of total terrorist population. It may not be 99.9%, but it is surely not less than 98%.
I think, atleast half of total killed has Indian origin....... If India can't retaliate in Somalia, then Navy, Indian Govt should take those aircraft carriers into their *****....as simple as that.

Once Nehru and Patel told after Independence, that when India acquires military might, it will protect Indian and Indian origin people all over the world.
But now? If it was America, they would have bombed somalia to ashes.
Somalia is recovering since forever,it's like a sick dog who might infect others while roaming around.Better to be put down now and be taken out of it's misery.

Put your hands up if you actually know sh!t about the situations in Africa..... No? Just like I guess.
Ḥashshāshīn;4798523 said:
If the Europeans hadn't enslaved, stole, looted African countries and people, they would be pretty average I would think.

Took you long enough to trace this back to the original "whites did it"
I've been asking this question for some time on this forum,without getting an aswer,i'll try again

How in the world that europeans who were for hundreds of years conquered by muslim turks don't sit around all day moaning,recruting child soldiers and generally f%ck things in their countries because ..."ya know ze evil muslims pillaged us for hundreds of years"......Why on Earth Asian nations are developed or quickly developing altough "ze evil whites colonised them to"?????

Put your hands up if you actually know sh!t about the situations in Africa..... No? Just like I guess.

Lol,you ask..you answer yourself.Great debate! Take a hike son,clearly you're deficient.
Lol,you ask..you answer yourself.Great debate! Take a hike son,clearly you're deficient.

This is coming from a guy advocating the destruction of a country that does not not even sanctioned or harbor the Terrorists committing this act.

You should run for presidency in the US.:cheesy:
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